Title: Smart Dust, Micro Robots, and other MEMS Fantasies
1Smart Dust, Micro Robots, and other MEMS Fantasies
- K. Pister
- Berkeley Sensor Actuator Center
- Electrical Engineering Computer Sciences
2What is MEMS?
- MEMS is Micro ElectroMechanical Systems
- Integrated circuit processing micromachining
- Sensors, Motors, Structures, Electronics
- ? Systems on a micron to centimeter scale
3MEMS Gyroscope Chip
Sense Circuit
Proof Mass
Rotation induces Coriolis acceleration
Electrostatic Drive Circuit
J. Seeger, X. Jiang, and B. Boser
4MEMS Gyroscope Chip
J. Seeger, X. Jiang, and B. Boser
5Digital Light Processor(Texas Instruments)
6Lots of exponentials
- Digital circuits
- Speed, memory
- Size, power, cost
- Communication circuits
- Range, data rate
- Size, power, cost
- MEMS Sensors
- Measurands, sensitivity
- Size, power, cost
7Moores Law, take 2
- Nanochips on a dime (Prof. Steve Smith, EECS)
8Smart Dust Goals
- Autonomous sensor node (mote) in 1 mm3
- Micro air vehicle delivery
- Thousands of motes
- Many interrogators
- Demonstrate useful/complex integration in 1 mm3
9COTS Dust
- Create a network of sensors
- Explore system design issues
- Provide a platform to test Dust components
- Use off the shelf components
10COTS Dust - RF Motes
- Simple computer
- Cordless phone radio
- Up to 2 year battery life
11Tiny OS (TOS)
- Jason Hill, Robert Szewczyk, Alec Woo, David
Culler - TinyOS
- Mote Active Messages
- CompGlue
12Tiny OS Programming(CompGlue)
- Program with CAD
- Structural VHDL
- Compile time resolution of event handlers
- TOS available on the web www.cs/jhill
13COTS Dust - Optical Motes
- CCR mote
- 4 corner cubes
- 40 hemisphere
- Laser mote
- 650nm laser pointer
- 2 day life full duty
14CCR Interogator
15Video Semaphore Decoding
Frame subtraction Minimum threshold, pixels Byte
parity and packet CRC Dozens of simultaneous
16Video Semaphore Decoding
Diverged beam _at_ 5.2 km In shadow in evening sun
17Micro Mote - First Attempt
18Micro Mote - Second Attempt
192D beam scanning
20Augmented Reality
Lau, Muller, Solgaard and students
218mm3 laser scanner
Two 4-bit mechanical DACs control mirror scan
angles. 6 degrees azimuth, 3 elevation
2201 Goal
23Maxell (Hitachi) RF ID Chip
24Satellite Imagery
25(somewhat) Virtual Keyboard
26Power and Energy
- Sources
- Solar cells 0.1mW/mm2, 1J/day/mm2
- Combustion/Thermopiles
- Storage
- Batteries 1 J/mm3
- Capacitors 0.1 J/mm3
- Usage
- Digital control nJ/instruction
- Analog circuitry nJ/sample
- Communication nJ/bit
27Dust Delivery
- Silicon maple seeds, dandelions
Solar power, Gossamer wings
- Solid rocket propellant
- 7 seconds thrust, Isp15s
- 1mJ out
29MAVs for Delivery
30Synthetic Insects(Smart Dust with Legs)
- Autonomous
- Articulated
- Size 1-10 mm
- Speed 1mm/s
31Actuating the Legs
32Silicon Inchworm Motors
33Synthetic Insects
34Micro Flying Insect
- ONR MURI/ DARPA funded
- year 2 of 5 year project
- Dickinson, Fearing (PI), Liepmann, Majumdar,
Pister, Sands, Sastry
- Welcome
- to the Next Level
36Micro Flying Insect
37Micro Flying Insect
3824 Bat
40 mph top speed 30 minute loiter autopilot
pressure sensor, gyros, XLs 2 planes, 1 ground
station, in 1 suitcase
Steve Morris (Spyplanes)
39Marine LOE 4
3 MAVs participated, 1 flew
7 sorties on station in minutes