Civilization in South Asia and Southeast Asia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Civilization in South Asia and Southeast Asia


Agricultural societies (Viet Nam, Angkor, Pagan, Sailendra) ... In Angkor and Pagan: based on ... Angkor Wat: as much stone as Great Pyramid in Egypt ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Civilization in South Asia and Southeast Asia

Chapter 11
  • Civilization in South Asia and Southeast Asia

Overview of Chapter 11
  • India after the Guptas Islam replaces Buddhism
    as dominant religion
  • Life and Culture in India
  • Civilization Develops in Southeast Asia Vietnam,
    Funan, Angkor, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia
  • Society and Culture in Early Southeast Asia

Section 1
  • India After the Guptas

The Decline of Buddhism
  • Buddhism had been popular among Indian people for
    hundreds of years, changing over time
  • Changes led to split among believers
  • Theravada way of life, not religion based on
  • Mahayana regular people didnt have time to
    meditate for months. Religion, not a philosophy
  • Both lost popularity to Hinduism and Islam

Early Eastward Expansion of Islam
  • Moved eastward across Persia, into India in the
    early eighth century
  • Led to division of India, Pakistan, and
  • Tensions still exist in that area of the world
    due to split of countries along religious lines
  • Islams success was due, in part, to the lack of
    a central government (after the Gupta Empire

The Ghazni The Expansion of Islam
  • Rebellious Turkish slaves founded Ghazni, a new
    Islamic state
  • In present-day Afghanistan
  • The founders son, Mahmud, began conquering
    nearby Hindu kingdoms
  • Rajputs, Hindu warriors from India, fought back
    against the quick, invading cavalry forces of the

Sultanate of Delhi and the Mongols
  • New Muslim state formed by 1200 from the
    expansion of the Ghazni people
  • Tried to take over the Deccan plateau in India
    but failed
  • Tamerlane, a ruler of a group of Mongols,
    massacred 100,000 Hindi people in the Indian
    capital of Delhi
  • Brief time of peace followed after his death

Islam and the State
  • Muslims set up separate states and governments,
    but viewed themselves as strictly separate
    outsiders (as opposed to the Hindu masses)
  • Muslims restricted high offices by religion

Islam and Indian Society
  • Many Muslim rulers were more tolerant and used
    peaceful methods of conversion, if any
  • Others were violently religious
  • Most were at least somewhat tolerant of Hindus
  • However they did impose Islamic customs on the
    Hindu society, by requiring taxes, participation
    in govt, and including Untouchables

Clash of Cultures and Religions
  • Two very different religions/cultures
  • Hindu had priests, Islam did not
  • Muslims ate beef, Hindus did not
  • Islam monotheistic, Hindu polytheistic
  • Hindu art was sexually explicit, Muslims did not
    approve of it
  • Differences regarding women in some ways, more
    equality for Muslim women (with restrictions)
  • Castes Muslims began to adopt/form their own
    caste system

Section 3
  • The Development of Civilization in Southeast Asia

Land and People of Southeast Asia, pt I
  • Among first people to master rice cultivation,
    maybe 9,000 years ago
  • 200 B.C., first Vietnamese state began
  • Around 200 years later, Funan began (in modern
  • Quickly became very important in Asian politics
  • All SE states affected by China, India Middle

Land and People of Southeast Asia, pt II
  • Mainland SE Asia archipelago (Indonesia,
    Philippines, etc.)
  • Mixture of races, cultures, religions China
    India (and others)
  • Plentiful water, climate is good for rice
  • North-south mtn ranges
  • People came from China and other places
  • River deltas Irrawaddy and Salween in Burma,
    Chao Phraya in Thailand, Mekong and Red River in
    Viet Nam
  • Islands to south

Land and People, pt III
  • East-west movement was difficult b/c mtns
  • Forest and mosquitoes (malaria)
  • difficult to unify under 1 govt
  • Dvpd 2,000 years after earliest civilizations
  • Isolation unique traits many languages,
    cultures, clothes, religions, etc.
  • Lowland vs. upland hills agri vs. hunt/fish

