Differential Diagnosis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Differential Diagnosis


DSM Diagnosis = a somewhat paradigmatic symptoms cluster ... Anorexia Nervosa. Dysthymic Disorder. Hypomanic Episode. Major Depressive Disorder. Manic Episode ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Differential Diagnosis

Differential Diagnosis
  • Theodore M. Godlaski
  • College of Social Work
  • University of Kentucky

The Diagnostic Problem
  • DSM Diagnosis a somewhat paradigmatic symptoms
    cluster at the syndromal level of abstraction
  • However, individuals usually present clinicians
    with a single symptom/small set of symptoms
  • That they find most distressing
  • That they are most comfortable discussing
  • Getting from a single or small number of related
    symptom to a diagnosis useful for treatment is
    what differential diagnosis is all about.

Step 1
  • Is the presenting symptom for real?
  • This does not imply that one should always
    mistrust what the patient says.
  • However there are diagnoses in which conscious
    feigning of symptoms is usual (Malingering and
    Fictitious Disorder) and one in which unconscious
    feigning of symptoms is usual (Conversion

Step 1 (corollaries)
  • Is this a situation in which feigning of symptoms
    is more typical ER, forensic evaluation, prison,
    inpatient unit?
  • Does the presentation of symptoms conform more to
    a popular view of a disorder than to an actual
    clinical entity?
  • Do the symptoms shift significantly from one
    clinical encounter to the next?
  • Do the symptoms mimic the presentation of a role
    model like a parent or another patient?
  • Is the patient unusually manipulative or

Step 2
  • Rule out substance etiology (drugs of abuse,
    medications, toxin exposure).
  • Does the individual use any substances?
  • This includes dependence, abuse, recreational
    use, medical use, and environmental exposure.
  • This will involve a thorough history and
    evaluation, laboratory tests, and toxicology.
  • In an aging population with less cautious use of
    parmacotherapy, medication use is an increasing

Step 2
  • What is the etiologic relationship between
    substance use and psychiatric symptoms?
  • The symptoms are a direct result of the effects
    of the substance use.
  • The substance use is secondary to the psychiatric
  • The psychiatric symptoms and substance use are
    independent of each other.

Step 2
  • Temporal sequence is a helpful, but not
    infallible, guide.
  • If the onset of psychiatric symptoms clearly
    precedes the onset of substance use, it is
    probably a primary psychiatric disorder.
  • If the onset of substance use clearly precedes
    the psychiatric symptoms than the symptoms are
    more likely to be substance induced.
  • If the psychiatric symptoms abate in about 4
    weeks after substance intoxication or withdrawal,
    the symptoms are more clearly substance induced.
  • Excepting Substance Induced Persisting Dementia
    or Amnesiac Disorder.

Step 2
  • Caveats
  • Often individuals suffering from substance use
    and psychiatric symptoms are not the best
    historians of their own experience.
  • Substance misuse and psychiatric disorders often
    have their onset in late adolescence without any
    causative link.
  • If psychiatric symptoms are severe and pose a
    risk to self or others, waiting 4 weeks to
    determine etiology raises serious questions.

Step 2
  • Is the pattern of substance use or withdrawal
    sufficient to account for the symptoms?
  • Is the nature, amount, and duration of substance
    use consistent with the observed symptoms?
  • Not all substances nor all dose levels of
    specific substances produce specific symptoms.
  • Is the pattern of substance use consistent with
    an attempt to relieve the symptoms?
  • Are there other factors like heavy genetic
    loading for a specific psychiatric problem that
    point to a non-substance induced etiology?
  • In the absence of persuasive evidence in either
    direction, could the two disorders simply be

Step 3
  • Rule out a disorder due to a general medical
  • The clinical implication of this step are
  • Differential diagnosis is complicated
  • Symptoms of some psychiatric conditions and many
    general medical conditions can be identical.
  • Sometimes the first presenting symptom of a
    general medical condition is psychiatric.
  • The relationship between medical conditions and
    psychiatric conditions can be complicated
  • Patients are often seen in mental health setting
    where there is low expectation of and little
    familiarity with general medical conditions.

