Title: Overview of Database Systems: Basic Concepts and Definitions
1Overview of Database Systems Basic Concepts and
2The Database Environment
Strategic Databases
Decision support systems
Database Management System (DBMS)
Management Databases
Management information systems
Transaction processing systems
Transaction Databases
Information Resources Management
3Steps Involved in Converting Data to Information
4What is a database?
- A database is an electronic collection of texts,
numeric values, graphs, or images which are
systematically processed and stored in computers. - A database is a structure that can house
information about multiple types of entities, as
well as relationships among the entities. -
5What are entities, attributes and relationships?
- An entity is really just like a noun it is a
person, place or thing. It is represented as a
record in a database. - An attribute is a property of an entity. It is
represented as a field in a database record. - A relationship is an association between
entities. It is represented using a common field
in a set of records. -
6Types of Databases
- Bibliographic - each record is a reference or
citation (may also include a summary or abstract)
to a publication, magazine or journal article,
news story, patent, conference paper, etc. - Directory - each record gives factual information
about companies, organizations, products, etc. - Numeric - each record is a table of statistical
data, often with text added. - Full-text - each record include the complete text
of magazine articles, newswire stories,
encyclodepias, etc. - Multimedia - each record may contain text,
graphics, video and sound
7Entities, Attributes and Relationships
- ID Number
- Name
- Address
- Salary
8Bibliographic record
9Directory record
10Fulltext record
11Numeric record
12Muti-media database example record
Multimedia record
13Database Management System
- A database management system, or DBMS, at its
simplest is a software product through which
users interact with a database. - The actual manipulation of the underlying
database structure and its content is handled by
the DBMS.
14Functions of a Database Management System
- data storage, retrieval and update
- a user-accessible catalog or data dictionary
- transaction support (updating)
- concurrency control services (multiple updating)
- recovery services
- authorization services
- support for data communication and networking
15(No Transcript)
16Schematic Diagram of A DBMS
17 Advantages of Database Approach
- minimal data redundancy
- consistency of data
- integration of data
- sharing of data
- enforcement of standards
- ease of application development
- uniform security, privacy and integrity controls
18Disadvantages of the Database Approach
- size
- complexity
- cost
- additional hardware requirements
- higher impact of a failure
- recovery more difficult
- new, specialized personnel
19Stages of Database Development
- Planning
- Analysis and Design
- Implementation/Programming
- Operation and Maintenance
- Growth and Change
20Analysis and Design
- defining content, scope and users
- defining output requirements - e.g. screen and
printed reports - defining database record structures (i.e. in
terms of attributes, entities and relationships) - defining data entry screens
- defining user-interface
- selecting the appropriate DBMS software package
- creating database structure (i.e. records,
fields, relationships, constraints, indexes,
etc...) - creating data entry screens
- creating report and display formats
- developing the application user-interface
22Operation and Maintenance
- entering and editing records
- retrieving records using queries and reports
- back-up and recovery
23Stages in a Database System Life Cycle
Growth and Change
Requirements formulation and analysis
Operation and Maintenance
Implemen- tation
24Tips on Compiling a Database
- adopt standards
- design for network access
25Basic Definitions
- Database A collection of related data.
- Data Known facts that can be recorded and have
an implicit meaning. - Mini-world Some part of the real world about
which data is stored in a database. For
example, consider student names, student
grades and transcripts at a university.
26Basic Definitions (contd.)
- Database Management System (DBMS) A software
package/ system to facilitate the creation and
maintenance of a computerized database. It
defines (data types, structures, constraints)
construct (storing data on some storage medium
controlled by DBMS) and manipulate (querying,
update, report generation) databases for various
applications. - Database System The DBMS software together with
the data itself. Sometimes, the applications are
also included.
27Example of a Database - Conceptual Data Model
- Mini-world for the example Part of a UNIVERSITY
environment - Some mini-world entities (Data elements)
- - (academic) DEPARTMENTs
28Example of a Database - Conceptual Data Model
- Some mini-world relationships
- - SECTIONs are of specific COURSEs
- - COURSEs have prerequisite COURSEs
- - COURSEs are offered by DEPARTMENTs
29File Processing and DBMS
- File Systems
- - Store data over long periods of time
- - Store large amount of data
- Limitations
- - No guarantee that data is not lost if not
backed up - - No support to query languages
- No efficient access to data items unless the
location - is known
30File Processing and DBMS (contd.)
- - Application depends on the data definitions
(structures) - Change to data definition will affect the
application - programs
- - Single view of the data
- - Separate files for each application
- - Limited control to multiple accesses
- - Data viewed as physically stored
31Main Characteristics of Database Technology
- Self-contained nature of a database system
- A DBMS catalog stores the description
(structure, type, storage format of each
entities) of the database. The description is
called meta-data). This allows the DBMS software
to work with different databases. - Insulation between programs and data
- Called program-data independence. Allows changing
data storage structures and operations without
having to change the DBMS access programs.
32Main Characteristics of Database Technology
- Data Abstraction
- A data model is used to hide storage details and
present the users with a conceptual view of the
database does not include how data is stored and
how the operations are implemented. - Support of multiple views of the data
- Each user may see a different view of the
database, which describes only the data of
interest to that user. - Sharing of Data and Multiple users
33Main Characteristics of Database Technology
- DBA Database Administrator
- Responsible for authorizing access to the
database, coordinating, monitoring its use,
acquiring hardware, software needed - Database designers
- responsible for identifying the data to be
stored, storage structure to represent
and store data. This is done by a
team of professionals in consultation
with users, and
applications needed.
34Additional Benefits of Database Technology
- Controlling redundancy in data storage and in
development and maintenance efforts - Sharing of data among multiple users.
- Restricting unauthorized access to data.
- Providing multiple interfaces to different
classes of users. - Representing complex relationships among data.
- Enforcing integrity constraints on the
database. - Providing backup and recovery services.
35Additional Benefits of Database
Technology (contd.)
- Providing backup and recovery services.
- Potential for enforcing standards.
- Flexibility to change data structures.
- Reduced application development time.
- Availability of up-to-date information.
- Economies of scale.
36 When not to use a DBMS
- Main inhibitors (costs) of using a DBMS
- - High initial investment and possible need for
additional hardware. - Overhead for providing generality, security,
recovery, integrity, and
concurrency control. - When a DBMS may be unnecessary
- If the database and applications are simple, well
defined, - and not expected to change.
37 When not to use a DBMS (contd.)
- If there are stringent real-time requirements
that may - not be met because of DBMS overhead.
- If access to data by multiple users is not
required. - When no DBMS may suffice
- If the database system is not able to handle the
complexity of data because of
modeling limitations - If the database users need special operations not
supported by the DBMS.