Preparing for Academic Success - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Preparing for Academic Success


Many entering freshmen are unaware of the requirements and time commitment ... The Uncritical Thinker. Pretend to knows more than he does. Gets annoyed by problems ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Preparing for Academic Success

Preparing for Academic Success
  • Learning Assistance Center (LAC)
  • Division of Student Affairs Services
  • University Pavilion, Suite 120
  • (513) 556-3244- Main

  • Many entering freshmen are unaware of the
    requirements and time commitment needed to be
    successful in college. This workshop reviews what
    is needed for a successful experience at the
    University of Cincinnati. It is the goal of the
    Learning Assistance Center to provide
    information designed to help you hit the ground
    running with a firm grasp of what it takes to be
    a successful college
  • student.
  • While much of the enclosed information may seem
    elementary, it forms a crucial part of your
    academic and personal development in college.
    Preparing for Academic Success begins with a
    review of what you might experience during your
    freshman year at the University of Cincinnati.
    This is followed by an outline of the four
    aspects of academic success Personal
    Development, Campus Involvement, Utilizing Campus
    Resources, and
  • Career Development.

Before the First Year
  • The Learning Assistance Center recommends that
    every entering freshman participate in Bearcat
    Bound Summer Orientation before attending the
    University of Cincinnati in the fall. Some things
    to keep in mind during the summer include

Use the Summer Wisely
  • Enroll in Summer Courses Get started with your
    college requirements during a summer session at
    UC or a community college. Discuss your options
    with your advisor during orientation to ensure
    that credits earned will transfer.
  • Pick an Early Orientation Session Courses at
    the University of Cincinnati are filled on a
    first come-first served basis. Attending earlier
    orientation sessions give you a better choice of
    classes with fewer closed registration.
  • Use a Map to Schedule Classes Using a map of
    the campus while you register for classes will
    help you prevent scheduling classes too distant
    from each other. You do not want have to run
    across campus between classes to make your next
  • Buy Books while here for Summer Orientation
    Buying your books early will give you time to
    review them before the quarter begins. You might
    also avoid long lines, find used books that are
  • Keep Your Book Receipts If you decide to drop
    a course at the beginning of the quarter, you
    will need your receipt to get the full price
  • Attend welcome week programs These programs
    provide valuable information about various campus
    organizations, college information and
    entertainment, as well as how to access various
    campus resources.
  • Grab a Local Telephone Book It is important
    when you move to a new community to obtain a
    local telephone book to help find resources
    within the community such as grocery stores,
    restaurants, dentists, physicians, pharmacies or
    Western Union. These resources will enable you to
    easily transition into your new surroundings.

Common Emotional Conflicts of University Students
  • There are a number of social or emotional
    conflicts experienced by first year college
    students. These common conflicts are a source for
    stress, and even though they are not experienced
    by all first year students, awareness is one key
    to successful stress management.
  • On the next slide are some examples of what
    students might experience during their first year
    at a college or university.

  • Values Crisis Students may be confronted with
    questions of conscience over values in areas such
    as morality and religion, race, drug and alcohol
    experimentation, and social and sexual
  • Inadequacy or Inferiority Crisis Feelings of
    inadequacy and inferiority can develop because of
    the discrepancy between high school status,
    grades, and initial college performance.
  • Depression Students might feel depressed because
    of real or perceived restrictive policies and
    regulations of the university.
  • Culture Shock The multitude of new experiences
    and situations can seem overwhelming.
  • Financial Management Financial problems can
    cause stress to develop.
  • Organizational Crisis Poor organizational skills
    can lead to poor decision-making and poor time
  • Time Management Students who are forced to mix
    academic schedules with job requirements might
    become stressed over time pressures.

  • The Pile Pile-on Affect Freshman sometimes
    begin to realize that life at college is not as
    perfect as they were led to believe by parents,
    teachers, and counselors. Old problems seem to
    continue while new ones are added.
  • Mid-term Blues Mid-term workload pressures can
    be followed by feelings of failure and loss of
  • Values Values-II Sexual conflicts and confusion
    result when confronting different heterosexual
    standards and homosexuality for the first time.
    Also, non-dating students can experience a loss
    of esteem because so much value is placed upon
    dates. For women who do date, the pressure to
    perform sexually increases and consequently
    increases feelings of rejection, loneliness, and

  • Pile Pile-on to Pile Pile-up Academic pressure
    mounts as poor time managers (procrastinators)
    suffer from increased difficulty of work and lack
    of ability.
  • Economic anxiety Funds from parents, grants,
    or loans begin to run out loans become due.
  • Right or Wrong Friends Some students have
    ceased to make attempts at establishing new
    friendships beyond two or three parasitic
  • Pending Doom Anxiety, fear, and guilt can
    increase as final examinations approach and
    papers are due.

