Title: Contaminant Fate and Transport
1Contaminant Fate and Transport
2Contaminant Transport Equation
C Concentration of Solute M/L3 DIJ
Dispersion Coefficient L2/T B Thickness of
Aquifer L C Concentration in Sink Well
M/L3 W Flow in Source or Sink L3/T n
Porosity of Aquifer unitless VI Velocity in
I Direction L/T xI x or y direction
3Analytical Solutions of Equations
- Closed form solution, C C ( x, y, z, t)
- Easy to calculate, can often be done on a
spreadsheet - Limited to simple geometries in 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D
- Limited to simple sources such as continuous or
instantaneous or simple combinations - Requires aquifer to be homogeneous and isotropic
- Error functions (Erf) or exponentials (Exp) are
usually involved
4Numerical Solution of Equations
- Numerically -- C is approximated at each point
of a computational domain (may be a regular grid
or irregular) - Solution is very general
- May require intensive computational effort to get
the desired resolution - Subject to numerical difficulties such as
convergence problems and numerical dispersion - Generally, flow and transport are solved in
separate independent steps (except in
density-dependent or multi-phase flow situations)
5Domenico and Schwartz (1990)
- Solutions for several geometries
- Generally a vertical plane, constant
concentration source. Source concentration can
decay. - Uses 1-D velocity (x) and 3-D dispersion (x,y,z)
- Spreadsheets exist for solutions.
- Dispersion axvx, where ax is the dispersivity
(L) - BIOSCREEN (1996) is handy tool that can be
- Answers how far will a plume migrate?
- Answers How long will the plume persist?
- A decaying vertical planar source
- Biological reactions occur until the electron
acceptors in GW are consumed - First order decay, instantaneous reaction, or no
decay - Output is a plume centerline or 3-D graphs
- Mass balances are provided
7Domenico and Schwartz (1990)
Plume at time t
Vertical Source
8Domenico and Schwartz (1990)
- For planar source from -Y/2 to Y/2 and 0 to Z
Flow x
9Instantaneous Spill in 2-D
- Spill source C0 released at x y 0, v vx
- First order decay l and release area A
2-D Gaussian Plume moving at velocity V