Title: Disaster Relief E-Commerce Solutions Non-Profit Sector
1Disaster Relief E-Commerce SolutionsNon-Profit
- Wilson Lau
- Linda Moya
- Ridzwan Nordin
- Preethi Parameswaran
2Flashing News
Doctors Without Borders distributes relief
supplies to makeshift refugee camps and local
hospitals in the neighboring republic of
Ingushetia, where more than 200,000 Chechens have
sought refuge, mostly in host families, but also
in empty rail trucks.
The American Red Cross spends 104 million for
recovery from the storm that damaged parts of the
Florida Keys.
3Major Players with a Web Presence
- American Red Cross
- http//www.redcross.org/
- Salvation Army
- http//www.salvationarmyusa.org/
- Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB)
- http//www.cmmb.org/
- World Emergency Relief (WER)
- http//www.wer-us.org/
- Presiding Bishops Fund (PBF)
- http//www.pbfwr.org/
- Heart to Heart International
- http//www.hearttoheart.org/
- Project Hope
- http//www.projhope.org/
- Care
- http//www.care.org/
- Doctors Without Borders (DWB)
- http//www.dwb.org/
4Services Offered
- Medical and Supplies Distribution Organizations
On-Site Disaster Relief
- American Red Cross
- On-location sheltering, feeding, medical, mental
health, supply distribution - Salvation Army
- On-location sheltering, feeding, medical, mental
health, supply distribution, restoration
- Heart to Heart International
- Distribution organization medical supplies
- Project Hope
- Distribution organization medical supplies, cash
contributions, health needs assessment - Some medical aid and consultation
- Care
- Oversees distribution of food, safe drinking
water, medicines, rehabilitation programs
5Services Offered (continued)
Christian-based Distribution and Funds Support
On-Location Medical Expertise
- Catholic Medical Mission Board
- Catholic-sponsored, US based acquires and
transports medicine, health care supplies to
disaster sites, financial aid, volunteers - World Emergency Relief
- Christian inter-denominational distribution
organization "gifts-in-kind" uses otherwise
surplus food and goods - Presiding Bishops Fund
- Episcopal-sponsored raises, receives, and uses
funds for the relief of human suffering.
- Doctors Without Borders
- International medical relief agency primary
health care, surgery, vaccinations, hospital
rehabilitation, emergency nutrition and
sanitation programs, training of local medical
6Example Operating Procedure World Emergency
Go Where Invited, and Help People Help
Request for Help
Evaluate Opportunity
Solicit Corporate Donors, Other Charities
Donor Donates Supplies
e.g. Procure 80,000 pounds of baby food
- Accessibility
- Acceptability
- Availability
- Affordability
- Appropriateness
- Accountability
e.g. Request to provide aid to Turkey in
aftermath of 9/1/99 7.4 earthquake
Prepare Supplies for Distribution
Distribute Supplies
- WER Online Value Added
- Credit Card Donations
- Submit a Prayer
- Volunteer Submit Name for Follow-up Contact
- Information for Donors / Potential Donors /
7Example Operating Procedure Doctors Without
Disaster Occurs
Dispatch Medical Team and Equip.
Provide Medical Assistance
e.g. Emergency care provided in 1/28 Sri Lanka
- General Practitioners
- Surgeons
- Anesthetists
- Operating room nurses
- Establish
- Operating Rooms / Clinics
- Training for Local Doctors
- Project Management / Team
- In Countrys Capital City
- Expatriates and Local Staff
- DWB Online Value Added
- Credit Card Donations
- Medical Volunteers (can submit application
online) - Information for Donors / Potential Donors /
8Target Audiences What is Wanted From Them
- Individuals
- Cash Donations (All)
- Non-Cash Donations e.g. endowment funds,
matching gifts, planned giving, securities
(Project Hope) Blood (Red Cross) - Volunteer Opportunities
- Time (All)
- Expertise e.g. medical (Doctors without Borders)
- Corporations
- Cash Donations (All)
- Non-Cash Donations e.g. securities, life
insurance policies, CDs and retirement accounts
(CMMB) - Non-Cash Donations e.g. endowment funds,
matching gifts, planned giving (Project Hope) - Supplies medical, food etc. (Some)
- Other Charities
- Supplies (WER)
9Online Value Proposition ?