  • Time Strain train Seasonal parties, concerts,
    social service projects, and religious activities
    can be very draining.
  • Escapism Drug and alcohol use can increase as
    students do not adequately deal with issues they
    are facing.
  • Pre (and Post) Christmas Blues Depression can
    set if its the first Christmas away from family
    or there is conflict within the family.
  • Financial Strain rain Christmas gifts and
    travel costs need to be budgeted with school
    needs and activities.

January - June
  • Academic Probation Shock The start of a new
    quarter on Academic Probation forces students to
    reevaluate the performance and difficulties from
    the fall.
  • Weather Blues Brings Cabin Fever Snow and bad
    weather cause a great deal of anxiety and
  • More Probationary Shock The optimism of a
    fresh start for the quarter disappears as the
    winter quarter drones.
  • Social Life Blues Depression often increases
    in those students who have failed to establish
    supporting relationships.
  • Pre Pre-re registration Frustration and
    confusion develop because of decisions necessary
    for pre-registration.
  • Major Bummer Students may feel pressured to
    select a major.
  • Summer Finances Summer job pressures begin to
  • Dont Give Up! Do not allow these (and or
    other) her) mounting academic pressures force you
    to temporarily give up.
  • These incidents are key times to contact the
    Learning Assistance Center for help!

Terms, Definitions Customs
  • Degree abbreviations Credits needed
  • A.A. Associate of Arts 60 credit hours
  • A.S. Associate of Science
  • A.A.S. Associate of Applied Science
  • B.A. Bachelor of Arts 120 credit hours
  • B.S. Bachelor of Science (no foreign language)
  • M.A. Master of Arts 30 graduate credit hours
  • M.Ed. Master of Education
  • M.S. Master of Science
  • Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy 90 graduate credit
  • Ed.D. Doctor of Education

Terms Definitions
  • A student must be registered for twelve (12) or
    more credit hours per quarter in order to
    maintain fulltime Status.
  • A student registered for at least six (6) credit
    hours maintains part-time status.
  • College an independent and often times
    self-governing entity for the study of particular
    disciplines (i.e., College of Education, College
    of Arts Sciences, or the
  • College of Business).
  • Co-requisite A course that is taken in
    conjunction with another course.
  • Pre-requisite a course a student must complete
    and pass before registering for another course.
  • Departments, Offices Programs typically the
    smallest units within the collegiate
  • structure (i.e., Disability Services
    Office, Honors Program, Department of
  • Division the central administrative offices at
    the University of Cincinnati (i.e., Development,
    Finance, Information Technology, Student Affairs
    Services, etc.).
  • Drop Add Form form located in University
    Pavilion on the second floor students use to add
    or drop a class. There are specific deadlines for
    dropping and adding classes and the failure to
    meet these deadlines affect the students final
    grade for the class.
  • Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) See information on
    calculating your GPA.
  • Lab course in which students meet in a
    laboratory to perform experiments related to
  • class instruction. Lab classes are
    typically co-requisite courses and often led by
  • teaching assistants.

Terms Definitions
  • Lecture a presentation of material through a
    prepared speech. Lecture courses typically
    involve general topics and include a large body
    of students.
  • One Stop Center Contained within the
    University Pavilion, it is the one place where
    students can satisfy most of their administrative
    issues with the University of Cincinnati. The OSC
    houses admissions, career development, cashiers
    office, disability services, educational
    services, financial aid, learning assistance,
    registration, student records, student success
    center, and tutoring.
  • Plagiarism occurs when a person copies
    information (without citation) and passes it as
    his/her own work. The Student Handbook provides
    you with more information regarding the
    consequences of plagiarism. In short,
    plagiarizing anothers work can result in your
    expulsion from the University of Cincinnati,
    effectively ending your college career.
  • Quarter a specific length of time in which
    students take classes. Quarters are
  • comprised of three 10 or 11 week schedules of
    classes. At the University of
  • Cincinnati, three quarters equal one academic
    year, and students have the option of
  • attending an additional quarter in the summer.
  • Reserve Readings are items placed in the
    library by your professor, to enhance your
    understanding of a particular class or specific
    subject matter. Typically students must go to the
    library to check-out the item for a two hour
    window. Some reserve items are saved
    electronically and can be obtained through the
    UCIT website.

