Title: w Homer w
1w Homer w
- Greatest of the Greek poets
- 1,000 years B.C.
- Epic poems- 1st to make stories a unified whole
- Sung for entertainment
- Stories taught Greek ideals
2Homer wrote -
- The Iliad
- Story of the Trojan War
- 10 years
- Fought over Helen of Troy
- Achilles greatest Greek warrior
- Hector greatest Trojan warrior
- The Odyssey
- Follows the Trojan War
- 10 years
- Odysseuss journey to return to Greece
- A metaphor for every persons journey through
3Greek Hero
- Royalty or god as parent
- Distinguished as a young man
- Takes a long journey filled with many dangers
- Labors for the good of others
- Aided by a god, king, or a woman
- Symbol of Greek ideals
- Has human faults
4The Iliad - by Homer 1200 B.C
5The Judgment of Paris
6Wedding of Peleus and Thetis(grandson to Zeus
and a sea nymph)
- Eris goddess of discord, not invited
- Eris crashes party - starts trouble
- Golden apple To the fairest
- Hera, Athena, Aphrodite claim it
Its mine!
No, me!
7Zeus asked to judge
No way! Choose between my wife, daughter, and
Aphrodite? Who else can I get?
8Paris Prince of Troy
(a playboy)
- Goddesses bribe Paris
- Athena offers ambition, fame, success in war
- Hera offers power, riches, King of Europe
- and Asia
- Aphrodite offers the love of the most beautiful
- woman in the world
9Paris chooses Aphrodite -
Theres just one little problem
The most beautiful woman in the world is Helen
and shes married.
10"the face that launched a thousand ships"
Helen wife to Menelaus, King of Sparta
(a half-mortal daughter
of Zeus)
11Helens father, Tyndareus
- Knew many men would pursue Helen
- Was afraid conflicts or wars would be fought over
- Convinced suitors to swear an oath
- to always protect Helen
- to support her husband ,
- whomever she chose
12Paris visits Helen and Menelaus
- Welcomed as a guest
- Kidnaps Helen
- Menelaus - raises army from suitors
- Agamemnon- Menelauss brother leads expedition
- Achilles greatest Greek warrior
- - son of Peleus and Thetis
- - invulnerable, except for heel
13The Seige of Troy
14Siege of Troy - lasts 10 years
- Troy high and thick walls, surrounded by plain
of Troy - Aphrodite- sides with the Trojans
- Athena and Hera - side with the Greeks
- Zeus- remains impartial
- Achilles kills Hector, Prince of Troy defiles
body by dragging it behind his chariot - Paris takes revenge for brother shoots Achilles
in heel, killing him - Greeks create a plan
- - Odysseus known for strategy
- - Athenas favorite warrior
15The Fall of Troy
16The Trojan Horse
- Greeks create a large, wooden horse
- Greeks sail away, leave as gift
- Warned not to bring horse inside Troy
- - Cassandra priestess
- - Laocoon priest
- Trojans celebrate
17End of War
- Soldiers slip out of horse and open gates
- Greeks return
- Trojans are massacred
- Troy is burned
- women enslaved
18 Gods turn against the Greeks
- Ajax kills Cassandra in Athenas temple
- Athena is offended
- Calls on Poseidon to create storm
19Odyssey Begins Here
- Greeks are scattered around the Mediterranean
- Odysseuss 10 year journey home begins