Anne Frank - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Anne Frank


Anne Frank. The entire family will be arrested if Margot does not report. ... Anne and Margot Frank died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in March 1944 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Anne Frank

Anne Frank
Time Line
Events that shaped a young writers life.
June 12, 1929
Anne Frank born
Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany to Otto
and Edith Frank.
January 1933
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
We were sitting around the table listening to
the radio. Then came the news that Hitler had
become Chancellor. This was followed by a report
of the Brownshirts torch lit procession in
Berlin and we could hear the screaming and
cheering. Hitler ended his speech with the words
Just give me four years.' Our host then said
enthusiastically Lets see what that man can
do! I was speechless, my wife stunned. Otto
Early 1932
I can remember that as early as 1932, groups of
Storm Troopers came marching by singing When
Jewish blood splatters from the knife.'" Otto
Summer 1933
The Franks move
The Franks decide that the family must move to
the Netherlands.
Summer 1933
A new life.
Otto Frank set up a company in Amsterdam selling
opekta. Opekta is a product used by housewives to
prepare home-made jam.
Why did Otto Frank go to the Netherlands and not
Switzerland where he had family?
Life in Amsterdam
Life in Amsterdam was great until the spring of
1940. Anne and her sister Margot went to school
and had many friends.
Anne Frank video footage.
May 10, 1940
The German army invades the Netherlands.
After May 1940, the good times were few and far
between first there was the war, then the
capitulation and then the arrival of the Germans,
which is when the trouble started for the Jews.
Anne Frank
After 1940
The discrimination against the Jews begins then
as well Jews may not own their own businesses,
Jewish children have to go to Jewish schools, all
Jews have to wear a yellow star, and countless
other restrictions. There are even rumors that
the Jews will be packed off to Germany www.anne
July 5, 1942
A call-up
I was stunned. A call-up, everyone knows what
that means. Visions of concentration camps and
lonely cells raced through my head. Anne Frank
The entire family will be arrested if Margot does
not report. This next day, Otto Frank takes his
family into hiding. Anne takes her diary.
What does a call-up mean?
July 6, 1942
Members of the Annex
The van Pels
The Franks
Otto Frank
Edith Frank
My happy-go-lucky, carefree school days are gone
forever. Anne Frank
Margot Frank
Anne Frank
November 16, 1942
The Eighth Member of the Annex
Just as we thought, Pfeffer is a very nice man.
Of course he didn't mind sharing a room with me
to be honest, I'm not exactly delighted at having
a stranger use my things, but you have to make
sacrifices for a good cause, and I'm glad I can
make this small one. Anne Frank
Fritz Pfeffer
Betrayed and Arrested
August 4, 1944
At approximately 10 am, August 4, 1944, the
Frank family's greatest fear comes true. A Nazi
policeman and several Dutch collaborators appear
at 263 Prinsengracht, having received an
anonymous phone call informing them that Jews are
hiding there. The police head straight for the
bookcase that leads to the Secret
The bookcase (movie clip)
Betrayed and Arrested
August 8, 1944
After their arrest, the eight members of the
annex were taken to the police station until they
were transported to Westerbork on August 8th.
August 8 to September 2, 1944
Westerbork Transit Camp
Camp Westerbork was a World War II concentration
camp. Its function during the Second World War
was to assemble Dutch Jews for transport to other
Nazi concentration camps.
On September 3, the eight members of the annex
were on final transport of prisoners to Auschwitz.
More information at
To Auschwitz
September 3, 1944
I will never forget that moment when the
17-year-old Peter van Pels and I saw a group of
selected men. Peters father was among them. They
were marched away. Two hours later a cart with
their clothes on it went by. Otto Frank
Final Destination
October 1944 to March 1945
Auguste van Pels, Margot, and Anne are
transported to the Bergen-Belsen concentration
camp. Edith Frank remains in the women's camp at
Liberated prisoners at Bergen-Belsen
Anne and Margot Frank died at the Bergen-Belsen
concentration camp in March 1944 from typhus a
few weeks before the camp was liberated by the
The Fate of Anne Frank
October 1945
Again and again small groups of survivors
returned from different concentration camps and I
tried to hear something from them about Margot
and Anne. I found two sisters who had been with
Margot and Anne in Bergen-Belsen. They told me
about the final sufferings and the death of my
children. Otto Frank
Otto Frank and the helpers Miep Gies, Johannes
Kleiman, Victor Kugler and Bep Voskuijl.
Annes Diary
I didnt hand Otto Annes writings immediately
on his arrival, as I still hoped, even though
there was only a slight chance, that Anne would
come backWhen we heard in July 1945, that Anne,
like Margot, had died in Bergen-Belsen, I gave
what pieces of Annes writing I had back to Mr.
Frank. I gave him everything I had stored in the
desk drawer in my office. Miep Gies
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