More Terms Definitions
  • Seminar a course that involves a small group
    of students, with a lot of active
  • discussion, critical reflection, and very little
  • Supplemental Instruction A peer led review
    session designed for historically difficult
    courses. Students should attend these FREE help
    sessions weekly.
  • Syllabus An outline of the requirements of a
    course including its assignments, their
  • due dates, the grading policy of the
    instructor/professor, and the final exam
  • schedule. The syllabus is often seen as a
    contract between the student and the
  • course instructor/professor.
  • Teaching Assistant (T.A.) usually a graduate
    student hired to assist the
  • instructor/professor with a course. This person
    usually holds office hours separate
  • from the instructor/professor and is available to
    help students with the course
  • material.
  • Tutor a person who has been hired by the
    Learning Assistance Center to provide assistance
    with a course you may have trouble. A tutor is
    NOT someone who completes your homework for you.
  • University includes all of its colleges,
    divisions, departments, offices and programs.
  • (I.e. University of Cincinnati, University of
    Dayton, etc.).
  • Workshop an hour course designed to cover a
    specific topic. Students usually should register
    for workshops so its facilitator has an accurate
    number of students who are expected to attend.

  • Computer Labs Students interested in using
    computer labs should begin assignments early in
    the quarter. The computer labs become busier
    during midterms and finals weeks. There are often
    waiting-lines at these facilities during these
    weeks. Getting
  • started on projects early is always the best
  • Wait Time How long do you wait for an
  • Instructor 5 minutes
  • Assistant Professor 10 minutes
  • Associate Professor 15 minutes
  • Professor 20 minutes

University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Grading
Academic Success
  • Good Study Skills A Great Attitude
  • Good study skills are a necessary part of your
    academic success at the University of Cincinnati.
    There are a number of campus-wide initiatives in
    place to help you acquire and improve your study
    skills. Some attributes of academically
    successful students include having a positive
    attitude, high motivation, and low anxiety.
    Successful students also find it easy to
    concentrate and process information (both when
    reading and listening), readily select the main
    ideas from readings, and use a variety of study
    aids, self tests, and test taking strategies to
    continue their success. Most importantly,
    successful students manage their time to maximize
    their free time!

Learning Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI)
  • All undergraduate students needing assistance
    with their study skills can work
  • with the Learning Assistance Center staff to
    create an individualized study
  • strategy program.
  • We use the Learning and Study Strategies
    Inventory (LASSI), to assess students current
    study strategies. The LASSI provides the student
    and UC a comprehensive analysis of each students
    attitudes, skills, and beliefs related to
    learning in the three components of learning
  • 1. Skill Component information processing,
    selecting main ideas, test strategies
  • 2. Will Component attitude, motivation, and
  • 3. Self-Regulation Component concentration,
    time management, self-testing, and study aids.
  • In addition, the LASSI is used as
  • A diagnostic measure to help identify areas in
    which students could benefit most from
    educational interventions
  • A counseling tool for college orientation
    programs, developmental education programs,
    learning assistance programs, and learning
  • A basis for improving all student's learning
    and study strategies and
  • An evaluation tool to assess the degree of
    success of intervention programs or courses.
  • The LASSI is easily administered in 15-20
    minutes, and students are provided with immediate

  • Class Etiquette
  • Review the course syllabus carefully at the
    beginning of the quarter and at
  • the beginning of each week of the quarter. This
    will help you schedule
  • reading time for assignments and work time for
    papers and projects.
  • Complete the assignments for each class in
    advance of the class. Never go
  • into a classroom without being familiar with the
    topic and materials.
  • Review your notes from the previous lecture and
    reading assignments before
  • each class meeting. Prepare to ask or answer
    questions about the
  • assignments.
  • Remind yourself of the role each class plays in
    your collegiate goals before
  • each class meeting.
  • Do not be late to class. Tardiness irritates
    the instructor and your classmates.

