Title: SpaceOps2006
High Accuracy Clock Synchronization
Experiment and Results from Preliminary Experime
Shinichi Nakamura, Nobuo Kudo, and Seiji
2Introduction (1/2) Position of HAC Experiment
Roadmap of JAXA Positioning Technology Plan
Quasi-Zenith Satellite System
Japanese version of GPS
At Present
High Accuracy Clock Synchronization Experiment
JAXA has developed
New Technology1 Exact time control of the satelli
Precise Orbit Determination System (ADOES-2, ALO
New Technology2 High accurate clock synchronizati
between satellite and ground stations
3Introduction (2/2) About ETS-8
Engineering Test Satellite-8 (ETS-8)
is a geosynchronous orbit satellite, which
carries a cesium atomic clock and is able to sen
d positioning signals (time reference signal) si
milar to GPS signals in L band and S band.
4Purpose of HAC Experiment(1/2)
- The ETS-VIII experiment will be performed to
obtain/evaluate basic technologies necessary for
implementation of GPS-like space-based
positioning missions in the future. - JAXA will obtain following Key Technologies.
- ?Atomic Clock for Space Use
- ?High Accuracy Time Synchronization
- ?High Accuracy Orbit Determination
5Purpose of HAC Experiment(2/2)
6HAC Experiment systems
Actual HAC experiment system consists of
satellite monitoring stations,
SLR equipment and analysis center.
7HAC Experiment Items 1
- The following technologies will be demonstrated
on the ETS-VIII space-based positioning
- The Atomic Clock Performance in Orbit and Clock
Synchronization Technique
- Clock Synchronization between Satellite and
Ground Station
- a. Clock Synchronization using
Navigation Signal and SLR
- technique
- synchronization accuracy better
than 1nsec.
- b. Clock Synchronization using Inverse
GPS Technique synchronization accuracy using
than 10nsec in real time
8GPS Technique and Inverse GPS Technique
In the left image, measurements of code-phase
arrival time from at least four
satellites are used to estimate the four
quantities receiver position in three
dimensions (X,Y,Z) and GPS time (T).
In the right image, Measurements of code-phase
arrival time from at least four stations are use
d to estimate four quantities transmission
position in three dimensions (X,Y,Z) and GPS tim
e (T).
9Configuration of HAC Experiment(Ground Station)
10HAC Experiment Items 2
- Clock management
- Evaluation of the Frequency Stability of an
Atomic Clock evaluate the frequency stability
- Two -sample standard deviation (s(t) t1E3
to 8E4) Clock drift rate
- In this HAC experiment, the properties of the
atomic clock onboard (frequency stability,
temperature dependency, and aging degradation)
are understood, and the management skill of
atomic clock is acquired.
11HAC Experiment Items3
- Clock synchronization between satellite and
ground station (atomic clock mode)
- the reference signal is generated by the
satellite-mounted atomic clock unit.
- This experiment will be performed in two
cases non-realtime and realtime synchronization.
- Target accuracy is within 1 nsec and 10
nsec for nonreal time and real time analysis,
12Image of Atomic Clock mode
13HAC Experiment Items
2.2 High Accuracy Orbit Determination Technique
(1) Ranging and Error Estimation Technique
a. Ranging Experiment ranging accuracy
using navigation signal is less than
30cm. b. PN Code investigate
suitable chip rare to the future positioning
system. chip rate variation 1.023M
cps, 1.705Mcps, 3.410Mcps, 5.115Mc
ps (2) High Accuracy Orbit Determination Te
chnique a. Orbit Determination using Naviga
tion Signal orbit accuracy is better
than 30m in real time.(target)
b. Orbit Determination using SLR Date
orbit accuracy is better a 10m.
14HAC Experiment Items 4
- Clock synchronization between satellite and
ground station (relay clock mode)
- JAXA developed and installed another atomic clock
unit in a ground station (SMS1Masuda).
- If the experiment shows that the positioning
accuracy of relay clock mode is accurate enough
to use in GNSS, it will be possible to reduce the
development cost of satellites because the
maintenance of atomic clock on the ground is
cheaper and easier than in orbit.
15(No Transcript)
16HAC Experiment Items 5
Positioning using geosynchronous and GPS.
(GPS Overlay) user positioning experiment with G
PS and ETS-VIII Navigation data.
evaluation of the user positioning
accuracy. validity evaluation of GEO naviga
tion satellite. Through this experiment, we can c
onfirm whether a geosynchronous satellite is use
ful for positioning system. We expect the accura
cy of positioning will increase by introducing
ETS-8 into GPS analysis, since the Dilution of
Precision (DOP) is improved by adding a
geostationary satellite.
17Preliminary Experiment
- Because ETS-8 has not been launched yet, JAXA has
been conducting preliminary experiments using GPS
satellites as ETS-8. The purpose of the
preliminary experiments is to synchronize the
clock of SMSs via GPS satellites. As an analysis
method of clock synchronization, we set the clock
of SMS1 as the standard clock and estimate the
difference between other SMSs and SMS1.
18Preliminary Experiment
- GPS data during 3 days from21/02/2005 to
- At first, we tried precise orbit determination of
- As the reference orbitIGS final orbit
- In order to estimate our accuracy, we calculated
the difference between our analytical results and
IGS final orbit.
19 Visible GPS
The number of visible GPS was around 14 from the
regional area of four SMS stations. ? Enough to
HAC Experiment However, at least three hours of
data are required for the determination
value to converge to a desired accuracy.
20Result 1 the accuracy of the position of GPS
21Result 1 the accuracy of the position of GPS
- Since all the four SMSs are located along the
east side of the Pacific Ocean, GPS become
periodically invisible from any of the four SMSs
during the experiment. GPS satellites become
temporarily invisible at regular 12-hour
intervals. - These conditions put a limit to the accuracy of
our analysis using GPS data.
- As the result, the accuracy of the position of
GPS is within 1.7m (radial), 1.4m (cross track),
and 3.2m (along track). This result is not very
accurate but useful.
22the estimated SMSs clock
the estimated SMSs clock by comparing the
estimated SMSs clock using GUTS, which accuracy
is about 0.15 ns.
Table is showed next page
23Difference between estimated SMS clock and SMS1
Unit (n sec)
Results the clock differences are within 3 nsec (
Low accuracy of precise orbit determination and
clock synchronization is attributable to the
small number of receiving stations (only four
SMSs) and their geographically unbalanced
locations. HAC experiment system is still in th
e process of system tuning and does not provide
its best performance. We are going to perform
further preliminary experiments to optimize the
25Future plan
- JAXA installed a new SMS at Tsukuba Japan.
Although the base length between SMS2 (Tokyo,
Japan) and new SMS (Tsukuba, Japan) is not so
long, the accuracy improvement is expected. - ETS-8 will be launched in the near future. JAXA
wants to carry out the HAC experiment using ETS-8
as soon as possible. The experimental result will
be reported in the next symposium. - Thank you
26Configuration of HAC Experiment(??????????)
Gurand Experiment Systems
ETS-VIII satellite signal
Navigation Messeage/ Pilot Signal
GPS satellite signal
SLR/Bi-directional Communication
Navigation Messeage/ Pilot Signal
User Sta. (Tsukuba)
RF Equip. (S-Band)
SLR(tentative)/Experimant data
Base-band Equip.
CCSDS Processing Eqip.
Operation Control Equip. SMS Control Equip.
Space-based positioning experiment software
Navigation Messeage
Data Trans.
Data Trans.
Master Control Station
ETS-VIII space-based positioning ground
experimant systems
ETS-VIII Tracing Control System
Navigation Masseage /TLM