Title: Tualatin River Watershed Council
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2Tualatin River
Watershed Council 2005-06 2006-07
- Council
- Education and Community Outreach
- Collaboration and Outreach
- Partnering with others in outreach
- Projects
- 2006-07 Goals
4Water feasibility study
5Council Meetings
6Council Meetings
7Council Members and Staff
Council Interns Brian Eagle Marion Warfield Debi
Miller Patty Miller Arianne Cease
Retiring Council Members Tina Alexander Pam
Maher Tom Wolf
New Council Members Brenda Bateman John
Driscoll Rich VanBuskirk
Council Volunteers LeeAnn Kriegh Paul Johnson
82005-06 Volunteer hours
Council Meetings, Committees, Officers Gales
Creek Hall Creek Other
868 690 272 164 187 308 60
Interns Stub Stewart State Park Moonshadow Park
Total 2549
9Council Members and Staff
Craig Burnham 1957-2006
Council member and Vice Chair
10Education and Community Outreach
Watershed Event
May 2005 Community event 30 organizations
100 attendees
11Education and Community Outreach
12Education and Community Outreach
Harris Bridge presentation
Recognize Washington County accomplishments for
design, storm water runoff, environmentally
friendly project
13Education and Community Outreach
Council Brochure
- Promotional for Watershed Event
- How stakeholders can make a difference
- 2. Day of Watershed Event
- Watershed residents stewards
14Partnering with others in outreach
Tualatin Basin Public Awareness Committee
- Naturescaping classes
- Washington County home garden show
- Will Hornyak school presentations
- Animal waste campaign scoop the poop
Tualatin Basin Stewardship Training
- To train leaders for basin-wide work parties
(i.e. invasive weed removal, plantings, etc.) - Feb 2006, Oct 2006 training sessions
712 Square Miles Main Stem Tualatin River and
sub-basins Fanno, Rock Creek, Scoggins,
Dairy-McKay and Gales
Lower Gales Creek
Bureau of Reclamation funding supports Council
work with sub-basin residents and landowners in a
five mile stream reach to improve stream
conditions for winter steelhead trout, native
cutthroat trout and other species.
Lower Gales Creek
- Studies completed on stream geomorphic work,
large wood debris, knotweed mapping - Study recommendations produce project priority
- Workdays April 2005, October 2005, April 2006
(210 volunteer hours several tons of English ivy
other invasives removed) - March 06 spawning survey training
- June 06 invasive weed workshop
- 2005-06 Forest Grove High School students (SWRP)
continue water quality monitoring activities.
Lower Gales Creek
- Gales Creek sub-basin Feb 2007 conference
- Design and engineering and permitting for
in-stream projects - Site 1 Removal invasive species, increase
riparian vegetation, provide fish habitat through
large wood debris placement and increase
floodplain roughness. - Site 2 Provide additional floodplain,
stabilize eroding banks through slope regarding
and large wood debris placement, increase fish
habitat and re-vegetate riparian corridor. - Identify resources and funding for implementing
in-stream projects - Community Restoration Project (Riparian project)
- Identify resources and funding for demonstration
riparian planting project - Summer 07 implement in-stream project
- Grant application submissions
- Landowner outreach
- SWRP monitoring
Lower Gales Creek
Lower Gales Creek
Lower Gales Creek
Spawning Survey Training
Session at Gales Creek Elementary School
Lower Gales Creek
Invasive Weed Workshop
Lower Gales Creek
Student Watershed Research Project (SWRP)
Stream Matrix
Basin wide evaluation of stream reaches for
restoration priorities
Lacey Townsend and Dean Moberg finish the project!
Willamette Sub-basin Priorities
Completion of summary and sub-basin limiting
factors analysis by Council members for OWEB
Willamette Sub-basin Prioritization.
A full description of the Oregon Watershed
Enhancement Board can be found at http//egov.ore
BLM Native Plant Co-op Nursery
As a member of the Native Plant Coop Nursery, we
collect seeds, transplant plants and receive
native plants for restoration projects.
Friends of Beaverton Creek help out!
Stub Stewart
- Inventory and assess culverts in 1600-acre park
through which West Fork Dairy Creek runs - Prioritize three culverts to evaluate for
removal/replacement - Obtain grant funding for stream survey and
enhancement opportunities and culvert evaluation - Decision for two culvert removals and 1.8 miles
of stream reach enhancement work - Currently applying for grant funding and begin
permitting - Summer 2007 Implement project
Stub Stewart
2005 Culvert inventory assessment
Stub Stewart
July 2006 Meeting
Moonshadow Park Enhancement
Riparian Planting Project 3.0 acres of 4.7
acre park located on Ash Creek flows 1500
linear stream feet
Moonshadow Park Enhancement
Hall Creek Enhancement
Riparian Planting Project on 1.2 acres (private
property) of floodplain on a tributary of Hall
Creek (Fanno Creek sub-basin)
Hall Creek Enhancement
Murtaugh Creek
Provide fish passage to 1.5 to 2 miles of
additional spawning and rearing
habitat Construction of roughened chute at
private water control structure To be completed
Summer 2007 East Fork Dairy Creek
Murtaugh Creek
Looking upstream at water control structure
Water control structure
Consultants visit site
Fields Creek
Riparian planting project of .333 acres, 300 feet
of stream frontage on Fields Creek, site is part
of native plant nursery. (Lower main stem
Tualatin Basin)
OWEB Small Grant
Fields Creek
OWEB Small Grant
Bateman Creek
Culvert Removal Concrete Bridge replacement
OWEB Small Grant
Bateman Creek
Provides additional 500 feet of passage on
Bateman Creek, tributary of Gales Creek.
Project completed simultaneously with ODOT
culvert removal, bridge construction 500 feet
from site.
OWEB Small Grant
402006-07 Goals
Council capacity
Goal (Current status)
- 90 of Council stakeholder member primary and
alternate positions are filled with active
members. (27 of 42 positions are filled.) - Three to four active committees are implementing
the Council work plan and projects. (Current
Ways Means, Gales Creek Restoration, Stub
Stewart State Park Restoration, and Steering
committees. Need to identify ways to promote
basin education and outreach and work on other
watershed issues.) - Leadership development need to perpetuate the
Council has begun. (Steering Committee has begun
process, but could use additional assistance)
412006-07 Goals
Council capacity
Goal (Current status)
- Council website is regularly updated with stories
on watershed stewards and projects and the
Council website is used ongoingly by community
members. (Need Council members or their
organizations to write articles for website.) - Press releases on Council and other watershed
issues are a regular feature in local media.
(Need Council members or their organizations to
help write press releases and help publicize the
Council and watershed issues.) - Council financial capability has increased with
Council members and partners contributing
financially or in-kind. (Several partners are
contributing financially and in-kind annually
other Council members and partners need to
identify how they can assist.)
422006-07 Goals
Goal (Current status)
- Identify and involve Earth Club or other high
school groups with Council and other stakeholder
group activities. (Beginning efforts with Forest
Grove High School for Gales Creek projects) - Council partners have increased outreach to the
basin community. (Accomplishing through Gales
Creek and other projects activities/events.) - Work and develop relationships with a variety of
political leaders. (Beginning need Council
members assistance.)
- Review Action Plan
- Update Implementation Plan
- (Recruit Council intern and form committee to
start work)
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