Seek Tutorial Assistance Immediately
  • Students should seek tutorial assistance if they
    anticipate or are having difficulty in a class.
    Do not wait until it is too late for the tutor to
    be effective. Tutorial Services are free and
    available to all undergraduate students for most
    courses. Tutoring begins the second week of each
    quarter and ends the last week of classes.
    Students can receive two hours of free tutoring
    each day, for a maximum of 10 hours each week.
  • The Learning Assistance Center also offers free
    24/7 online tutoring through Smarthinking Online
    Tutoring. Students can receive 10 hours of free
    online tutoring each academic year. The
    application process for tutoring takes about 3
    minutes, stop at the Learning Assistance Center
    at 120 University Pavilion, or call 556-3244.

Get Motivated
  • Determine whats important to you.
  • Visualize the future.
  • Set related goals.
  • Work with confidence and enthusiasm.

Determine a Place to Study
  • Where a place that is quiet, private, well
    lit, organized and consistent.
  • When before and after class, develop scheduled
  • What check your calendar, identify your
    priorities, and set goals for studying material.

Time Management The Key to Life Success
  • Keep a quarter calendar.
  • Review each weeks schedule at its start.
  • Update calendar as needed.
  • Review each day the evening before.
  • Create a to do list
  • Stick with your schedule.

Be Prepared for Different Lecture Styles
  • The Fast-Talking Lecture lectures that move
    like lightening, and you can
  • hardly keep up. Try recording these lectures and
    take notes from your tapes!
  • The Bewildering Lecture lectures that provide
    you with a new perspective,
  • and often times a different view of reality.
    These lectures can leave you feeling
  • uncertain about your values, beliefs, judgments,
    or question your prejudices.
  • The key to success is to keep an open mind, and
    ask questions!
  • The Disorganized Lecture lectures that are
    literally all over the place.
  • Sometimes professors take you over the hills and
    through the woods in
  • order to explain a point or describe a process.
    Success in this type of class is to
  • ask for an outline of what will be discussed, so
    you are prepared for its main
  • points!
  • The Tedious Lecture lectures that are really
    boring and make you feel like
  • sleeping. The key to success in these types of
    lectures is to come up with
  • questions from the course reader or textbook and
    ask them in class. This will
  • help you gain a better understanding, and tailor
    the class to meet your specific needs.

Stand Out as a Student
  • Attend class regularly.
  • Arrive on time.
  • Sit near the front.
  • Ask questions.
  • Participate.
  • Take advantage of extra credit options.
  • Meet with your instructor during his/her office
  • Read ahead of time.
  • Get to know your classmates.
  • Join discussions.
  • Take notes on what others say.
  • Make connections between points.
  • Review afterwards.

Know the Technology that is Needed in College
  • Word processing
  • Spreadsheets
  • Graphics
  • Presentation Software
  • Research Databases
  • The World Wide Web
  • E-mail

Be a Critical Thinker
  • The Critical Thinker
  • Acknowledges personal limitations
  • sees problems as challenges
  • Makes understanding a goal
  • Use evidence to make judgments
  • Is interested in others ideas
  • Is skeptical of extremes views
  • Think before acting
  • The Uncritical Thinker
  • Pretend to knows more than he does
  • Gets annoyed by problems
  • Is impatient
  • Judges on first impressions
  • Focuses on his own opinions
  • Looks only for ideas like his own
  • Is guided by feelings rather than thoughts

Food for thought Look at your LASSI scores and
determine what areas you need assistance. What
resources are available on campus to help you in
those areas? What can you do personally to ensure
your own academic success?
Personal Development
  • The University of Cincinnati hosts a diverse
    student population with different ideas,
    decision making, and conflict resolution tools
    are needed by every student to effectively deal
    with personal challenges caused by this
    diversity. Students who can positively deal
    with adversity will be successful.

1. Residential Life Roommates
  • Go to residence life icebreakers and floor
    activities. This is a good place to meet people,
    create friendships and learn about campus events.
  • Top 10 Ways to Make Your Roommate happy
  • 10. Buy your own shampoo and deodorant and use
  • 9. Wash your cereal bowl and socks before
    theyre green and fuzzy.
  • 8. Keep your wet towel off of the beds.
  • 7. Keep visits from friends to less than once a
  • 6. Dont hit the snooze a million times for an
    eight oclock class.
  • 5. Keep your beverages off of the computer
  • 4. Dont erase the answering machine and then
    announce, Someone called for you but I dont
    remember who.. Write it down!
  • 3. Remember, its a residence hall, a shared
    space and not a romantic hideaway.
  • 2. Dont disappear when its time to pay for
    the pizzaor anything else.
  • 1. FLUSH!

