Title: Mechanisms of Allergic Immunity
1Mechanisms of Allergic Immunity crah1_at_le.ac.uk
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5Normal larynx
Laryngeal oedema
6Cellular culprits of allergy Mast cells
- Most informative early analysis conducted in
patients with asthma - Early studies (pre-1980) implicated mast cells
and histamine as part of an archetypal
immediate type I hypersensitivity - Provoked by allergenic and non allergenic
substances - Explained atopic and non-atopic asthma
- Explained why mast cell stabilising drugs worked
7Cellular culprits of allergy Mast cells??
- Corticosteroid treatment worked, but had no
effect on histamine release - Anti-histamine treatment had little effect on
asthma - Could not explain organ specificity of asthma
- Could not explain the hyperresponsive airway in
asymptomatic asthmatics - Fibreoptic bronchoscopy - immunohistology,
biopsy and analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage
(BAL) cells (1980s - present)
8Cellular culprits of allergy T cells
- The early evidence
- Eosinophil mononuclear cells infiltrate the
bronchi of asthmatics - Activated T cells elevated in the peripheral
blood of severe acute asthmatics - Activated T cells in peripheral blood correlated
with airway narrowing - Bronchial CD4 lymphocyte numbers correlated with
eosinophil numbers - Elevated IL-5 expressing T cells in asthmatic
bronchial mucosa and BAL - T cells that release IL-5 co-localise with
eosinophils - Eosinophils cause airway hyperresponsiveness,
inflammation desquamative bronchitis, mucous
hypersecretion and smooth muscle contraction - IL-5 promotes differentiation and regulates the
survival of eosinophils - Steroid treatment associated with a decrease in
IL-5 producing cells
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10Cellular culprits of allergy T cells
Wider analysis of cytokines in atopy showed that
BAL T cells that expressed elevated levels of
IL-5, also expressed IL-4 - a profile typical of
Th2 cells in mice
IL-3 Growth of progenitor haemopoeitic
cells GM-CSF Myelopoiesis. IL-4 B cell
activation and growth IgE isotype
switch. Induction of MHC class II. Macrophage
inhibition IL-5 Eosinophil growth IL-6 B cell
growth Acute phase protein release IL-10 Inhibits
macrophage activation Inhibits Th1
cells TGF-? Inhibits macrophage activation
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12Textbook scheme of allergic immunity is centred
around polarised Th cells
Where do Th2 cells come from? Why are they so
dominant in allergic individuals?What are they
really for?
13The discovery of Th1 and Th2 subsets
Journal of Immunology 136, 2348-2357 1986
14In vitro - Th1 and Th2 subsets
15Relevance in vivo - Infection
Leishmania - specific T cells
Reiner Locksley Annu. Rev. Immunol. 13,
151-177, 1995
16Relevance in vivo - Infection
Pro-Th1 treatments or anti-Th2 treatments
protect against infection
17Leishmania resistance - mechanism
Macrophage infected with Leishmania kills
pathogen when activated Macrophage activation is
dependent upon Th1 cells
18Relevance of Th subsets in humans Lepromatous and
tuberculoid leprosy
Infection with Mycobacterium leprae shows two
main clinical forms associated with Th1 and Th2
Tuberculoid leprosy Low infectivity Localised
infection Normal serum Ig Normal T cell
response Poor growth of mycobacteria in
Lepromatous leprosy High infectivity Disseminated
infection Hypergammaglobulinaemia Unresponsive
Florid growth of mycobacteria in macrophages
19Tuberculoid leprosy
20Lepromatous Leprosy
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22Textbook scheme of allergic immunity is centred
around polarised Th cells
- Immunological fashions
- 1960s 1970s Immunoglobulin E
- 1970s 1980s Mast cells Eosinophils
- 1980s 1990s Environment ante-natal adult,
allergens, Th2 cells - 1990s 2000s Microbial experience, Epithelium,
Tregs - Although undoubtedly a useful model, the textbook
skew to Th2 model is too simplistic to explain
allergy - Allergy is a disease of impaired immune
regulation - Where is the regulatory lesion?
23Allergic immune responses are much like any other
immune response and involves the same regulators
Non self protein from allergen or pathogen
Barrier Skin, gut, lung, eye, nose etc
Inflammation inc. MIP-1a, MCP-1 MIP-1b
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25Migration of immature DC to sites of
inflammation Sallusto et al., Eur. J. Immunol.
