Title: The Teacher InService Program in Malaysia
1The Teacher In-Service Program in Malaysia
- 10 September 2006
- Putrajaya, Malaysia
- Moshe Kam
- Educational Activities
2A Few Words about IEEE
- IEEE is the largest professional engineering
association in the world - 367,000 members in 150 countries
- A 501(c)3 organization in incorporated in New
York - Originally concentrating on power engineering and
communications IEEE at present spans technical
interests across the spectrum of technology - From nanotechnology to oceanic engineering
- In many respects IEEE has become the steward of
3It all starts in Philadelphia AIEE
- In 1884 the Franklin Institute organized the
International Electrical Exhibition in
Philadelphia - The Operator, 15 April 1884 Theexhibition
would be attended by foreign electrical savants,
engineers, and manufacturers...it would be a
lasting disgrace to American electricians if no
American electrical national society was in
existence to receive them with the honors due
them from their co-laborers in the United
States." - Thomas Edison, Elihu Thomson, Edwin Houston, and
Edward Weston -
- AIEEs First Technical Meeting 7-8 October 1884,
the Franklin Institute
4Early Presidents
Alexander G. Bell
Elihu Thomson
Charles Steinmetz
Frank Sprague
5A few more recent Presidents
Leah Jamieson Joseph Bordogna Michael
Lightner Wallace Read
- Established 1884
- An American Organization
- Representing the establishment
- Rooted in Power Engineering
- First computers working group
- Now the Computer Society
- Established 1908
- An international Organization
- Open to students, young
- professionals
- Quick to adopt advances in radar, radio, TV,
electronics, computers - Proceedings of the Institute of
- Radio Engineers (January 1913)
1963 Merger of AIEE and IRE to create IEEE
7What is IEEE?
- A membership organization
- A major creator and guardian of technical IP
- A mechanism to bring people of common technical
interests together - both geographically and disciplinarily
- Volunteerism as a core value of IEEE
- A guardian of the future of Engineering
- An implementer of technology-related public
8What does IEEE do?
- Publishes literature in engineering, technology
and computing - Organizes conferences
- Develops standards
- Gets engineers and technologists from different
locales together - Organizes professional activities among
engineering students - Educates the public about Engineering
9What does IEEE do?
- Publishes literature in engineering, technology
and computing - Organizes conferences
- Develops standards
- Gets engineers and technologists from different
locales together - Organizes professional activities among
engineering students - Educates the public about Engineering
10Why is IEEE interested in pre-university
engineering education
- Because it is in our stated and un-stated mission
- Because in many IEEE Sections there is marked
decline in the interest of young people in
Engineering - This is bad for the future of these communities
and would have a negative impact on their
standard of living - Because we do not believe the problem is going to
be tackled effectively without us - Industry does not appear to be able to address
the problem directly - Governments do not appear sufficiently concerned
(yet) - Other engineering associations look up to us
11What is the Problem?
- Flat or declining engineering enrollments in most
developed nations - Coupled with disappointing performance of youth
in Mathematics - E.g., free fall in Scandinavia
- Insufficient number of engineers and engineering
educational programs in most developing countries - Asia is far behind Europe and the US in number of
engineers per capita
12What is the Problem?
- Women minority students conspicuously
under-represented - Public perception of engineers/ engineering/
technology is largely misinformed - Resulting in early decisions that block the path
of children to Engineering
13Percentage of Science Degrees Awarded
Science degrees include life sciences, physical
sciences, mathematics, statistics, computer
sciences, engineering, manufacturing, and building
Source Organization of Economic Cooperation and
14BS Degrees Awarded (US)
Source U.S. Department of Education, National
Center for Education Statistics
15Higher Education in Malaysia as seen by
IEEE-EAB Observations Action items
Main sources StudyMalaysia.com Malaysian
Educational Statistics 2005, MOE Government of
Malaysia Education and Social Characteristics of
the Population, Population and Housing Census
Moshe Kam
16The Malaysian Engineering Education System at a
- 13 years of formal schooling
- 6 years of primary school
- 5 years of secondary school (SPM equivalent to
GCE O level) - 2 years of pre-university (STPM equivalent to
GCE A level)
4 Years Tertiary Education leading to BEng (Hons)
Source presentation by Dr. H T Chuah, EAB
workshop Bangkok, 2004
17The Malaysian Engineering Education System at a
4 years
2 years
5 years
6 years
Source presentation by Dr. H T Chuah, EAB
workshop Bangkok, 2004
18Basic Numbers
- 17 public universities
- Including 6 with Technology or Engineering
- in the title
- 11 private universities
- 11 private university colleges
- 5 foreign university branches
- 20 polytechnic institutions (technician level)
- More than 500 of colleges
- Many do not offer degrees but transfer coursework
to degree granting universities (overseas) - Models of Twinning, Articulation, and Credit
Transfer with foreign universities
Source Malaysian Educational Statistics 2005,
19Basic Numbers
- University-level students
- Government and government-assisted
university-level institutions 312,165 - Private universities 89,664
- Development of engineering programs is relatively
recent - Started in the 1970s
- Universities that offer degrees in engineering
- 1994 six (6)
- 1999 ten (10)
- 2006 approximately 20
Source Malaysian Educational Statistics 2005,
20Footprint in IEEE Xplore ECE/CS Research
21Footprint in IEEE Xplore Engineering Education
22Footprint in IEEE Xplore Engineering Education
23Basic observations
- A growing but still small higher education system
- Compared to population size
- A growing but still small infrastructure for
engineering and technology education - A growing but still small fraction of the 20
population benefits from higher education
(post-secondary, college, university) - 8.9 in 1991 16 in 2000
- The role of foreign universities in educating
Malaysian engineers and technologists is more
important than in many other developing countries
24What do Malaysians study?(in the higher
education system)
- First social science, business and law (35.4)
- Second engineering, construction and skill
training (22.6) - Third education (15.4)
25Comment on In Service Training for pre-university
- Malaysia has a formal in-service training program
for teachers run by the Ministry of Education - A 14-week program
- Open to education service officers meeting
minimum qualifications - By application
- Will it be possible to integrate the IEEE TISP
program in this official program?