2. Set Goals
  • Identify Goal
  • Create Sub-Goals
  • Set Completion Date
  • Acknowledge Obstacles
  • Goals should be challenging, reasonable and

3. Avoid Poor Health Practices
  • Skipping Meals
  • Abusing alcohol drugs
  • Overeating
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Avoiding Exercise
  • Relying on snacks as primary food
  • Smoking

4. Be an Interpersonal Communicator
  • Engage in appropriate self-disclosure
  • Demonstrate mutual respect
  • Find a common frame of reference
  • Listen actively and check the meaning
  • Express feelings appropriately
  • Empathize
  • Accept all feelings as legitimate
  • Accept conflict

5. Manage Your Money
  • Identify Expenses
  • Identify Resources
  • Compare Expenses with Resources
  • Budget
  • Food for thought Thinking about the current
    skills you possess, what could you enhance to
    create and or foster personal development?

Campus Involvement
  • The University of Cincinnati has over 300
    student programs and organizations students can
    join. Not only does campus involvement help
    students feel more connected with the University,
    but it fosters leadership, cooperation and
    organizational skills, which are all necessary
    for a peaceful life and economic prosperity.
    Student Activities Leadership Development is
    the key place to get a picture of what campus
    involvement entails. For the University of
    Cincinnati, campus involvement is related to six
    key areas

  • Student Organizations The Student Activities
    Leadership Development office, in cooperation
    with several student boards, oversees the annual
    registration of well over 250 campus groups. The
    types of organizations active on our campus are
    diverse and offer opportunities for all kinds of
    interests and involvement. Website
  • http//

  • 2. Greek Life Fraternity and sorority life has
    been part of the University of Cincinnati since
    1840. The fraternity/sorority community hosts 32
    inter/nationally affiliated chapters, each with a
    broad emphasis on scholarship, leadership,
    community service, and the
  • personal development of its members. Chapters
    have active schedules, ranging from service
    projects to weekly meetings and social events to
    member retreats. Many fraternity and sorority
    members are involved in multiple facets of campus
    life and contribute to the greater Cincinnati
    community. Some of our more distinguished UC
    alumni were members of fraternities and
    sororities during their time as undergraduates.
  • http//

  • 3. Programming The Program Advisory Council
    (PAC) is the premier student organization that
    provides campus-wide programming. Their goal is
    to sponsor speakers, concerts, comedians, films,
    and novelty activities that will enhance the UC
    community. PAC programs are sponsored by the
    students for the students.
  • For more information, call 556-3102 or visit
    their web site
  • 4. Diversity Diversity Education Programs
    provides opportunities for students, faculty and
    staff to engage in dialogue regarding diversity
    issues such as race, gender, sexual orientation,
    religion, ability, socio-economic status and
    privilege through RAPP, UC CommUNITY Dialogues
    and OutReach. Website

  • 5. Leadership Development The Leadership
    Education and Development Program (LEAD) was
    created by the Office of Student Organizations
    and Activities to enhance the quality of
    individual student leadership and to provide
    services to promote quality
  • organizational development opportunities for UC
    student groups and organizations. Numerous
    opportunities are available for students to
    assume leadership positions within the more than
    250 registered student organizations at UC. To
    foster the leadership development experience
    there are two leadership courses designed
    specifically for students wanting to become
    stronger leaders. These courses are taught by the
    staff in the Student Activities Leadership
    Development. A Winter Leadership Conference is
    also offered. Finally, the Organizational
    Development Program offers workshops and seminars
    dealing with over ten different leadership
  • Website

  • 6. Student Government The University of
    Cincinnati Student Government Association is a
    group of community-based activists committed to
    enhancing student life at the University of
    Cincinnati. They serve as a versatile student
    body, with a broad range of
  • interest, and aim to represent the interest of
    all undergraduate students and student
    organizations. Student Government invites all
    undergraduate students to attend and take part in
    meetings and events listed on the Calendar. If
    you are interested in
  • discussing any student life issue, please
    contact a Student Government member or call the
    Student Government Office at 513.556.6107.Website
  • Food for thought Determine at least three areas
    of which you can be involved while you are at the
    University of Cincinnati. What would you like to
    gain from joining that organization?