1998 28 2760-2769
Immature DC migrate into inflamed tissue in
response to MIP-1a, MCP-1 MIP1-b which bind to,
and trigger CCR1, CCR2 and CCR5 respectively.
26Migration of mature DC to 2º lymphoid
tissue Sallusto et al., Eur. J. Immunol. 1998 28
Mature DC stop migrating into inflamed tissue and
make no response to MIP-1a, MCP-1 MIP1-b
27DC T cell interactions in the lymph node
Mempel, T.R et al Nature 427 154-159, 2004.
Not pulsed with Ag
Imaging at various timepoints
28Early entry of DC to the lymph node Mempel, T.R
et al Nature 427 154-159, 2004.
1. DCs strategically cluster around HEV 18hr
after entering the LN
2. Distribution of Ag-loaded DCs and T cells is
ordered 4-5hr after T cells are injected
293. DC become highly migratory change shape
304. T cells cover large territories in LN
316. Short, serial T cell-DC contacts of 5
minutes (2-4hrs after injection of T cells)
7. Stable T cell-DC conjugates of 30-180 minutes
(8-12hr after injection of T cells)
8. Simultaneous stable and dynamic interactions
between DC and T cells
325. 44hr after injection of T cells, DCs decrease
motility and become anchored to reticular fibres,
T cells rapidly migrate again
33More information than is provided by the antigen
is exchanged between the DC and T cell
DC have a profound influence on the properties of
the T cell that develops
34Signals 1, 2
and 3
Signal 1 antigen antigen receptor
Signal 2 B7 - CD28 Costimulation
Signals 1 2 activate T cells to proliferation
and effector function But what tunes the
response to Th1 or Th2?
35Polarised DC subsets
The properties of the allergen, or allergen
carrier influences the DC to drive the
development of appropriate Th cells
36Microbial Patterns
Janeway Medzhitov 2002 Ann Rev Immunol 20
- Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPS)
- Conserved microbial molecules shared by many
pathogens - Include
- Bacterial lipopolysaccharides
- Peptidoglycan
- Zymosan
- Flagellin
- Unmethylated CpG DNA
- Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRR)
- Include
- Toll like receptors
- Receptors for apoptotic cells
- Receptors for opsonins
- Receptors for coagulation and complement
- Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPS)
- Conserved microbial molecules shared by many
pathogens - Include
- Bacterial lipopolysaccharides
- Peptidoglycan
- Zymosan
- Flagellin
- Unmethylated CpG DNA
37Type 1 and 2 DC Polarising PAMPS
Th1 polarisingfactor IL-12
Th2 polarisingfactor CCL2 (MCP-1)
38Type 1 PAMPS and their PRR
Peptidoglycan (Gram bacteria) Lipoproteins Lipoa
rabinomannan (Mycobacteria) LPS (Leptospira) LPS
(Porphyromonas) Glycophosphatylinositol - (T.
Cruzi) Zymosan (Yeast)
LPS Lipotechoic acid - (Gram bacteria) RSV F
Unmethylated CpG DNA
Low level IL-12p70 Some ligandsinduce IL-10or
39Type 2 PAMPS and their PRR
40Endogenous molecular patterns
- Endogenous molecular patterns
- Include
- Heat shock proteins
- (HSP60 HSP70 GP96)
- Extracellular matrix proteins
- (hyaluronan, fibronectin, fibrinogen)
- Immune complexes
- Surfactant protein A
- Necrotic cell components
- Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRR)
- Include
- Toll like receptors
- Receptors for apoptotic cells
- Receptors for opsonins
- Receptors for coagulation and complement
Receptors for apoptotic cells Receptor
s for opsonins Receptors for coagulation
and complement proteins
41Indirect activation of DC by modulatory tissue
Activates the expression of costimulatory
molecules on DC
42DC polarisation by modulatory tissue factors
DC polarising factorsIFN-g IFN-a IFN-b
Th0 to Th1 polarising cytokines IL-12p70 IL-27
TNF-b IL-18
DC polarising factorsCCL7 (MCP-3), CCL13
(MCP-4), PGE2, Histamine
Th0 to Th2 polarising cytokinesCCL2 (MCP-1),
?IL-4 Lack of high level IL-12p70 IL-27 TNF-b
43Sources of modulatory tissue factors
44Explains how Th2 arise, but
does not explains why some individuals are
allergic and others are not and why the incidence
of allergy is increasing. Reduced numbers of
IL-12 producing cells? Reduced ability to produce
or respond to IL-12? Reduced stimulation of IL-12
by microbial substances?
