Title: Raptors slide show
1Raptors slide show
There are seven major groups of birds of prey
found in Tennessee
Falcons Accipiters Buteos Ospreys Vultures Eagles
Shorter wingspan Longer wingspan 3 feet
2Falcons Swift, diving predators
3American Kestrel (Sparrow Hawk) Smallest of
the Falcons
4Male Kestrel Females have rufous (brownish red)
5Peregrine falcon Fastest bird
6Accipiters Agile in-flight predators
7Sharp-shinned Hawk Common accipiter in Tennessee
8Coopers Hawk Adult - left, juvenile - right
9Buteos Soaring Predators
10Red-tailed Hawk The most commonly sighted raptor
in Tennessee
11Ospreys Predators on fish
12Osprey Superficial resemblance to a large seagull
13Ospreys nesting in cypress tree They always nest
near water
14Vultures Adapted for preying on dead and dying
15Turkey Vulture Note naked head
16Turkey Not to be confused with turkey vulture!
17Eagles Largest North American raptors (with the
exception of the California condor)
18Bald Eagle Often found near water As much a
scavenger as active predator
19Golden eagle Often found in mountainous areas
20Owls Specialized night predators
21Screech Owl Small crepuscular predator Also
occurs in a rufous color morph
22(No Transcript)
23Barn owl Deep night hunter Population has cycled
with changes in human land use
24Great horned owl Largest of the North American