Title: B'F' Skinnner
1B.F. Skinnner
- Radical and then Modern Behaviorism
2Burris Fredric Skinner
3Burris Frederic Skinner
- Born in Penn.
- BA degree in English from Hamilton College
- Masters/PhD from Harvard in 1930, 1931
- Taught at Univ of Minnesota 1936-1945
- Behaviors of Organisms, 1938
- 1945 to Indiana University
- 1948 to Harvard there until his death in 1990
- Several important human rights books
- Beyond Freedom and Dignity
- Walden Two
- Enjoy Old Age
- 2 daughters one is psychologist Julie Vargas
(runs autism program at WVU) and a pianist
4Why Behaviorism
- defines "behavior" as what the animal is
(observed to be) doing. - avoid anthropomorphizing or implying conceptual
schemes - Simply describe what the animal is doing
- avoids preconceived notions and concepts about
the animal's behavior
5Narration as a descriptor defining what is
- narrate what the animal is doing- running frame
of reference - stimulus refers to environment
- correlated behavior is the response
- reflex observed relation between the stimulus
and response - (implies lawfulness)
- is a fact, not a theory
- not want to "botanize" - but come up with general
laws of behavior
6Several laws of classical conditioning
- uses to distinguish from operant behavior
- Static laws of the Reflex Really discussing
classical conditioning here - law of threshold the intensity of the stimulus
must reach or exceed a certain critical value in
order to elicit a response - law of latency an interval of time elapses
between the beginning of the stimulus and the
beginning of the response - law of magnitude of the response the magnitude
of the response is a function of the intensity of
the stimulus - law of after discharge the response may persist
for some time after the cessation of the stimulus - law of temporal summation prolongation of a
stimulus or repetitive presentation within
certain limiting rates has the same effect as
increasing the intensity
7several laws of classical conditioning
- Dynamic laws of reflex strength
- law of refractory phase immediately after
eliciation the strength of some reflexes exists
at a low, perhaps zero, value. It returns to its
former state during subsequent activity - law of reflex fatigue the strength of a reflex
declinces during repeated elicitation and returns
to its former value during susequent inactivity - law of facilitation the strength of a reflex may
be increased through presentation of a second
sitmulus which does not itself elicit the
response - law of inhibition the strength of a reflex may
be decreased through the presentation of a second
stimulus which has no other relation to the
effector involved - also discusses law of conditioning of Type S and
law of extinction of Type S
8Distinguishes between PAVLOVIAN and OPERANT
- Operant behavior is EMITTED not elicited
- static laws DO NOT apply to operant behavior
- Remember still in day when CC does NOT equal OC
- Believed were different kinds of learning
- CC visceral muscles
- OC skeletal responses
9Dynamic laws of Type R behavior
- HIS version of the Law of Effect
- law of conditioning of Type R if the occurrence
of an operant is followed by a presentation of a
reinforcing stimulus, the strength is increased - -notice that conditioning strength of the
operant -
- law of extinction of Type R behavior if the
occurrence of an operant already strengthened
through conditioning is not followed by the
reinforcing stimulus, the strength is decreased - can get stimuli that are correlated with R-S
connections thus can set the occasion for the
R-S contingency
10The reflex reserve
- reflex reserve total available activity for an
animal - there is a relation between
- the number of responses appearing during the
extinction of an operant and - the number of preceding reinforcements
- changes in drive do not change the total number
of available responses, - although the rate of responding may vary greatly
- emotional, facilitative, and inhibitory changes
are compensated for by later changes in strength
11Interaction of reflexes
- important in that responses not occur in
isolation - law of compatibility two or more responses which
do not overlap topographically may occur
simultaneously without interference - law of prepotency with two reflexes overlap
topographically, and the responses are
incompatible, one response may occur to the
exclusion of another -
- law of algebraic summation the simultaneous
elicitation of two responses utilizing the same
effectors but in opposite directions produces a
response the extent of which is an algebraic
12Interaction of reflexes
- law of blending two responses showing some
topographical overlap may be elicited together
but in necessarily modified forms - law of spatial summation when two reflexes have
the same form of response, the response to both
stimuli in combination has a greater magnitude
and a shorter latency - law of chaining the response of one reflex may
constitute or produce the eliciting or
discriminative stimulus of another - law of induction a dynamic change in strength of
a reflex may be accompanied by a similar but not
so extensive change in a related reflex, where
the relation is due to the possession of some
common properties of stimulus or response
13Defines properties of a class of a reflex
- under what conditions does the R occur?