Campus ResourcesThere are a host of campus
resources available for you here at the
University of Cincinnati. Do you know what
services they offer?
  • Center for Exploratory Studies (CES) CES
    specializes in assisting undecided students in
    choosing a major through general advising, major
    mentoring, and alumni shadowing, connections to
    the necessary campus resources and guidance in
    the major decision making process.
  • Website http//
  • Disability Services Office (DSO) DSO
    specializes in accommodations and support
  • services while educating the UC community to see
    beyond physical, cognitive and psychiatric
    disability to the richness of inclusion. Some of
    the support services offered are note taking,
    tutors, textbooks on tape, readers, interpreters,
    transcribing, and real time captioning and test
    accommodations.Website http//
  • Transfer and Lifelong Learning Center
    (TLLC) specializes in assisting transfer
    students, professionals enrolling in certificate
    programs, non-traditional students who now want
    to complete a degree, intellectually curious
    people, and non-matriculated/non-degree seeking
    students that need to take courses for credit.
    Website http//
  • Career Development Center (CDC) CDC specializes
    in providing career assessment and career
    counseling to help each student to understand how
    his or her individual interests, abilities,
    values, career goals and situation relate to
    specific majors.
  • Website http//

Campus Resources
  • Pre-Professional Advising Center The PPAC
    specializes in advising students who plan to
    enter one of UCs pre-professional programs
    pre-medical, pre-veterinary, pre-law, or
  • Website http//
  • Counseling Center (CC) The services offered by
    CC include personal counseling, vocational
    testing, outreach consultation programs,
    psychiatric evaluation (medication), support
    services, computer based testing (GRE, GMAT, and
    LSAT), ADHD and Learning Disability Evaluations.
  • Website http//
  • Learning Assistance Center (LAC) Part of
    Academic Excellence Support Services, the LAC
    specializes in assisting students with various
    aspects related to study skills, tutoring
    services, supplemental instruction, peer
    mentoring and student success.
  • The LAC provides free tutoring, study skills
    assessment and advising, outreach study skills
    workshops, self help study skills resources and
    on-line study skills advising. In addition, the
    LAC has created a Blackboard community to keep
    students connected with campus activities and
    life. Website http//

Where are these campus resources located?
Career Development
  • The Ideal Job Candidate
  • According to most employers there are several key
    skills they look for in a prospective
  • job candidate. It is the hope of the University
    of Cincinnati, that your education will
  • give you these necessary skills
  • Speaking Skills Interpersonal Skills
  • Teamwork Skills Analytical Skills
  • Flexibility Proficiency in the Field
  • Leadership Skills Computer Writing Skills
  • The Career Development, part of the Student
    Success Center, is located in University
  • Pavilion, 1st Floor. They offer several different
    programs and services to assist students
  • with choosing a career path, and building career
  • Food for thought How should these skills be
    defined? Depending on your degree, what specific
    skills do you need to be successful in the job

Study Skills TriviaAre these True or False?
  • 1. Students should not study subjects they do not
    find interesting.
  • 2. I should begin studying for a test the night
  • 3. Trying to find relationships between what I am
    learning and what I already know is important to
    my college success.
  • 4. If I am taking a test and get stuck on a
    question, I should skip it and go back to it
  • 5. To help me remember new principles learned in
    class, I should not practice applying them.
  • 6. Students should wait on a college professor
    for 5 minutes before leaving the class.
  • 7. Summer orientation is not important for
    students to attend.
  • 8. High school is not much different from
  • 9. Getting a tutor for a class means that I am
  • 10. I should use my text book to identify
    potential test questions when reviewing my class
  • 11. Setting goals for myself will play an
    important role in my college success.
  • 12. When taking notes in class, I should try and
    write down everything my professor says.
  • 13. Before and after class, I should not review
    my notes to help me understand the information
    that was presented.
  • 14. When reading a difficult textbook, I should
    take notes in my own words to help me grasp the
  • 15. If there is a website for my textbook, I
    should use the information provided there to help
    me learn the material.
  • 16. When I am having trouble with my coursework,
    I should go to the professor the day before an
  • 17. When I decide to study, I should not set
    aside a specific length of time and stick to it.
  • 18. It is good to cram for a test.
  • 19. All college courses are the same, and I do
    not have to adapt my studying for these different
    types of courses.

