Title: DFMA Paradigms as Applied to the Warring Juicer
1DFMA Paradigms as Applied to the Warring Juicer
- DFMA ME-6960
- Presented by Team Alpha
- April 28 2003
- Instructor
- Dr. A.K.Balaji
- Juicer Properties/Specifications.
- Manufacturing Processes.
- MATLAB Code.
- Injection Molding Analysis.
- Assembly Analysis.
- Conclusions.
- Questions.
3Product Specifications/Part List
4Main Components Of the Juicer
5Manufacturing Processes
- Separating Forces for the Injection Molding
Machine - Injection Molding Times
- Mold Base Cost
- Injection Mold Costs
- Optimum Number of Cavities
- Directs the User to the right tables and Figures
based on the Book Product Design For
Manufacturing Assembly, Boothroyd, Dewhurst and
7MATLAB CODE FOR Sheet Metal Parameters
- Cost Of Die Set (Cds)
- Final Die Cost (Cd)
- NOTE Calculates For All Bending, Piercing and
Blanking operations. -
8Base Cover Design Changes
Old Design
9Base Cover Analysis
- Old Design Die Costs 64,725
- New Design Die Costs 61,365
- Difference 3,360
10Motor Housing Design Changes
Old Design
New Design
11Motor Housing Part Analysis
- Old Design Die Costs 86,851
- New Design Die Costs 89,971
- Difference 3,120
12Juicer Cover Design Changes
Old Design
New Design
13Juicer Cover Part Analysis
- Old Design Die Costs 51,656/-
- New Design Die Costs 42,668/-
- Difference 8,988/-
14Juicer Container Design Changes
Old Design
New Design
15Juicer Container Part Analysis
- Old Design Die Costs 90,625/-
- New Design Die Costs 86,185/-
- Difference 4,440/-
16Solution To The Clips
Solution to the Clip
17Sheet Metal Analysis Results of the Clip
- Cost Of Die Set (Cds) 193.87
- Final Die Cost (Cd) 2004.12
- Note Part Eliminated.
18Cost Analysis Comparison
19Assembly Analysis
- Modular Assembly Layout
- Analysis for Original Design
- Analysis for Modified Design
20DFA Analyses Results
- Time reduced from 246.74 s to 149.9 s. (39)
- Part reduction from 43 to 29.( 33)
- Assembly cost reduced from 1.07/unit to
0.63/unit. ( 41) - Over 190,000 saved on assembly of 500,000 units.
- Reduction in the number of parts from 43 to 29
- Reduction in the die costs (IM) saved 13,660
- Reduction in the die costs (SM) saved 2,500
- Reduction in assembly costs saved 41
- For a production run of 500,000 units, the
overall savings - are 207,160
22 Questions?