- Web-sites for the most part - provide only
basic e-commerce - Credit card donations or commit online, pay later
- No non-cash donations processed online
- How to donate offline
- Telephone, snail-mail, fax, drop location
- Information for donors / potential donors /
volunteers - How to help how your time / donation will be
used - Relief efforts current status and success stories
- Some creative value added e.g. submit a prayer
(WER) - Online efforts to attract/retain donors are
mostly rudimentary - Information only, and ability to donate
- Little/none cutting-edge e-commerce strategies
that lead to donor lock-in - e.g. interactivity, or use of personal
information for permission marketing, community
building - Only a few sites offer features beyond the basic
10Beyond Basic E-Commerce
Some Attraction and Retention Strategies
3) Take a Virtual Field Trip to Bolivia
1) Free Screen Saver in Exchange for Personal
Information (CARE)
2) Send a CARE E-Postcard to a Friend
11Beyond Basic E-Commerce (continued)
Some Attraction and Retention Strategies
- Virtual Museum - History of Red Cross
- Gift Shop (Red Cross)
- Affiliate Programs with for-profit organizations
- e.g. Venture Frogs Internet Investment Company
donates 1 to Red Cross for each hit to site - Cause Marketing (Project Hope)
- With for-profit Boeing, Nicole, Shop2Give.com
- With non-profit GiveToCharity.com
- Virtual Community
- Guest Registry and Mailing List (WER)
- Prayer Service (WER)
12Profit (B2C) versus Non-Profit
- The Product
- For personal consumption
- Marketing Strategy
- In-your-face
- How product benefits YOU
- Customer Acquisition / Retention
- Cutting-edge e-commerce
- Web is major channel
- B2C Business Model
- Beneficiaries are buyer and seller
- Consumer Expectation
- Dont care how sale proceeds used after product
purchase - In-your-face marketing tactics the norm
- The Product
- For the betterment of humankind
- Marketing Strategy
- Present human-interest information appeal to
sense of desire to do good - How product benefits humankind
- Donor Development
- Basic web interactivity only
- Web is supplemental channel
- NP Business Model
- Beneficiaries are needy third parties
- Donor Expectation
- Donations are fully used to support the cause
- In-your-face marketing tactics offensive
13Key Issues
- Is the Web-site doing all it can and should do?
- Basic web interactivity only web is supplemental
channel - versus
- Cutting-edge e-commerce web is major channel
- What cutting-edge e-commerce methodologies should
be used? - Banner Advertisement?
- Sensationalized news and/or stories as a
marketing pitch? - How extensive should target marketing be and
therefore the underlying web infrastructure?
(e.g. mass customization) - Mass customization costs money
- How central should web-site be in securing donor
lock-in? - Lock-in activities cost money
- Cost/benefit trade-off
- Donor expectation on use of funds
14Online Opportunities
- Parameters for upgrading online investment
- Largest benefit gained with lowest investment
- Mindful of donor expectations on use of funds
- Achieve increased donor lock-in
- Add Interactivity
- Community chat rooms
- Funds allocation and results simulation
- Ability to link to actual donations made
- Turn redirections to offline activities into
online activities - Ability to transact non-cash donations online
- e.g. endowment funds, matching gifts, planned
giving, securities - Judicious addition of cutting-edge web
technologies - Video snippets of relief in-action and relief
testimonials - Banner advertising with select partners
- Loyalty Programs
- Regular donation contracts
- e.g. accrue airline miles for each dollar donated
- Recognition when donor reaches certain threshold