Answers to Questions 1-5
  • Students should not study subjects they do not
    find interesting. False! Students will take
    courses as part of the General Education
    Requirements, as UC wants you to be a
    well-rounded individual upon graduating. You
    should study the hardest subjects first and the
    easier subjects last.
  • 2. I should begin studying for a test the night
    before. False! Students should study at the
    beginning of the quarter, by reviewing their
    notes on a daily basis. Preparing for a test
    using review techniques should occur at least
    seven days in advance. Lastly, your test in
    college are cumulative, this means you will be
    tested on large amounts of information that cover
    5-6 weeks at a time. If you are continuing in
    the course, it will be difficult to remember
    details during spring quarter that you received
    during fall quarter. Weekly review is crucial to
    your overall success in your courses.
  • 3. Trying to find relationships between what I am
    learning and what I already know is important to
    my college success. True. Prior knowledge is
    helpful when learning new information and
    creating links.
  • 4. If I am taking a test and get stuck on a
    question, I should skip it and go back to it
    later. True. You should always skip a question
    if you are stuck and come back to it so you do
    not run out of time. Most times, you will see
    another question on the test that will trigger
    your memory and you can at that time go back to
    answer that question.
  • 5. To help me remember new principles learned in
    class, I should not practice applying them.
    False. You should always remember new principles
    and practice them immediately after class when
    the material is still fresh in your mind.

Answers to Questions 6-10
  • 6. Students should wait on a college professor
    for 5 minutes before leaving the class. False!
    Students should wait 20 minutes for a professor
    before leaving the class. You will be counted
    absent for that class and this may have an effect
    on your final course grade if the instructor has
    an attendance policy.
  • 7. Summer orientation is not important for
    students to attend. False! Summer Bearcat Bound
    Orientation is your introduction to the
    University of Cincinnati. You will receive a lot
    of great information that will benefit you during
    your time with us.
  • 8. High school is not much different from
    college. False! High school is very different
    from college. In college, you are responsible
    for your learning, for getting assistance, for
    scheduling your courses. In college, the
    professor expects you to come to his/her office
    hours if you are having problems in the course.
    In college, grading is infrequent, you may have a
    midterm and final, just two opportunities to earn
    your grade in the course. In college, you will
    need to study 2 hours for every one hour in
  • 9. Getting a tutor for a class means that I am
    dumb. False! Getting a tutor is a very wise
    choice and an intelligent thing to do if you are
    having trouble with your course. All LAC tutors
    have successfully passed the course with an A or
    B and can provide you with study tips to
    successfully pass the course.
  • 10. I should use my text book to identify
    potential test questions when reviewing my class
    material. True. Your textbook has chapter review
    questions at the end of each chapter. Most
    professors know students will not answer these
    questions and they sometimes take exam questions
    right from the book. If you can answer the
    review questions at the end of the chapter, you
    have a good grasp of that chapter. Focus your
    review on the questions you are not able to
    answer as easily.

Answers to Questions 11-15
  • 11. Setting goals for myself will play an
    important role in my college success. False!
    Setting weekly and quarterly goals will play an
    important role in your college success and also
    help you stay motivated.
  • 12. When taking notes in class, I should try and
    write down everything my professor says. False!
    It is impossible to write down each and
    everything an instructor says. If you review the
    materials to be covered in class before hand,
    this will help you focus on the class lecture.
    Listen to your instructor, and listen for them to
    make repetitive comments, a increase in their
    pitch or an enunciated focus on specific words,
    which are all indications that there is something
    important you should be writing down. If an
    outline has been written on the board, you should
    copy it down first. If any of the information is
    unclear, utilizing your instructors office hours
    is a great time to get clarification on your
  • 13. Before and after class, I should not review
    my notes to help me understand the information
    that was presented. False. Before and after
    class, you should review your notes to help you
    understand the material that was presented. This
    is especially helpful if you take a class that
    does not meet daily. It is easy to forget what
    was last discussed in the course. A review of
    your notes before class will help you focus in on
    what was covered during the last class meeting.
    A review of your notes immediately after class
    will help you fill in any missing information,
    and connect the dots from the previous lecture
  • 14. When reading a difficult textbook, I should
    take notes in my own words to help me grasp the
    material. True! Taking notes in your own words
    is more time consuming when reading, but ensures
    that you understand what you have read and are
    able to explain it to someone else. The best
    approach is to read one paragraph then try to
    write it in your own words. Or you can work
    backwardsgo to the end of the chapter to the
    review section. Try to answer the first
    question, by reading for the answer, this will
    help you read with a purpose.
  • 15. If there is a website for my textbook, I
    should use the information provided there to help
    me learn the material. True. Websites, CD-ROMs
    that come with your textbooks are considered to
    be a study aid. These are present to provide
    you with different ways to understand, digest and
    interpret the information being provided. As an
    instructor, I used the websites to formulate
    multiple choice, true-false, short answer and
    essay questions for the students in my courses.