Step 3
  • Just as with substance use, virtually any
    psychiatric presentation can be caused by the
    direct physiologic effects of a general medical
    condition (e.g. Mood Disorder due to
  • A good diagnostic evaluation should contain a
    thorough history and physical as well as tests
    for those medical conditions most likely to cause
    the presenting symptoms ( thyroid function tests
    for depression, brain imaging for late-onset
  • In social work practice, involvement of a
    physician with good diagnostic skills, like and
    Internist, in the evaluation process is very

Step 3
  • If a general medical condition is present, its
    etiologic relationship, if any, to the
    psychiatric symptoms must be established.
  • The medical condition causes the psychiatric
    symptom by direct action on the CNS.
  • The general medical condition causes the
    psychiatric symptoms through a indirect or
    psychological mechanism.
  • Medication taken for the medical condition causes
    the psychiatric symptoms.
  • The psychiatric symptoms adversely effect the
    medical condition.
  • The psychiatric symptoms and the medical
    condition are purely coincidental,

Step 3
  • There are some clues that are helpful, but not
    infallible, in making the clinical judgment
    mentioned earlier.
  • Temporality do psychiatric symptoms follow the
    onset of the medical condition, vary in intensity
    with it, and disappear when it is resolved?
  • Remember that psychiatric symptoms can precede,
    by some time, the onset of some medical problems
    or not occur until late stages of others.

Step 3
  • Atypicality are the psychiatric symptoms
    atypical in pattern, age of onset, or course.
  • e.g. significant weight loss and severe fatigue
    with mildly depressed mood, first onset of Manic
    Episode in an elderly individual, severe
    disorientation accompanying psychotic symptoms.
  • Remember, manifestation of psychiatric disorders
    is very heterogeneous and atypical presentations
    are not unknown.
  • If you determine that a medical condition is
    causing the psychiatric symptoms, determine which
    DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of Mental Disorders Due to a
    General Medical Condition best describes the
  • A decision tree or algorithm is very helpful.

Step 4
  • Determine the specific primary disorder(s).
  • The arrangement of disorders in the DSM-IV-TR
    into broad categories of disorders is done to
    somewhat facilitate this process
  • Disorders First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood,
    or Adolescence Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic, and
    other Cognitive Disorders Substance-Related
    Disorders Schizophrenia and other Psychotic
    Disorders Mood Disorders Anxiety Disorders
    Somatoform Disorders Factitious Disorders
    Dissociative Disorders Sexual and Gender
    Identity Disorders Eating Disorders Sleep
    Disorders Impulse-Control Disorders Adjustment
    disorders Personality Disorders

Step 4
  • The problem is that many disorders share common

Irritability Acute Stress Disorder ASPD Attention
al Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder BPD Conduct
Disorder Cyclothymic Disorder Delusional
Disorder Dysthymic Disorder GAD Hypomanic
Episode Major Depressive Disorder Manic
Episode Mixed Episode PTSD Schizoaffective
Disorder Schizophreniform Disorder Schizophrenia S
ubstance Use/Withdrawal
Weight Loss Anorexia Nervosa Dysthymic
Disorder Hypomanic Episode Major Depressive
Disorder Manic Episode Mixed Episode Substance
Insomnia Acute Stress Disorder Cyclothymic
Disorder Delirium Dysthymic Disorder GAD Hypomanic
Episode Major Depressive Disorder Manic
Episode Mixed Episode Nightmare
Disorder PTSD Schizoaffective Disorder Schizophren
iform Disorder Schizophrenia Substance
Step 4
  • The problem is that many disorders share common

Irritability Acute Stress Disorder ASPD Attention
al Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder BPD Conduct
Disorder Cyclothymic Disorder Delusional
Disorder Dysthymic Disorder GAD Hypomanic
Episode Major Depressive Disorder Manic
Episode Mixed Episode PTSD Schizoaffective
Disorder Schizophreniform Disorder Schizophrenia S
ubstance Use/Withdrawal
Weight Loss Anorexia Nervosa Dysthymic
Disorder Hypomanic Episode Major Depressive
Disorder Manic Episode Mixed Episode Substance
Insomnia Acute Stress Disorder Cyclothymic
Disorder Delirium Dysthymic Disorder GAD Hypomanic
Episode Major Depressive Disorder Manic
Episode Mixed Episode Nightmare
Disorder PTSD Schizoaffective Disorder Schizophren
iform Disorder Schizophrenia Substance
Step 4
  • The problem is that many disorders share common

