Title: Hola soy Lolek
1 Definition of Forgetting
- 1. Cessation of memory.
- 2. Cessation of affection.
- 3. Neglect of something that should be
- Kept in mind
2Now I am going to ask you a question
3- If you did,I am going to remindyou, who I
4Hello, I am Lolek!This is my story.
I was born onthe 18th May,in Wadowaice, Poland.
5 This is my mother.Emilia was her name.She
went with God,but gave me thegreatest of gifts
6- Both my parents died when I was small, so I had
to walk alone...
7I met my best friend when I was 8 years old.And
you know...........I never forgot him!
8I was a happy youngster. I liked soccer,
swimmingand was a good student
9- When I grew up I liked the theatre and acting.My
friends wanted me to continue
10- I lived the horrors of the Second World War.When
I could not go to the seminary because of the
Nazis, I studied in secret.
11I surrendered my life to my friend, and I
received so much
12- One day, I was appointed to be the leader of our
company and then my life, and perhaps yours too,
13I had to work hard
But I was supported by you all
And I used all the tools available to me
14There were people whobelieved that I was
15I made some friends
16Only a few
17 I fell once..
18But with love, I stood up
and forgave
19I realized that I was not alone
There were many people who shared my love for
20And my love for children
21And for young people, whom I went towards so many
times.In the end they came towards me
22I travelled to meet you
23We met together many times
24I realized that I was Mexican!
25I tried to identify myself with you
26But that time is now over
27I would have liked to continuewith you, but it
was time.. to see my friend
28I saw people shedding tears for me
29I saw they were very sad
30I saw them suffering
31Never feel you are walking alone.I never did!
32I prayed for you
33And for your sins
34Keep praying to God
35Be strong
36See His Greatness, compare it to the smallness of
37Thank you for being with me!!!
38Thank you for showing me how much you needed me
39I also needed you
40And I will be watching over you
41I will never forget you
42Remember me smiling !!!!!
43Help my brother, who will continue the work of
44That he might not forget
45I am not going,I will leave, butI am with you!!
46- Pope John Paul II
- On the Anniversary ofhis meeting with God
47Please pass this PowerPoint presentation on,to
anyone you feel may find meaning in it.