Title: Classroom Utilization
1Classroom Utilization Needs
- Office of Capital Planning and Design
2Classroom Utilization Needs
- Rickes Associates analysis
- Questions asked
- How many and what size rooms need to go into
Independence? - What are classroom needs over time as we build
new buildings, renovate existing ones, and grow
our student population?
3Classroom Utilization Needs
- Rickes Associates analysis
- Fall 2003 classes
- General Assignment classrooms (those assigned to
Enrollment Services) - Needs projected through 2009
4Classroom Utilization Needs
- General Assignment classrooms
- Fall 2003
- 112 classrooms
- 107,039 SF
- 7,209 seats
- 1,130 daytime courses
- 2,830 weekly class hours
5Classroom Utilization Needs
6Classroom Utilization Needs
- Utilization Rates
- Station size
- Room hour
- Seat utilization
7Classroom Utilization Needs
- Utilization Rates
- Station size
- Average square feet per seat
- Target rate 20-25 sf per seat
- Current rate 18 sf per seat (excluding
fixed-seat rooms)
8Classroom Utilization Needs
- Utilization Rates
- Room hour
- Number of hours room in use for classes
- Target rate 67-70 of available hours
- Current rate 57
- Ranges from 4 to 89
9Classroom Utilization Needs
- Utilization Rates
- Seat utilization
- Average amount of seats filled
- Target rate 67-70 of available hours
- Current rate 62 (excluding auditoria)
- Ranges from 22 to 100
10Classroom Utilization Needs
- Reasons for poor utilization
- Schedule creep classes that meet in
non-standard time blocks - Technology requests
- Classroom size/class size mismatches
- Uneven class distribution over days of week and
time of day
11Classroom Utilization Needs
- Classroom size vs. class sizes
12Classroom Utilization Needs
13Classroom Utilization Needs
- Distribution over days and time
14Classroom Utilization Needs
- Recommendations
- Right size classrooms to 22.5 sf per seat
- Reign in schedule creep
- Spread classes out over full day and across days
- Make upgrades to classrooms, in particular
technology - Rebalance amount of rooms in each capacity range
to match needs
15Classroom Utilization Needs
- Long Range Classroom Needs
16Classroom Utilization Needs
- Next Steps
- OCPD, OCP, IITS, ISAG, Enrollment Services
- Develop multi-year program of classroom
improvements goal - recommended balance of
rooms within a decade - Improve understanding of technology needs
- Develop classroom standards manual