Irritability Acute Stress Disorder ASPD Attention
al Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder BPD Conduct
Disorder Cyclothymic Disorder Delusional
Disorder Dysthymic Disorder GAD Hypomanic
Episode Major Depressive Disorder Manic
Episode Mixed Episode PTSD Schizoaffective
Disorder Schizophreniform Disorder Schizophrenia S
ubstance Use/Withdrawal
Weight Loss Anorexia Nervosa Dysthymic
Disorder Hypomanic Episode Major Depressive
Disorder Manic Episode Mixed Episode Substance
Insomnia Acute Stress Disorder Cyclothymic
Disorder Delirium Dysthymic Disorder GAD Hypomanic
Episode Major Depressive Disorder Manic
Episode Mixed Episode Nightmare
Disorder PTSD Schizoaffective Disorder Schizophren
iform Disorder Schizophrenia Substance
Step 4
Step 5
  • If the symptom pattern or the severity of
    impairment or distress does not meet criteria for
    a specific diagnosis, differentiate adjustment
    disorder from not otherwise specified.
  • If the clinical judgment is made that the
    symptoms developed from a maladaptive response to
    a psychosocial stressor, then adjustment disorder
  • If the judgment is that the stressor is not
    responsible for the development of the symptoms,
    than the relevant Not Otherwise Specified
    category can be diagnosed.
  • Given the ubiquity of stressors, the point is not
    whether a stressor is present or not but whether
    it is the etiology of the symptoms.

Step 6
  • Establish the boundary with no mental disorder
  • This is an obvious but not always an easy step to
  • Many symptoms are so ubiquitous that they occur
    at least briefly in the lives of most people.
  • At some time most individuals will experience
    symptoms of anxiety, depression, difficulty
    sleeping, or sexual dysfunction.
  • It is important not to pathologize what is really
    the human condition.
  • The disturbance must cause clinically
    significant impairment or distress in social,
    occupational, or other important areas of

Step 6
  • The diagnosis of Hypoactive Sexual Desire
    Disorder should not be made in someone with low
    sexual desire, who is not in a current intimate
    relationship with anyone, and who is not
    particularly bothered by it.
  • The problem is that what is clinically
    significant is greatly influenced by cultural
    context, the setting in which the individual is
    seen, clinician bias, client bias, and
    availability of resources.
  • Unfortunately there is little solid research and
    no hard and fast rules that can guide this

  • Although it is best to follow the principle of
    parsimony, it is also important to remember that
    most diagnoses are not mutually exclusive.
  • In an individual with delusions, hallucinations,
    and mood symptoms a decision must be made among
    Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Mood
    Disorder with Psychotic Features.
  • In an individual with multiple unexpected panic
    attacks, significant depression, and a
    maladaptive perfectionistic and rigid personality
    style the diagnoses of Major Depressive Disorder,
    Panic Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive
    Personality Disorder may all apply.

  • Using multiple diagnoses is neither good nor bad
    so long as the implications are understood.
  • Do not hold the mistaken view that multiple
    descriptive diagnoses are actually independent
  • A may cause or predispose to B (ASPD, SUD)
  • B may cause or predispose to A (OCD, Eating
  • An underlying condition C may predispose to both
    A and B (PTSD, Agoraphobia, SUD)
  • A and B may be part of a larger syndrome
    artificially split in the diagnostic system
    (PTSD, BPD)
  • The comorbidity is a chance co-occurrence in
    conditions with high base rates (MDD and SUD)

  • Having more than one DSM-IV-TR diagnosis does not
    mean that there is more than one underlying
    pathophysiological process.
  • The diagnoses are not entities but descriptive
    building blocks, useful for communicating
    diagnostic information and guiding therapeutic

  • Consider the case of a 38 year old married male
    who is referred for evaluation after a second
    DUI. He readily admits that he is a regular and
    heavy drinker, that he has tried to stop drinking
    several times but without any sustained success,
    and that he often drinks more than he intends. He
    also complains of feelings of intense sadness,
    difficulty sleeping, weight loss, constant sense
    of fatigue, feelings of guilt and worthlessness,
    and occasional thoughts of suicide.

