Title: Nandemo Alifornia Japan TVCM Storyboard
1Nandemo Ali-fornia Japan TVCM
Storyboard California Has It All
TVCF Hollywood Sunstone Vineyards Winery (15
But not only these experiences California has so
much more
Happy and surprised Japanese female
touristsWhat, California has so much more?
CALIFORNIA Blue ocean! White sandy beach!
Gorgeous sunny day in Santa Monica!
Great shopping like on Movie history like
Hollywood Rodeo Drive in
Walk of Fame
Beverly Hills
Japanese female tourists Fun vacation memories
like taking a photo of Hollywood sign in Los
dake janai
California no miryoku...sorewa... (Experiences
unique to California)
??Up tempo opening music
California campaign logo fades in
Their surrounding changes completely Inspiring
California winery, beautiful vineyards, delicious
wine from Sunstone Vineyards Winery in Santa
Ynez Beautiful!
Japanese female tourists enjoying meal with
California fresh ingredientsDelicious!
Narration Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
inviting Japanese to visit California Nandemo
Ali-fornia! California!
Narration Native intonation American ladys
voice Nandemo Ali-fornia!
??Spiritual music
2Nandemo Ali-fornia Japan TVCM Storyboard
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
TVCF Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Hello Japan. I am Arnold Schwarzeneggar, Governor
of California.
When you hear California, do you think of
Hollywood and Disneyland?
blue ocean
Governor sitting at desk in office. Japanese
narration with voice over actor who is official
voice over for the Governors films in Japan.
But thats not all!
Theres still so much more of the California that
you dont know.
and surfers?
And maybe even me?
Close-up shot of
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Relatively unknown scenes of California (Nature,
Healing, Yoga, etc.)
Nandemo Ali-fornia! California!
Relatively unknown scenes of California continue
California campaign logo fades in
Close up shot of
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Narration Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Nandemo Ali-fornia! California!