Title: Jobs
1CALIFORNIA AND EUGov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R)
- Jobs
- EU25 Investment in California supported an
estimated 337,400 jobs in 2004.1 - Investment
- EU25 was 1 foreign investor in California in
2004.2 - EU25 Investment amounted to an estimated USD
39.5 billion or 43 of total foreign direct
Investment in California in 2004.2 - Exports
- Californias goods exports to EU25 were USD 24.5
billion representing 19 of total exports in
2006. 3
1 US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
International Economic Accounts. Foreign Direct
Investment in the US Financial and Operating
Data for US Affiliates of Foreign Multinational
Companies. Employment by State and Country 2004.
Washington. http//www.bea.gov/international/di1fd
iop.htm 2 Hamilton and Quinlan. The
Transatlantic Economy 2006. Washington, DC
Center for Transatlantic Relations, Paul H. Nitze
School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS),
Johns Hopkins University, 2006. 250 p. ISBN
0-9766434-9-9. 3 Hamilton and Quinlan. Ibid. and
US Department of Commerce. International Trade
Administration. Manufacturing and Services.
Office of Trade and Industry Information (OTII).
TradeStats Express - State Export Data.