Title: The Amazing Math Race
1The Amazing Math Race
2Scenario Gary, Harry, Larry, and Mary live
in Los Angeles. One day, the 4 friends got
news that would be moving to 4 different cities
Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, and Dallas. By
listening to their parents talk , the friends
learned 5 things.
3Go to all 5 coordinates in order to obtain the
clues that the friends learned. The first team
to arrive back at the lab with the correct answer
4Bonus door Prize 1st team to obtain all clues
and take a picture of themselves at the
site of this Cache wins a small door
prize. This is an optional pit stop. Do you
take the risk? Is it worth the extra time? Did
someone else beat you?
5Clue Garys family was moving to either Boston
or Dallas.
6Clue Harrys Family was not moving to either
Boston or Chicago.
7Clue Either Harry or Mary was moving to Atlanta.
8Clue If Harry moves to Atlanta, then Gary moves
to Chicago.
9Clue If Larry moves to Chicago, then Gary does
not move to Dallas.
10Bonus Cache N 30º 27.586 W 091º 12.429
16Answer Gary Boston Harry Dallas Larry
Chicago Mary Atlanta