Title: Virginia Latino Pilot Project American Red Cross
1Virginia Latino Pilot ProjectAmerican Red Cross
Informing and educating immigrant residents about
emergency preparedness
- To increase Latino and other diverse Virginia
residents ability to prevent and prepare for an
emergency or disaster. - Administer survey to better understand
demographics, emergency and disaster prevention
and preparedness, underlying causes of
immigration and health concerns of Latino and
other diverse Virginia residents. - To build trust with Latino and immigrant
communities. - To provide students with service learning and
leadership opportunities. (More on the student
experience to come). - To distribute information to area Latinos on
services available to them and their rights to an
3Virginia Latino Pilot Project Partners
- Universities
- High School students
- Community organizations
- Faith organizations
- Latino organizations, networks
- State agencies and offices
- Others
4Localities participating
- Greater Richmond (Richmond city, Chesterfield and
- Henrico Counties)
- Petersburg
- Fredericksburg
- Charlottesville and Albemarle
- Outreach planned for Hampton Roads, Williamsburg
- Surveys administered door-to-door, during focus
groups, at community programs
- How we recruited
- How we got the word out (wiki, emails, word of
mouth, recruitment in Albemarle County Schools,
CJ) - Orientation session with CJ
- a sense of our community
- understanding of how to best do these surveys
- cultural sensitivity
- building enthusiasm
6University of Virginia orientation and training
Fall 2008
- Where we went
- Bubbles (3 visits)
- Trophy Chase (with UVa Laws Latin American Law
Organization) - Soccer games (3 times)
- Southwood (2 visits)
- Surveys took about 20 minutes each
- Student experience.
8Who we surveyed/ Charlottesville results
- 140 surveys
- 136 surveys included in analysis
- Surveys took place in fall 2008
9Gender and Age of those surveyed
10(No Transcript)
11 Education
12Marital Status
13What we found Disaster preparedness
14Perception of factors that were affecting their
15Access to Health Care
16Motives for Coming to the U.S.
17 Experience During Past 12 Months
18Is there a link between time here and experience
in last year?
19Plans to return
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22More information gathered
- Whether they lived alone, with family, with
people they worked with - Whether they came to the U.S. alone or with
friends, family - Long-answer questions about why they came to the
U.S. and whether they met their goals.
23Other feedback.
Slowing economy and jobs Many reported an
inability to get full-time employment or told of
us their recent unemployment. Lack of English
skills and lack of documentation were repeatedly
mentioned as an impediments to their
goals Reports on success stories businesses
started, families supported at home. Coming
alone and with families. The importance of
community in getting the word out. Other
feedback and findings (Student findings)
24Meeting Our Objectives?
- To increase Latino and other diverse Virginia
residents ability to prevent and prepare for an
emergency or disaster. - Administer survey to better understand
demographics, emergency and disaster prevention
and preparedness, underlying causes of
immigration and health concerns of Latino and
other diverse Virginia residents. - To build trust with Latino and immigrant
communities. - To provide students with service learning and
leadership opportunities. - To distribute information to area Latinos on
services available to them and their rights to an
25Ideas for Future Survey Initiatives
- University and high school volunteers
- Madison House, Spanish classes, student leaders
- Designate student delegates
- Community-initiated input into future surveys
- Materials to be distributed upcoming events,
information on services, . - Your suggestions
- Is there a need for more information gathering?
- For the distribution of materials?
- How to best organize future initiatives
26For more information
- Peter M. Von der Lippe
- Manager, International Services
- American Red Cross, Greater Richmond Chapter
- Tel. (804) 343-2090
- Fax (804) 649-2131
- vonderlippep_at_usa.redcross.org
- Amy Frazier-Yoder
- amf5t_at_virginia.edu
- Lecturer and Graduate Student/
- UVa Department of Spanish, Italian Portuguese