Title: Marriage and the Black Family LDER 0007b
1Marriage and the Black Family(LDER 0007b)
Institute for Black Catholic Studies
- This course will focus on the centrality of
marriage ministry in the Church. - It will review the past and present history of
the Catholic Church's ministry to married
couples. - It will explore the cultural relevance of
contemporary Catholic marriage and enrichment and
preparation programs. - It will present some of the best practices for
effective outreach among African Americans. - Participants will creatively discuss the
possibilities for future parish based marriage
ministry for African Americans in light of Church
teaching and new opportunities presented by the
modern marriage movement.
3Andrew Terri Lyke
- Leaders in Christian marriage preparation,
education and enrichment since 1982. - National trainers of curricula used in the
Healthy Marriage Initiative. - They have written articles for local and national
publications. - Founders of Arusi Network, Inc., a not-for-profit
organization that educates African Americans on
the skills and benefits of Christian marriage. - Married in 1975 and are the parents of two young
4Andrew Lyke
- Coordinator of Marriage Ministry for the
Archdiocese of Chicago. - Executive Director of Arusi Network, Inc.
- Outreach Coordinator and principle partner for
Family Bridges Chicagoland Healthy Marriage
Initiative - Principle author of In the Spirit of Cana The
Marriage Ministry Guidelines for the Archdiocese
of Chicago.
5This week . . .
- Monday Overview of the state of marriage in the
African American CommunityFor Your Marriage
USCCB Pastoral InitiativeCatholic Marriage
Ministry with African AmericansMarriage
Preparation - Tuesday FOCCUS Premarital Inventory Coach
Training - Thursday Exploring Relationships and Marriage
with Fragile FamiliesHealthy Marriage Initiative - Friday Arusi Marriage Retreat
6In the beginning . . .
7Benefits of Marriage
- Married people are happier, healthier and live
longer. - Married couples enjoy greater sexual
satisfaction. - When marriage is strong, so is family life, and
so is society.
8P E P P
- rimacy
- mpowerment
- rotection
- rayer
Couples need assurances that their marriage is
the primary relationship, above friends, extended
family, and even children.
Couples need the necessary skills to build
intimacy and develop the confidence that they are
in a good and right situation, and that it can
Couples need support systems to use as armor to
shield them from the negative influences of the
Couples need to develop and nurture a shared
spirituality, and have an awareness of God
working in and through their marriage for the
betterment of their relationship, their family,
community, and society.
14Family of Origin
15Effective Communication
- Reflection
- Self-disclosure
- Active Listening
- Gained Insight
16Effective Communication
17Skilled / Unskilled
18Paschal Mystery of Christ
19Effective Marriage Ministry
- Formation
- Preparation
- Celebration
- Continuing Education
- Statement that says
- who we are (identity)
- what we are about (purpose)
- who we want to be (vision)
- whats important (values)
- Inclusive of others
- Public
- Readily accessible