Title: Postmodernism
- Jean-Francois Lyotard
- The Postmodern would be that which in the modern
invokes the unpresentable in presentation itself,
that which refuses the consolation of correct
forms, refuses the consensus of taste permitting
a common experience of nostalgia for the
impossible, and inquires into new
presentations--not to take pleasure in them, but
to better produce the feeling that there is
something unpresentable.
2- Postmodernism presents a set of complex
philosophical and theoretical issues. - One way to begin thinking about postmodernism is
by thinking about modernism, the movement from
which postmodernism seems to grow or emerge. - As you know, modernist literature tends to share
certain characteristics. From a literary
perspective, the main aspects of modernism
include - The following notes on modernism and modernity
versus postmodernity are taken from Mary Klages
Page at http//www.colorado.edu/English/courses/EN
- an emphasis on impressionism and subjectivity in
writing an emphasis on HOW perception takes
place, rather than on WHAT is perceived. - a movement away from the apparent objectivity
provided by omniscient third-person narrators,
fixed narrative points of view, and clear-cut
moral positions. - a blurring of distinctions between genres, so
that poetry seems more documentary and prose
seems more poetic.
4Modernism, cont.
- an emphasis on fragmented forms, discontinuous
narratives, and random-seeming collages of
different materials. - a tendency toward reflexivity, or
self-consciousness, about the production of the
work of art, so that each piece calls attention
to its own status as a production, as something
constructed and consumed in particular ways. - a rejection of elaborate formal aesthetics in
favor of minimalist designs and a rejection, in
large part, of formal aesthetic theories, in
favor of spontaneity and discovery in creation. - A rejection of the distinction between "high" and
"low" or popular culture, both in choice of
materials used to produce art and in methods of
displaying, distributing, and consuming art.
5- Postmodernism, like modernism, follows most of
these same ideas, rejecting boundaries between
high and low forms of art, rejecting rigid genre
distinctions, emphasizing pastiche, parody,
bricolage, irony, and playfulness. - Postmodern art (and thought) favors reflexivity
and self-consciousness, fragmentation and
discontinuity (especially in narrative
structures), ambiguity, simultaneity, and an
emphasis on the destructured, decentered,
dehumanized subject.
6- But--while postmodernism seems very much like
modernism in these ways, it differs from
modernism in its attitude toward a lot of these
trends. - Modernism, for example, tends to present a
fragmented view of human subjectivity and
history, but presents that fragmentation as
something tragic, something to be lamented and
mourned as a loss. Many modernist works try to
uphold the idea that works of art can provide the
unity, coherence, and meaning which has been lost
in most of modern life art will do what other
human institutions fail to do.
7- Postmodernism, by contrast, doesn't lament the
idea of fragmentation, provisionality, or
incoherence, but rather celebrates that.
8Modernity vs. Postmodernity
- Following Frederic Jameson, there is another way
to conceive the relationship between modernism
and postmodernism, and this is to recognize them
as distinct cultural formations. - Modernity is fundamentally about order about
rationality and rationalization, creating order
out of chaos
9Modernity vs. Postmodernity (cont.)
- The ways that modern societies go about creating
order have to do with the effort to achieve
stability. - Lyotard equates that stability with the idea of
"totality," or a totalized system. - Totality, and stability, and order, Lyotard
argues, are maintained in modern societies
through the means of "grand narratives" or
"master narratives," which are stories a culture
tells itself about its practices and beliefs.
10Modernity vs. Postmodernity (cont.)
- Postmodernism then is the critique of grand
narratives, the awareness that such narratives
serve to mask the contradictions and
instabilities that are inherent in any social
organization or practice. In other words, every
attempt to create "order" always demands the
creation of an equal amount of "disorder," but a
"grand narrative" masks the constructedness of
these categories by explaining that "disorder"
really is chaotic and bad, and that "order"
really is rational and good.
11Modernity vs. Postmodernity (cont.)
- Postmodernism, in rejecting grand narratives,
favors "mini-narratives," stories that explain
small practices, local events, rather than
large-scale universal or global concepts.
Postmodern "mini-narratives" are always
situational, provisional, contingent, and
temporary, making no claim to universality,
truth, reason, or stability.
12Modernism vs. Postmodernism A Breakdown
- Master Narratives and metanarratives of history,
culture and national identity as accepted before
WWII (American-European myths of progress). Myths
of cultural and ethnic origin accepted as
received. - Suspicion and rejection of Master Narratives for
history and culture local narratives, ironic
deconstruction of master narratives
counter-myths of origin. - The following breakdown can be found at
Georgetowns Po-Mo page, located at
13Modernism vs. Postmodernism A Breakdown (Cont.)
- Faith in "Grand Theory" (totalizing explanations
in history, science and culture) to represent all
knowledge and explain everything. - Rejection of totalizing theories pursuit of
localizing and contingent theories.
14Modernism vs. Postmodernism A Breakdown (Cont.)
- Faith in, and myths of, social and cultural
unity, hierarchies of social-class and
ethnic/national values, seemingly clear bases for
unity. - Social and cultural pluralism, disunity, unclear
bases for social/national/ ethnic unity.
15Modernism vs. Postmodernism A Breakdown (Cont.)
- Master narrative of progress through science and
technology. - Skepticism of idea of progress, anti-technology
reactions, neo-Luddism new age religions.
16Modernism vs. Postmodernism A Breakdown (Cont.)
- Sense of unified, centered self "individualism,"
unified identity. - Sense of fragmentation and decentered
self multiple, conflicting identities. - Hierarchy, order, centralized control.
- Subverted order, loss of centralized control,
17Modernism vs. Postmodernism A Breakdown (Cont.)
- Faith in "Depth" (meaning, value, content, the
signified) over "Surface" (appearances, the
superficial, the signifier). - Attention to play of surfaces, images, signifiers
without concern for "Depth". Relational and
horizontal differences, differentiations.
18Modernism vs. Postmodernism A Breakdown (Cont.)
- Crisis in representation and status of the image
after photography and mass media. - Culture adapting to simulation, visual media
becoming undifferentiated equivalent forms,
simulation and real-time media substituting for
the real.
19Modernism vs. Postmodernism A Breakdown (Cont.)
- Faith in the "real" beyond media, language,
symbols, and representations authenticity of
"originals." - Hyper-reality, image saturation, simulacra seem
more powerful than the "real" images and texts
with no prior "original". "As seen on TV" and "as
seen on MTV" are more powerful than unmediated
experience. Dichotomy of high and low culture
(official vs. popular culture).
20Modernism vs. Postmodernism A Breakdown (Cont.)
- Knowledge mastery, attempts to embrace a
totality. Quest for interdisciplinary harmony.
The encyclopedia. - Navigation through information overload,
information management fragmented, partial
knowledge just-in-time knowledge. The Web.
21Modernism vs. Postmodernism A Breakdown (Cont.)
- Seriousness of intention and purpose,
middle-class earnestness. - Play, irony, challenge to official seriousness,
subversion of earnestness.