Title: Firstly
- Congratulations to the Plymouth Manufacturing REC!
For UK manufacturing as a whole - waste costs
c30 billion/year Imagine the impact a slice of
this will make to Plymouth companies?
2ENVIROWISE Working in partnership across the
- Eric Banks
- Envirowise Advisor
- South West Region
3Presentation overview
- What is Envirowise?
- On-site Services
- Other services
4What is Envirowise?
- UK-wide Government-funded programme
- Led by industry
- Co-ordinated by DEFRA
- programme value 14M
- Primarily funded by the Business Resource
Efficiency Waste (BREW) programme
5What does Envirowise do?
- Provide businesses with a range of environmental
services - Aim - to improve competitiveness and productivity
- These services are FREE
- These services are CONFIDENTIAL
6Envirowise Delivery
- A range of tailored advice to suit a business
needs via - Telephone
- Website
- Site Visits
7Envirowise Delivery
- Focus Get business to minimise waste and use
resources efficiently - Some businesses lose 4 of turnover on waste
- Potential savings can be up to 1000 per employee
per business
Savings identified since 1994 - in excess of 1.3
8Why think about waste - when skips are cheap!
Easily Identified Costs
Hidden Costs
True cost of waste is 10 20 times the cost of
9Key Services
- Free site visits
- Seminars, workshops campaigns
- Free publications
- Environment and Energy helpline
- 0800 585794 / www.envirowise.gov.uk
10Envirowise Site visits - 1
- Fast Track Visits
- - Provide 8 hours free consultancy
- - Help to identify avoidable waste
- - Provide a list of cost saving opportunities
- - Identify quick, low-cost savings actions
11Envirowise Site visits - 2
- Design Track Visits
- - Savings through Smart Design
- - Whole life cycle analysis from
manufacture to end of use - - Includes Packaging
12Envirowise Site visits - 3
- Counselling Visits
- - 4-hours
- - Can be arranged on any issue, e.g.
Hazardous Waste , Effluent , WEEE, Packaging,
etc. - - Report provided
13Seminars / Workshops Campaigns
- Envirowise host 200 events a year in UK
- Update registration via the website -
www.envirowise.gov.uk - Campaigns - On sectors and issues of high
importance, e.g. Water Saving - Nationally and regionally
- Resource Efficiency Clubs (RECs)
14Free publications and guides
- Over 450 publications available via
- - post
- - email (PDF file)
- - CD-Rom
- Best Practice guides for industrial sectors
- Guides and tools for intermediaries and business
support organisations
15Environment Energy Helpline
- 0800 585794
- Call with any environmental query
- - response from technical experts.
- Or for further information look at the website -
16Examples of Success
- Burt's Chips, Devon
- Fast Track identified waste issues
- 22,000 saved in flavourings
- 25,000 potential with better process
17- So good luck to the Plymouth Manufacturing REC !
- Were here to support you.
- Contact
- Paul Gilbert
- Regional Manager SW
- 0870 1903832
- paul.gilbert_at_envirowise.gov.uk