The hygiene hypothesis (Strachan, 1989) Based
upon the epidemiology of hay fever Declining
family size, improved household amenities, and
higher standards of personal cleanliness have
reduced the opportunities for cross-infection in
young families. This may have resulted in more
widespread clinical expression of atopic disease"
..can be interpreted in terms of a failure to
microbially modulate default Th2 responses in
young families
45Neonatal infant immune systems
Serial infections
46Delayed maturation of Th1 capacity
Few serial infections hygiene, small family
size etc
47Do infections only reduce Th2 dominance by
inducing Th1 responses?
Have the Th1 cells induced by the mycobacteria
downregulated the activity of the Th2 responsible
for the symptoms?
48Do infections only reduce Th2 dominance by
inducing Th1 responses?
Mycobacteria induced REGULATORY T cells
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50Priming conditions IFNg U/ml IL-4
pg/ml Control Ab 5892 256 Anti-IFNg Ab 1534
624 IL-4 control Ab 1740 839 IL-4
anti-IFNg Ab 348 1245
51IL-4 from the innate immune system
IL-4 is not only a product of Th2 cells
IL-4, IL-5
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53What properties and characteristics make a
substance an allergen? How do these properties
disregulate the processes described?
54L. destructor
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56Allergens of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus
Der p 1 Cysteine protease Der p 2 ? Der p
3 Trypsin (serine protease) Der p 4 Amylase Der
p 5 ? Der p 6 Chymotrypsin (serine
protease) Der p 7 ? Der p 8 Glutathione
transferase Der p 9 Collagenase (serine
protease) Der p 10 Tropomyosin Der p
14 Apolipophorin like protein
Proteinase allergens are common and
widespread Fungi, insects, plants, parasites,
drugs (butmost allergens are not proteases)
57Protease allergens can breach epithelial barriers
Wan et al., Der p 1 facilitates transepithelial
allergen delivery by disruption of tight
junctions J Clin Invest, 1999, 104, 123-133
Leads to immune sensitisation without the
deliberate invasion and infection mechanisms of
a pathogen
58Proteases as activators of cells
Protease Activated Receptors
PAR Activators Inactivators PAR1 Thro
mbin, Trypsin Granzyme A Cathepsin G,
Elastase, Plasmin Proteinase
3 PAR2 Trypsin, Tryptase, Factor Xa,
Proconvertin Cathepsin G,, Plasmin, Proteinase
3 PAR3 Thrombin Cathepsin G,
Elastatase PAR4 Thrombin, Trypsin, Cathepsin
G ?
59Journal of Immunology 2001 167 1014-1021
- PAR are also involved in
- Induction of of epithelial cell fibroblast
proliferation - Induction of cytokines chemokine expression
- Induction of pharmacological mediator release
- Induction of metalloproteases
- Regulation of smooth muscle tone
60Do protease allergens induce IL-4 release by Mast
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62Constitutive Induced CytokineExpression by
KU812 Basophils
63Der p1 Induces Cytokine Type-2 Cytokine
mRNA Expression in KU812
64Protease Inhibitors Do Not Prevent Cytokine
mRNA Expression by KU812
PMA/Ionomycin Inhibitors
65Non-Proteolytic Antigens Do Not Induce
Cytokine mRNA Expression by KU812
Tetanus toxoid
Time (hr)
66Der p1 induces IL-4 and IL-13 protein expression
in Freshly isolated Basophils
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68Necator Americanus Proteases Induce Type-2
Cytokine Expression by KU812
- Inhibitors
0 ES
0 ES
100ng/ml ES
200ng/ml ES
100ng/ml ES
200ng/ml ES
1000ng/ml ES
1000ng/ml ES
69Der p1 and hookworm excretory/secretory products
induce IL-4 and IL-13 protein expression in
KU812 Basophils
70The switch to IgE
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72Switch regions
- Switch regions - repetitive regions of DNA that
physically recombine - Upstream of C regions
- The Sm consists of 150 repeats of
(GAGCT)n(GGGGGT) where n is between 3 and 7. - Switching is mechanistically similar to V(D)J
73Switch recombination to IgE
- A three signal process
- Antigen controls entire process
- Soluble help via IL-4 or IL-13 from T helper
cells - Cognate help via CD40 L from T helper cells
74T cell help to B cells
75Switch recombination to IgE
- A three signal process
- Antigen
- Soluble help via IL-4 or IL-13 from T helper
cells - Cognate help via CD40 L from T helper cells
76Soluble help via IL-4 or IL-13 from T helper cells
Dimerised Stat-6 translocates to nucleus
77Switch recombination to IgE
- A three signal process
- Antigen
- Soluble help via IL-4 or IL-13 from T helper
cells - Cognate help via CD40 L from T helper cells
78Cognate help via CD40 L from T helper cells
Uninhibited NFkB translocates to the nucleus
79Activation of the Ie promoter
Activation/cytokine responsive promoter
BSAP B cell specific activator protein. C/EBP
CCAAT/enhancer binding protein. PU.1 Spi1
equivalent in humans, ets transcription factor
80Germline IgE transcripts
Germline transcripts
Why has this mechanism evolved to transcribe just
the C region? VHDHJH is needed to make a
functional IgE Why is the epsilon switch region
spliced out?