  • This is not an atypical presentation and poses a
    serious differential challenge.
  • Although this is a kind of forensic evaluation,
    let us assume that there is no reason to believe
    that the individual is not being perfectly honest
    about his symptoms.
  • Let us further assume that a recent history and
    physical reveals no apparent medical problem
    which might explain the symptoms.

  • The diagnostic question then is Is this an
    individual whose Major Depressive Disorder is
    secondary to his Alcohol Dependence, or whose
    Alcohol Dependence is secondary to his Major
    Depressive Disorder, or who has both Major
    Depressive Disorder and Alcohol Dependence as
    comorbid conditions.
  • Diagnostic tree

  • Consider the case of a 28 year old, unmarried
    woman, who seeks help because of panic attacks.
    She was perfectly fine until she was in her last
    year of graduate studies in molecular biology and
    was attacked and carjacked in the library parking
    lot late one night. Her attacker forced her to
    dive, at knife point, to a deserted area where he
    raped, beat, and left her. She was so shaken by
    the experience that she dropped out of school
    without finishing her degree. She still has
    nightmares about the attack and takes
    benzodiazepines, off and on, to help her sleep.
    She eventually got a job as a technician in a
    medical lab and was doing better until the lab
    started running a late shift. When she works
    late, the thought of having to go to her car in a
    dark and deserted parking lot makes her feel like
    she is smothering. When she can convince someone
    to go with her to her car, she feels better. But
    several times she could not find anyone and her
    heart beat so fast and hard she was convinced she
    was about to die. She doesnt want to loose her
    job but she also doesnt want to continue to live
    as she has for the past several months.

  • The presenting symptom is panic attacks. The
    Diagnostic question is whether this symptom is
    the result of the after effects of benzodiazepine
    use, a developing anxiety disorder, or trauma.
  • Diagnostic tree

  • Consider the case of a 57 year old, widowed,
    female who is brought to the emergency room by
    EMTs. She was wandering around her neighborhood
    in a flowered house dress and slippers early on a
    chilly November morning. The neighbors saw her
    and attempted to talk to her but when she didnt
    seem to make a lot of sense, they called 911. The
    paramedic says that in talking to the neighbors
    he discovered that she has lived in her house for
    at least 20 years. Five years ago her husband
    died and since then they have seen little of her.
    They said that she has no visitors except the
    local grocery that delivers and the local liquor
    store which also delivers. The paramedic says
    that when asked if she knew were she was she
    responded, Yes, in San Francisco on my
    honeymoon, but I seem to have gotten lost and
    cant remember how to get back to the hotel. Ill
    be fine as soon as I can find my husband.
  • She is very thin and looks considerably older
    than her age. Her skin has a somewhat sallow and
    yellowish pallor that seems to be more pronounced
    in her neck and upper chest. There is a very
    faint smell of wine about her but she does not
    appear to be intoxicated. Her BP is in normal
    range for her gender and age but here temperature
    is slightly elevated (99.8 F). When questioned
    about what has happened she is either non
    responsive or talks about recently being married
    and about the plans she and her husband have once
    they return to Lexington. She appears to be more
    confused than frightened. When asked were she
    thinks she is now, she responds, In the
    Visitors Aid Center where well get everything
    sorted out shortly.

  • Contact with the local grocery reveals that she
    generally orders the same things every week
    bread, eggs, meat, assorted vegetables, milk,
    orange juice, occasionally oil or flower, and
    always a large bottle (100 tabs) of extra
    strength acetaminophen. Contact with the liquor
    store reveals that she always orders 3 bottles of
    white wine, usually pinot grigio.
  • This case presents very considerable diagnostic
    challenges, some of which may be beyond your
    current expertise. It is included for the
    following reasons
  • Because there will be cases beyond your expertise
    no matter how much you know
  • It illustrates the need to be tentative in
    diagnosis, especially when there is much that is
  • It is a case in which treatment based on the
    wrong diagnosis can be fatal.
  • Diagnostic Tree
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