Answers to Questions 16-20
  • 16. When I am having trouble with my coursework,
    I should go to the professor the day before an
    exam. False. If you are having trouble with your
    coursework, you should go to the professor as
    soon as possible. The day before the exam is not
    enough time for him/her to explain the
    information to you. Also, professors are not
    like teachers in high school, professors are
    involved in research projects, supervising
    teaching assistants and providing assistance to
    graduate students with their research. In
    essence, their time is sometimes limited, so
    utilizing office hours at the onset of trouble is
    the best thing you can do for yourself and for
    your professor.
  • 17. When I decide to study, I should not set
    aside a specific length of time and stick to it.
    False. Creating a time to study and a specific
    amount of time to study is critical to managing
    your stress levels, your time management and to
    your overall enjoyment of college. You should
    set aside a specific amount of time, as well as a
    plan of what you will be studying during that
    time. This will allow you more time in the
    interim to hang out with friends and get involved
    with campus activities, simply because you know
    what you have planned to do and will do it.
  • 18. It is good to cram for a test. False. It is
    never a good idea to cram for a test. Cramming
    information is stressful, and usually results in
    loss of sleep, tiredness and fatigue, all of
    which are bad to have when you are going to take
    mid-term examinations or final examinations.
    Also cramming goes into your short term memory
    bank, and it is difficult to retrieve this
    information in courses that you will be
    responsible for remembering large amounts of
    content. For example, first year chemistry has a
    block exam during spring quarter, where you are
    tested on your complete understanding of first
    year chemistry, from fall quarter until the end
    of spring quarter. Your ability to pass this
    exam will determine if you are able to continue
    with any remaining chemistry courses needed for
    your major. Cramming is not a helpful study
    habit in this specific kind of situation.
  • 19. All college courses are the same, and I do
    not have to adapt my studying for these different
    types of courses. False. You will not study for
    a physics test with the same intensity you would
    use to prepare for a speech test. You will have
    to adapt your study skills to the specific course
    that you are taking. And furthermore, you will
    have to continue making these adaptations each
    quarter as you have different instructors for
    your courses.
  • 20. It is good to review my answers during an
    essay test to make sure I have made and supported
    my main points. True. Always, always, always
    review your answers during an essay test to make
    sure you have answered the question, supported
    your position, that you have a thesis statement
    and a conclusion. Utilize all of the time
    allotted for your essay test to make sure this is
    done properly. Typically your instructor will
    provide several possible essay questions and you
    will choose 1-2 to write about. The best thing
    to do is for you to actually take the time and
    write the answers to the essay question. Next,
    you should develop an outline of your answer,
    taking into consideration your thesis statement,
    the body and the conclusion. Use specific words
    that will trigger your memory of what you wrote.
    When you get to the test, after you have listened
    to the instructions, write the outline.

Answers to Multiple Choice Questions
  • 1. A freshman is expected to take 15 credit hours
    per quarter.
  • It is recommended that each quarter you take 15
    credit hours, or 5 classes. This is important
    for several reasons. First, you need 45 credit
  • hours each academic year to progress to the next
    level classification (0-45 freshman 46-90
    sophomore, etc). Secondly, if you have 15 credit
  • hours and need to drop a course, you will have 12
    credit hours and still be at full-time status.
    Full-time status is necessary to receive
  • aid. Lastly, most personal health insurance
    companies will provide health insurance coverage
    as long as you maintain full-time status.
  • 2. For an easy 3 credit hour class, I should
    study 6 hours per week.
  • 3. For an average 3 credit hour class, I should
    study 9 hours per week.
  • 4. For a difficult 3 credit hour class, I should
    study 12 hours per week.
  • 5. On average, I should try to meet with my
    college professors 4 times each quarter and
    advisors 1 (once) each quarter.
  • Meeting with an instructor four (4) times each
    quarter allows you to keep track of your current
    grade in the class. It also allows you to
    develop a
  • relationship with the instructor, which will be
    useful as you transition from your college career
    into the workforce professors have various
  • research projects you may be able to assist with,
    also you will need letters of recommendation for
    scholarships, internships and other
  • opportunities.
  • Meeting with an academic advisor once a quarter
    allows you to discuss the classes you will be
    taking the following quarter. Academic advisors
  • are very knowledgeable about your major and can
    provide you with the best information related to
    the courses you need to take and if they will
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