Beginnings of Civilization in SE Asia
  • Viet Nam and Funan were earliest
  • Viet Nam Red River delta in N. Viet Nam
  • Qin tried to conquer but failed (Vietnamese have
    historically been hard to conquer), but Han
    succeeded 111 B.C.
  • Nearly 1,000 years of control by Chinese, but
    Vietnamese still maintained separate culture
  • Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism come to Viet Nam
    from China

  • Indian merchants entered SE Asia
  • Funan on lower Mekong R in Cambodia
  • Farming trading (with India China)
  • Probably ancestors of Khmer (Cambodian group
  • Legend first king was Indian
  • Indian gods, Sanskrit, art architecture

Formation of States Break into Groups
  • Vietnam
  • Angkor
  • Thailand
  • Burma
  • Malay

Oral Reading
  • Open books to pg. 329
  • Take turns reading out-loud
  • Discussion questions

  • Read Chapter 11, Section 4 for Wednesday
  • Continue research, outline due date extended to
    March 4th
  • Enjoy the break

Section 4
  • Society and Culture in Early Southeast Asia

Agricultural and Trading Societies
  • Agricultural societies (Viet Nam, Angkor, Pagan,
  • Vs. Trading societies (Sri Vijaya and Sultanate
    of Malacca)
  • Dictated by the environment convenience
  • Increases in trade brought on by Muslim conquest
    of N. India and more wealth in Europe and Middle
    East (led to more demand)
  • Local trade grew under control of Muslims and
    outside traders

Social Structures and Daily Life (pt I)
  • Hereditary aristocrats (political power wealth)
    lived in large cities
  • Angkor Thom (in N. Cambodia)
  • Most others lived outside of major cities
    farmers, fishers, artisans, merchants
  • Most were probably subsistence farmers paying
    heavy taxes to local rulers
  • In Malay world, much of trade was via river boats
    to coastal ports
  • Few primitive roads for local trade

Social Structures and Daily Life (pt II)
  • Viet Nam was influenced by Chinese
  • Civil Service Exams scholar-gentry rulers
  • In Viet Nam, most were peasants in villages
  • Landed estates were limited in size by govt
  • Obedience to male head of family (came from
    Chinese Confucian ideas)
  • Women had more freedom since ancient times could
    divorce and own property

Social Structures and Daily Life (pt III)
  • In Indian-influenced states, strict class/caste
    system existed
  • In Angkor and Pagan based on occupation or
  • Official hierarchy (chieftain, higher officials,
    central govt) used for taxation purposes
  • Malay and Indonesia were less formal
  • Small villages, wooden houses built on stilts
  • Some landlords, some private plots

Social Structures and Daily Life (pt IV)
  • Most SE Asian societies gave women more rights
    than in China and India
  • Women worked side by side men in fields and
  • Nuclear family in Burma and Thailand
  • Extended family in Viet Nam and Malaysia

Religion in Early Southeast Asia
  • Spirit worship (esp. mtns where souls retired)
  • Hindu and Buddhist ideas in first millennium AD
  • Especially popular among elites (explained and
    reinforced power of rulers to commoners)
  • Blending of beliefs ex. Angkor state cult
  • Theravada Buddhism in Burma from Sri Lanka
  • Became most popular taught Nirvana possible
    without priests or rulers, tolerated local gods
    and spirit worship, dominated Burma, Thailand,
    Laos, Cambodia
  • Islam became popular in Malay and Indonesia in
    13th 14th centuries, but hard to spread to
    rural mtn villages (will continue in later
    chapters after 1500)

Culture in Southeast Asia
  • Mix of local cultures and Indian or Chinese
  • Vietnamese wrote Chinese poetry, used Chinese
    sculpture, architecture, and porcelain as models
    (but now use Roman alphabet and their own
  • Architecture is most obvious Indian influence
    especially in templesBuddhism, Hindu and local
  • Angkor Wat as much stone as Great Pyramid in
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