Title: CHINA
Created by Larry Schowalter Eleanor Hall
School Clyde, Alberta Click to continue
2- You are about to begin a journey to another
country. China has an ancient culture that will
have much that will be unfamiliar to you. The
journey will be both exciting and challenging.
Enjoy! - Click to continue
- As you proceed through this unit, you will be
coming across many pictures of China. Make a new
folder in your personal file and label it China
Pictures. When you save these pictures, title
them so that you know what to put as a label when
you make your own PowerPoint presentation on
Click to continue
4Instructions for Presentation
- As mentioned, you will be collecting pictures as
you proceed on your journey through China.
Following are the general areas that must be
included in your presentation. - Click to continue
5Instructions for Presentation
- Natural Features and Geography of China
- Human-made Features of China
- Culture of the People
- Architecture
- Industry
- Click to continue
6Worksheet Instructions
- On the following slides there are many links to
websites giving you information on China. Take
your time on these sites and record your findings
on the China worksheets as you receive them. - Click to continue
7Chinese Creation Myth
The following website has a unique fable about
the creation of China. http//www.ancientchina/cr
eationmyth Click to continue
8China From Space
Click to continue
9Location of China in the World
Click to continue
10Land Elevations
Click to continue
11Chinas Neighbours
Click to continue
12Major Cities of China
Click to continue
13Geography of China
- Click on the following website. Once there find
the information to fill your sheet on the
geography of China. After completing your report,
proceed to the next slide. - CIA Report on China
- Click to continue
14Geography of China
Further information on the geography of China is
available at the following website http//www/ge
ography/ Be sure to take the challenge on this
site. Click to continue
15Geography of China
- Click on the following links to see some
spectacular scenery in China - http//www.china-inc.com/education/geography/
- http//scenery.cnd.org/Scenery/index2.html
- http//www.kidport.com/ GeographicLandmarks
Click to continue
16Climate of China
Go to the climate link below to learn about the
climate in China. Note that there are questions
to be answered on your sheets.
- http//www.travelchina/climate.htm
Click to continue
17Climate of China
Go to the climate link below to learn about the
climate in Beijing. Note that there are
questions to be answered on your sheets.
Click to continue
18Climate of China
Click on the site below to get monthly average
temperatures for major cities in China.
- Temperatures in Chinese Cities
Click to continue
19Chinese Inventions
- Go to the following website to learn more about
early Chinese inventions and discoveries. - http//chinainventions.html
- Click to continue
20Chinese Numbers
- The following website has a list of Chinese
numbers from 1 to 10. On the sheet provided, you
will write the Chinese character and
pronunciation for each number. - http//www.chinesenumbers
- Click to continue
21Chinese Numbers
- Click on the following website to see how to
write numbers in Chinese characters. Note that if
you click on the number, the right side of the
site will demonstrate how to write each
character. - http//www.numbers.html
- Click to continue
22Chinese Writing
- The following website has some interesting
information about the Chinese writing system.
When you get to the site, click the right arrow
to go through the different characters. - http//www.chinapage.com/writing
- Click to continue
23Chinese Writing
- The website below is pretty cool. You can get
your name translated into Chinese and see your
Chinese astrological sign. - http//www.chinesename.html
- Click to continue
24Chinese Words
- The website below has some proverbs written in
Chinese characters. On the sheet provided, write
your favourite quotation in both Chinese and
English. - http//www.chinapage.com/quote/quote.html
- Click to continue
25Traditional Chinese Painting
- The following website has some very beautiful
Chinese paintings. They will run automatically
as a slide show and will be finished when the
screen is blank. - http//www.chinapage.com/painting
- Click to continue
26Traditional Chinese Painting
- The following website has a Chinese picture that
you can paint online. Have fun! - http//www.chinapainting
- Click to continue
27Traditional Chinese Food
- The website below has some interesting
information about chopsticks. - http//www.chopsticks.htm
- Click to continue
28Traditional Chinese Food
- The website below has some excellent Chinese
recipes. Check out the fried dragons leg. Yum! - http//www.recipes.htm
- Click to continue
29Traditional Chinese Architecture
Go to the site below to read about and see
pictures of traditional Chinese
architecture. http//architecture/china1.htm Cli
ck to continue
30Traditional Chinese Architecture
The following site has a virtual tour of some
traditional architecture in Beijing. Hold down
your muse button and move the mouse to see
different views. http//virtualtour.html Click
to continue
31The Great Wall of China
One of the marvels of human ingenuity is the
Great Wall of China. Following is a link with
pictures and text. http//www.chinavista/greatwal
l.html Click to continue
32The Great Wall of China
The following site has virtual tours where you
can travel along areas of the Great Wall. On a
virtual tour, you hold down your mouse button and
move the mouse around to see the
scenery. http//www.greatwall.html Click to
33Chinese Festivals
- The following link provides some basic
information about various Chinese festivals. - http//ChineseFestivals.html
- Click to continue
34Chinese Kites
- The following link has some information about
traditional Chinese kites. - http//ChineseKites.html
- Click to continue
35The Giant Panda
- One of the most fascinating animals in the world
is the giant panda. Check the link below for
some information about this rare mammal. - http//www.panda.html
- Click to continue
36Life in China in 1900
The following link has pictures of life in China
in approximately the year 1900. The pictures
were taken by a Westerner. http//www/past/china/
pictures Click to continue
37The Birth of Modern China
- This link provides some basic information on the
birth of modern China. - http//chinahistory.com/
- Click to continue
38The Chinese Flag
Click to continue
39The People of China Today
For information about the people of China, go to
the CIA website below. CIA Facts Click to
40The People of China Today
This website has some very interesting pictures
of everyday people in China. http//china-picture
s1.html Click to continue
41The People of China Today
42The People of China Today
43The People of China Today
44The People of China Today
45The People of China Today
46The People of China Today