2Current situation and effectiveness of the harm
reduction in Bulgaria
- In Bulgaria enough harm reduction programs
operate only on the territory of Sofia and in
couple of other bigger Bulgarian towns - In the other country towns only the first steps
have been made in this direction
3Bulgaria has one of the most repressive laws on
drugs in Europe, which
- Makes the contact with drug users extremely
difficult, as the penalties for possession of
minimal quantities are from 3 to 15 years
imprisonment - Makes the needle-exchange programs semi-illegal
by the meaning of the law, although the official
policy is in support of harm reduction
4The world-wide effective harm reduction
practices, implemented in Bulgaria are
- Needle-exchange programs
- Maintaining treatment
- Prevention and control of HIV and Hepatitis C
- Outreach work and counseling
- All of them benefit both addicts and society at
large, save lives and enormous sums to the
taxpayers .
5Needle exchange is connected with the outreach
work and the counseling. They
- Prevent the outburst of blood-born diseases
epidemics - Save enormous sums to the public healthcare
system and to juridical systems - Restrict the criminality and the commercial sex
work, related to drugs using
6The problems under the Bulgarian conditions are
- In many cases the outreach workers and the
counselors in the newly opened programmes are
mere bureaucrats - The programs operate sluggishly, ineffectively
and are contestably cost effective - Some of them have not managed to establish
contacts with drug users for more than a year
7The counseling is almost pointless under the
Bulgarian conditions, because
- All of the opportunities for treatment, are
extremely limited and insufficient - After the new law on drugs was enacted, the
access to the drug users community became really
difficult for the outreach workers, because the
addicts fear of police racket and harassment
8Besides the above mentioned benefits, the
maintaining treatment also
- Secures the necessary for the users time to
overcome their psychological addiction - The medications do not have a distinct euphoric
effect and enable the patients to start living a
completely valuable life - Its low price enables the addicts live without
being forced to commit crimes - Is 10 times more cost effective than the
prosecution of the drugs related crimes and the
support of inmates
9The main problems, connected with the maintaining
treatment in Bulgaria are
- The free methadone programs do not offer enough
effectively neither of the additional obligator
services like psychotherapies, social work,
family planning, etc. - The extremely limited number of slots in the free
state methadone programs, and the financially
unaffordable private maintaining programs
10The prevention and the control of HIV and
Hepatitis C can be effective only when
- All of the three of the above harm reduction
practices function perfectly well - There are possibilities for free access to
sterile injecting equipment - There are possibilities for free blood tests for
the representatives of the marginalized risky
communities and the people are motivated for
regular checks of their status
11The problems with the prevention and the control
of HIV and Hep. C in Bulgaria are
- Such a project, which should have been operating
for already year and a half, was implemented on a
larger bases only a couple of months ago - Bigger part of the infected drug users do not
receive treatment