- in operant conditioning what are the defining
characteristics for reinforcement - Under what stimulus conditions does a response
occur? What are the results? - Really the ABCs of operant behavior!
- What does the animal DO to get reinforced
- must show a correlation between R and S
- We will argue later that this must be a
contingency! - must show that dynamic laws apply
14Defining Skinner's methodology
- direction of inquiry
- inductive rather than deductive
- hypotheses declared to direct the choice of facts
- not necessary, but guide what is a useful vs
useless fact - The organism
- Skinner wants to limit to one single
representative sample - the white rat- many advantages in terms of
control -
- The operant
- use bar pressing
- Skinner box
- again- assume that is equivalent to any other
response - easy to measure- reliable, controllable, etc.
15Skinner box Pigeon pecks or rat bar presses to
receive reinforcers
16System of notation
- S stimulus
- R response
- S.R respondent
- sR reinforcer
- properties of term indicated with lower letters
- Rabc response with properties a b and c
- superscripts comment upon term- place, formula,
etc. - e.g. S1 or SD
- also composite stimuli S1SD
- --gt is followed by
- Now can analyze a chain or sequence of behavior
and string together to make "behavior sentences"
17Important to control Extraneous Factors
- use maximal isolation e.g. sound attenuating
chamber - control "hunger" with deprivation, etc.
- Usually around 80 free feeding
- This is higher today (85-90)
- Maintains a constant hunger
- standardize feeders and reinforcers
- control light/day cycles, etc.
- as much experimental control as possible to
reduce variance in experiments
18The Cumulative REcorder
- Measuring the Behavior
- important characteristics of measurement
- definition of behavior as that part of activity
of the organism which affects the external world - the practical isolation of the unit of behavior
- definition of a reponse as a class of events
- demonstration that the rate of responding is the
principal measure of the strength of an operant - cumulative record
- Responses accrue or are cumulative
- What happens if the line goes down?
19Reinforcers vs. PunishersPositive vs. Negative
- Reinforcer rate of response INCREASES
- Punisher rate of response DECREASES
- Positive something is ADDED to environment
- Negative something is TAKEN AWAY from
environment - Can make a 4x4 contingency table
20 Reinforcement Punishment Positive Positive
Reinforcement (Positive) Punishment Add make
bed--gt10cent hit sister-gtspanked Stimulus Negat
ive Negative Reinforcement Negative
Punishment Remove make bed-gt Mom stops hit
sister-gtlose TV Stimulus nagging
21Parameters or Characteristics of Operant Behavior
- Strength of the response
- With each pairing of the R and Sr/P, the
response-contingency is strengthened - The learning curve is
- Monotonically ascending
- Has an asymptote
- There is a maximum amount of responding the
organism can make
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23Parameters or Characteristics of Operant Behavior
- Extinction of the response
- Remove the R? Sr or R?P contingency
- Now the R ? 0
- Different characteristics than with classical
conditioning - Animal increases behavior immediately after the
extinction begins TRANSIENT INCREASE - Animal shows extinction-induced aggression!
- Why?
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25More parameters
- Generalization can occur
- Operant response may occur in situations similar
to the one in which originally trained - Can learn to behavior in many similar settings
- Discrimination can occur
- Operant response can be trained to very specific
stimuli - Only exhibit response under specific situations
- Can use a cue to teach animal
- S or SD contingency in place
- S- or S contingency not in place
- Thus SD R?Sr
26Schedules of Reinforcement
- Continuous reinforcement
- Reinforce every single time the animal performs
the response - Use for teaching the animal the contingency
- Problem Satiation
- Solution only reinforce occasionally
- Partial reinforcement
- Can reinforce occasionally based on time
- Can reinforce occasionally based on amount
- Can make it predictable or unpredictable
27Partial Reinforcement Schedules
- Fixed Ratio every nth response is reinforced
- Fixed interval the first response after x amount
of time is reinforced - Variable ratio on average of every nth response
is reinforced - Variable interval the first response after an
average of x amount of time is reinforced
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31More parameters
- Shaping
- Final behavior must be within repertoire of
organism - Break behaviors into smallest component
- Chain up or down
- Secondary reinforcement
- Stimuli can be paired with primary reinforcer
- E.g. money
- Generalized reinforcers
- Reinforcers reinforce many behaviors
- E.g., money reinforcers many, many behaviors
- Chaining
- Make a chain of behaviors
- E.g., 1 behavior leads to another to another to
anothermakes a chain of behavior.