Title: Effective
1 Effective Instant Prescriptions Through
- Dr.K.R.Mansoor Ali
- Govt. Homeopathic Medical College. Calicut
- Director Chief Editor.www.similima.com
2Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life
4- A tool is as good as the workman who handle it.
- A bad workman naturally blame his tool when
things are going wrong - -
5Priority in Rubric Selection
- Mental generals
- 1. Causative emotional modalities
2. Qualified mental - Physical generals
- 1.Sex
- 2.Menses Leucorrhoea
- Particulars
- 1.Complete particulars
6- GENERALS - HEAT - sensation of
- acet-ac. achy. ACON. adam. agar. agn. aids.
allox. aloe Alum. Alumn. am-c. am-m. ambr. anac.
androc. ang. anh. Ant-c. ant-t. APIS ara-maca.
aran-ix. Arg-n. arge-pl. arn. ars. ars-i.
ars-s-f. asaf. Asar. Aur. Aur-i. Aur-m. Bar-c.
bell. bell-p. bism. bora-o. bov. brass-n-o. Brom.
bry. CALAD. Calc. Calc-f. Calc-i. CALC-S. Camph.
CANN-S. canth. caps. carb-v. carc. cartl-s.
caust. Cham. chel. chin. chlam-tr. choc. cic.
cina cit-ac. clem. cob. cob-n. COC-C. cocc. COFF.
colch. coloc. com. CON. conch. Croc. Cupr. cycl.
cygn-be. cyt-l. dig. Dros. dulc. ephe-si. euph.
Ferr-i. FL-AC. flor-p. franc. galeoc-c-h.
galla-q-r. ger-i. gink-b. graph. guaj. haliae-lc.
hed. hell. helo-s. hep. hip-ac. hist. Hydrog.
Hyos. hypoth. ign. ina-i. IOD. Ip. jab. kali-ar.
kali-c. Kali-i. kali-n. kali-p. KALI-S. kreos.
lac-ac. lac-h. lac-leo. Lach. lap-la. Laur. Led.
LIL-T. limen-b-c. loxo-recl. luna LYC. lyss.
m-arct. m-aust. mag-c. Mag-m. manc. mand. Mang.
meli. Meny. meph. Merc. merc-c. Mez. Mosch.
mur-ac. nat-c. NAT-M. nat-ox. NAT-S. neon Nit-ac.
Nux-m. Nux-v. oci-sa. Olib-sac. olnd. Op. oxal-a.
ozone pant-ac. par. petr. petr-ra. ph-ac. Phos.
Plat. Plb. Plut-n. podo. positr. psil. Psor.
Ptel. PULS. rad-br. ran-b. ran-s. rauw. rheum
rhod. rhus-t. ribo. ruta Sabad. Sabin. samb.
sars. SEC. Seneg. SIL. sinus. spig. Spong. squil.
STANN. staph. stram. suis-em. SUL-AC. SUL-I.
SULPH. suprar. tab. tarax. teucr. thioc-ac. thuj.
Tub. urol-h. valer. vanil. Verat. vero-o. viol-t.
vip. Zinc. - GENERALS - HEAT - lack of vital heat
- acetan. Acon. adam. Aesc. Aeth. Agar. agn. aids.
allox. Alum. Alum-p. ALUMN. am-br. Am-c. am-m.
am-n. ambr. anac. Androc. ang. anh. Ant-c. ant-t.
Anth. Apis apoc. aral. ARAN. aran-ix. Arg-met.
Arg-n. arist-cl. ARN. Ars. ars-h. Ars-i. ars-s-f.
Asar. atha. Aur. Aur-m-n. aur-s. Bamb-a. BAR-C.
Bar-m. bar-s. bell. Bit-ar. Bor-ac. borx. bov.
Brom. Bry. bufo buth-a. cact. cadm-s. calad.
CALC. CALC-AR. Calc-f. CALC-P. Calc-s. calc-sil.
calen. CAMPH. camph-mbr. cann-xyz. Caps. CARB-AN.
Carb-v. carbn-dox. carbn-o. Carbn-s. cartl-s.
Caul. CAUST. cham. Chel. Chin. chlor. chloram.
chlorpr. choc. Chol. chord-umb. cic. Cimic.
Cinnb. CIST. cob-n. coc-c. Cocc. Colch. coli.
Con. cory. croc. CROT-C. cupr. cupr-act. cycl.
cystein-l. cyt-l. dicha. Dig. Dros. DULC. Elaps
erech. esp-g. eucal. eucol. Eup-per. euph. euphr.
FERR. Ferr-ar. ferr-p. fum. galla-q-r. gamb.
Gels. ger-i. germ-met. gink-b. glycyr-g. GRAPH.
Guaj. haliae-lc. hed. hell. HELO. helo-s. HEP.
hippoc-k. hir. hydr-ac. Hydrog. Hyos. hyper. ign.
ina-i. Ip. Jatr-c. KALI-AR. KALI-BI. kali-br.
KALI-C. kali-chl. kali-cy. kali-m. kali-n.
KALI-P. kali-perm. kali-sil. Kalm. Kreos. lac-ac.
Lac-c. Lac-d. lac-h. Lach. lachn. lat-m. Laur.
lavand-a. LED. limest-b. lina. luf-op. luna Lyc.
lycps-v. Mag-c. mag-m. MAG-P. mag-s. malar. Mang.
marb-w. Med. meli. meny. Merc. Merc-c. merc-cy.
