Title: Knowing the Risks on the Information Highway
Knowing the Risks on the Information Highway
The Dangers
2Dangers Online
A national survey of parents in computer
households suggests that parents have mixed
feelings about the Internet. While they have real
concerns about the Nets dangers and negative
influence on their children, they also understand
the enormous potential of the evolving medium.
What Parents Think About The Internet.
can cause children to develop anti-social behavior
children without access are at a disadvantage
might interfere with values and beliefs
Internet can have a community-building influence
Place to discover fascinating and useful things
Can cause their children to become isolated
helps their children with their schoolwork.
Concerned about the type of content their
children can access online
3Dangers Online
Increased public awareness, fed by media reports
of the various dangers online, may be partly
responsible for the concern many parents have
about the type of content their children can
access online. In fact, two-thirds of newspaper
stories on the Internet focused on negatives
aspects of the Net, mainly sex crimes,
pornography and privacy invasion.
Positive or neutral stories
Negative stories
4Dangers Online
What Parents Think About The Internet.
can cause children to develop anti-social behavior
might interfere with values and beliefs
Internet can have a community-building influence
Can cause their children to become isolated
Concerned about the type of content their
children can access online
5Dangers Online
What Parents Think About The Internet.
children without access are at a disadvantage
Place to discover fascinating and useful things
helps their children with their schoolwork.
6A New Medium / New Dangers
The Internet
- Is interactive your child can interact with
anyone online from your home, their school or a
library - Allows any user, anywhere, to post information,
including material that may be inaccurate,
misleading and inappropriate for children - Difficult to restrict or regulate advertising
to children - Is not always anonymous even when it feels
like it is
7Dangers of the Internet
Child Enticement
Knowing the Risks on the Information Highway
Online Stalkers
10It doesnt take much for someone to find you..
- A simple search in Alta Vistas search engine can
expose a persons address, their telephone
number, and a map to their house.
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14Information Check
- From the Internet Search Engine we were able to
determine - what city the person lives in
- the persons telephone number
- a map to the persons house
- links to find out more about the person
- Total search time 2 minutes
15this shows how sometimes all a predator needs is
an email
- By hanging out in chat rooms, an online
predator can pick up on emails, screen names, and
messages that are posted by a web surfer to lead
them to more personal information
16- In the case shown in the following slides, a name
- JDoe - was taken from a chat room to see if
more information could be found just by using
that name - This name was put into an all-items-newsgroup
search engine to generate a list of possible
matches on the random name - The slides reveal the end result
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21Now Using What We Know..
- The email domain is AOL and that the screen name
is Jdoe - We go into an AOL web browser and search for a
profile for further information
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24Information Check
From a Newsgroup search we were able to determine
- The persons first name
- The persons sex
- Marital Status
- The persons interests and hobbies
- Types of computers he uses
- Occupation
- Total search time 10 minutes (12 total)
25Go A Little Further. Use a reverse e-mail
directory to find more information
- http//www.theultimates.com
- http//www.whowhere.lycos.com/
- http//www.returnpath.net/
- http//www.anywho.com/
- MESA, your MetaEmailSearchAgent
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28Information Check
The Reverse Search Revealed Even More Information
- The place of employment
- Tells us that it is a fairly current record
- From this information we could easily pinpoint
all personal information from his place of
business. - Total search time 20 minutes (32 total)
29Complete Information Gathered
- From the entire search we were able to
determine - that the individual is an adult
- the persons first and last name
- that the person is a male
- his e-mail account
- he likes cars, computers, learning, and
landscaping - he is married
- he works at Sterling Indirect Accounting Firm
- his position is Systems Manager
- he resides in Tampa, Florida
- he is looking to buy a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee
- and with this we could easily find out his work
phone number and location leading to his home
address and home phone number - Total search time 32 minutes
Knowing the Risks on the Information Highway
Web Addresses, Internet Searches and Pornography
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36Websites to Beware of...
- Intended sites
- http//missteenusa.Com
- Www.Playstation.Com
- Vogue.Com
- Www.Microsoft.Com
- Www.Netscape.Com
- Mistake sites
- Www.Teen-usa.Com
- Www.Playstatiom.Com
- Vogue.Org
- Www.Microsofy.Com
- Www.Netscapr.Com