81What do germline transcripts do?
S region RNA hybridises with template DNA
82Mechanism of class switch recombination
1. S region in the genomic DNA melts
2. S region RNA spliced from germline RNA
transcript hybridises to single-stranded DNA
R loop
3. ssDNA R loop formed a substrate for AID -
83Activation-induced cytidine deaminase
B cell activation by antigen leads to
Soluble help via Th cell IL-4 or IL-13 Induces
Stat 6
Cognate help via Th cell CD40 L from T helper
Releases NFkB from IkB
AID gene is expressed under the same conditions
as B cells induced to switch Ig isotype
84Activation-induced cytidine deaminase
- Expressed only in B cells
- Involved in isotype class switching somatic
hypermutation - AID knockout mice do not class switch Ig isotype
- Ectopic expression in non B cells causes class
switch - Mutation in the AID gene can cause hyper IgM
syndrome - Deaminates cytidine on ssDNA, i.e. substitutes U
for C
85Preferred Se region target sequence for AID
86Activation induced cytidine deaminase
AID mediated deamination of cytidine to Uridine
87G - U mismatch repair
Base is removed, but backbone remains intact
88G - U mismatch repair
DNA is now nicked to produce a single strand break
89Processing of staggered ends
90Process occurs in two S regions simultaneously
- Activation of Im Ie promoter by Ag, IL-4/13 and
CD40L - Production of germline transcripts and splicing
of Sm and Se - Deamination of ssDNA in Sm and Se by AID
- Base excision and mismatch repair
- Blunt-ended ds breaks and synapsis of Sm to Se by
non-homologous end joining
91Non-homologous end joining in class switch
Closely resembles another B cell Ig gene mechanism
Defects in NHEJ proteins impair class switch
BCL-6 binds to the Stat-6 binding site and
represses switching
- BCL-6 -/- mice have enhanced IgE isotype
switching - BCL-6 -/- Stat6 -/- mice have no IgE
- An RFLP has been mapped to the first intron of
the BCL-6 gene that is significantly associated
with atopy - but not IgE levels
Transcription blocked
Stat6 is involved in Th2 cell differentiation,
the expression of CD23 (the low affinity IgE
receptor) and VCAM expression BCL-6 may exert
its anti/pro-allergic activities via these genes
93Additional areas to think about
Cant get over a 2.2 mark without showing
evidence of outside reading in answers
94- Relationship between isotype switch, somatic
hypermutation and proliferation of B cells in the
germinal centre - What is the relationship between the deliberately
mutagenic mechanisms of isotype switch and
somatic hypermutation in B cells and the
propensity of B cells to form tumours - Where are the holes in the skew to Th2 model of
allergy? - What are allergic responses really for?
95What are allergic immune responses really for?
96Text book view
Helminth infections induce IgE, mastocytosis and
eosinophilia A classic Th2-driven response
Heavily parasitised individuals exist - despite
Th2 responses and eosinophilia. Scarce in vivo
evidence of eosinophil and IgE control of
helminth infection Yet IL-4 may be involved -
Trichuris muris model
Else et al., 1994 J. Exp Med 179 347-351
98Th2 cells themselves may not be needed
IL-4 from any source is sufficient to induce worm
Urban et al., 1995 J. Immunol. 154, 4675-4684