Mez. Moni. Mosch. mur-ac. musca-d. Naja Nat-ar.
nat-c. Nat-m. Nat-p. NAT-S. Nat-sil. neon nep.
NIT-AC. Nux-m. NUX-V. Ol-j. olib-sac. OLND. op.
orot-ac. ox-ac. par. penic. perh. Petr. PH-AC.
phasco-ci. PHOS. pieri-b. plac-s. Plat. Plb.
positr. PSOR. Puls. PYROG. Ran-b. Rhod. RHUS-T.
ribo. Rumx. Sabad. SABIN. sal-fr. sanic. sapin.
sarcol-ac. saroth. sars. sec. Senec. Sep. SIL.
sinus. Spig. spong. SQUIL. Stann. Staph. stram.
Stront-c. suis-em. suis-pan. Sul-ac. Sulph. Sumb.
symph. Tab. TARAX. Tarent. TEUCR. thal. Ther.
Thuj. thyr. Tub. tub-sp. ulm-c. urol-h. v-a-b.
vac. valer. ven-m. verat. Viol-t. vip-a. x-ray
zinc. zinc-p. -
- Common symptoms
- - rubrics with many medicines
- - common symptoms of many diseases
- Rubrics with minimum number of medicines (less
than 5) - 2 or more rubrics from the same sphere or chapter
- Routine rubrics
8A lazy man has no place in homeopathy.Read
daily a drug two on Sundays
- Rubrics with moderate number of medicines
- Moderate number of rubrics (below 10)
- Remaining rubrics as PDF
- Fixed confirmed particulars have more value
than assumed generals
- Surgically treated symptoms in the PH as
presenting complaint - Combined repertorisation is the best method
- Give importance to sub rubrics
11Basic Requirement best Result
- Case taking should be perfect
- If you neglect making a careful case taking. The
patient will be the 1st sufferer, but in the end
you yourself will suffer from it .. and
ultimately Homeopathy also
12Best RR
- Minimum number of competing medicines
- Related medicines
- Inimical, Antidotes,Compliments - One among the medicines should cover all or
almost all the rubrics including PDF - Eg Phos 11/4, Cupr 9/7
- Many rubrics with almost similar coverage results
from repertorisation of common symptoms
13During Hahnemanns time
- Only 99 Medicine
- Now more than 4000
- Then how we can match disease symptom with drug
14Instant Prescriptions
15Etiological Prescription
- Hair fall
- Weakness after fever
- Vaccination after
16Physical Examination
17Prescribing on lab reports
- Renal stone
- Cast
- Gen Laboratory findings
18Attitude determines your altitudeA small change
in attitude makes big difference
19 Prescribing on Diagnosis
- Rheumatic Fever
- Arteriosclerosis
20Prescribing on Observational Findings
21 Avoid routinism
- Fever in rain
- Coryza after getting wet
- Weakness in summer
22 Comparative Study of medicines in a rubric
- Snuffles of Infants
- Dysuria in children
23- The proper use of repertory will leads to correct
off hand prescribing with in years. - Mechanical use of repertory never leads to
artistic prescribing nor to remarkable results
- Dr.J.T.Kent
24Instant reference
- Malarial Prophylaxis
- Weakness in DM
- Anorexia in Children
- Seasonal remedies
25This is important !!
- 3 mark medicines
- Single remedy rubrics
- Kunzlis Repertory
26- Homoeopaths should see opportunity in every
difficulty but not difficulty in every
27Repetition 247
- It is impractical to repeat the same unchanged
dose of a remedy once The vital principle does
not accept such unchanged doses without
resistance because the former dose already
accomplished the expected change in the vital
principle and a second dynamically similar,
unchanged dose of the same medicine no longer
finds the same condition of the vital force
hence no step towards cure can follow
28- Before Bry 200 After Bry 200 1d
29Effects of vaccination 56 Footnote
- Universal vaccination put an end to all epidemics
of that deadly fearful smallpox to such an extend
that the present generation does no longer posses
a clear conception of the former frightful
small pox plague.... In this way we can enlarge
our stock of homeopathic medicine..
30If not considering miasm
- Their beginning was promising, the continuation
less favorable, the outcome hopeless.
31INDIA Largest infrastructure
- 3,00000 qualified homeopaths UG Colleges
178 (12785 admissions) PG Colleges 31 (1040
admissions) Government clinics 7500
Licensed pharmacies 659 Hospitals 307 - A Separate regulation for UG PG only in India
- After the introduction of external MD more than
5000 BHMS seats are vacant
- Homeopathy approved in 1928
- First Govt. Dispensary in 1958
- Homeopathic Education in 1960
- 5 Colleges, 525 GHD, 31 Hospitals, 12 ESI
- 2 Research Institute
- 1 Pharmacy in public sector
- But ??? 6 out of 3.18 crore
33Your time
- 1st BHMS 1610 hours
- 2nd BHMS 1065 hours
- 3rd BHMS 950 hours
- 4th BHMS 1175 hours
- Total 4800 hours
- Utilised it effectively? Introspect
- Scientific methodology
- Etiological prescription
- Physical examination
- Lab reports
- Diagnosis
- Observation
- Comparative study of medicine
- Instant reference
- 3 mark single remedy rubrics
- Avoiding routinism
- Single dose
- Vaccination
- Miasm
36- We must have good Vision, Loyalty and Dedication
- Only you can do
- something about it !!!!
Take homeopathy into greater heights
37For more detailsVisit our web
www.similima.comA portal for homeopathic
students, teachers professionals
- Cell 09249 33 77 99
- Email info_at_similima.com
38 Thank you