Source Ministry of Education Malaysia
- A.A. Abang Abdullah et al. Engineering education
in rapidly industrialising Malaysia, Engineering
Science and Education Journal, Volume 3, Issue
6, pp. 291-296 (Dec. 1994) - James D. Stevens Malaysian Models for
Engineering Education in the United States, J.
Profl. Issues in Engrg. Educ. and Pract., Volume
125, Issue 1, pp. 25-28 (January 1999) - Education Guide Malaysia, 10th edition (Petaling
Jaya Challenger Concept) - H.T. Chuah Engineering Programme Accreditation
System of Malaysia, IEEE EAB Accreditation
Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand (2004) on-line
sentations/Malaysia-Chuah.ppt - http//www.studymalaysia.com
- http//www.internationaleducationmedia.com/malaysi
a/ - http//www.SchoolMalaysia.com
- http//www.mohe.gov.my (Malay only)
- http//www.moe.gov.my/ (English version)
27Pre-university activities in IEEE
28Who inside IEEE is active in this area?
- The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB)
- The IEEE Regional Activities Board (RAB)
29IEEEs Pre-University Initiative
- 2005-2006 New Initiative
- Launching Our Childrens Path to Engineering
- Objectives
- Increase the propensity of young people worldwide
to select Engineering as a career path -
- Build a sustained public awareness program, led
by IEEE, with broad support of corporations and
professional associations
30Objective 1 Engineering in the Pre-University
- Institutionalization of IEEE Teacher In-Service
Program - IEEE Section engineers develop and present
technology-oriented projects to local
pre-university educators - Emphasis on volunteer-teacher interaction as
opposed to volunteer-student interaction - Ideally a sustained program involving several
thousand teachers every year
31Objective 2 Engineering Associations, Unite!
- Center for Pre-University Engineering Education
- Ideally, the resource of choice for
pre-university education cooperation with
Engineering Associations - Ideally, a multi-association organization
- With partners such as ASCE, ASME, IEE, SEE
- It is about ENGINEERING, not Electrical
32Objective 3 Strong On-line Presence
- New on-line portals for students, teachers,
school counselors, and parents - Educational and entertaining
- Focused on the audience
- From lesson plans for teachers to games for
students - Ideally, the premier on-line resource on
engineering for pre-university students, school
counselors, teachers and parents
33On Line Portal
- TryEngineering.org
- Strong On-line presence
34The Web provides us with high potential for
- A successful portal can become a major resource
for students, parents, school counselors, and
teachers - But success is difficult in an ever-crowded
medium - Effort needs to be coupled with more modern tools
- Instant messaging, podcasts
35What information is needed on line?
- We met with school counselors and Engineering
Associations - Need on line tools for identifying formal and
informal engineering education opportunities - Engineering associations that participated in our
discussions - ACM, AIChE, AIAA, ASME, ASCE, IEE, JETS, SAE,
SEE, Sloan Career Cornerstone Center
36What information is available on line?
- We conducted a comprehensive review of
engineering education resources - By EAB and consultants
- Conclusions
- Many Engineering Resources are actually
focusing on Science and Mathematics - Resources for teachers are largely inadequate
- Wrong message is sent about the nature of
engineering and the life of engineers
37From Collegeboard.com Law
38From Collegeboard.com Broadcast Journalism
39From Collegeboard.com Civil Engineering
40From Collegeboard.com Civil Engineering
41From Collegeboard.com Civil Engineering
42From Collegeboard.com Mechanical Engineering
43From Collegeboard.com Electrical Engineering
44(No Transcript)
45Good existing model
- Tryscience.org
- Your gateway to experience the excitement of
contemporary science and technology through on
and offline interactivity with science and
technology centers worldwide. - Science is exciting, and it's for everyone!
- Partnership between
- the New York Hall of Science
- the Association of Science-Technology Centers
- Science centers worldwide
46Next step TryEngineering.org
- Companion site to tryscience.org
- Comprehensive
- Ultimate Audience young people ages 8-18
- Designed to convey excitement about engineering
and design - Can-do attitude
- Hands-on experience
- Positive image of the engineering process and
engineering - Discover the creative engineer in you
- A portal for students, parents, school
counselors and teachers
48(No Transcript)
49(No Transcript)
50Current status
- TryEngineering.org is on line
- Please visit and provide us with feedback
- We are having a quiet launch between June and
early September - Some statistics (as of 23 August 2006)
- 6248 average of visitors per month
- 40 minutes average time a visitor spends on the
site - 41,404 average of page hits per month
- 1761 average number of university searches per
month - 120 questions submitted to Ask an Expert
- 131 number of visitors from Malaysia (.64)
- Advertising campaign in mid-September
51The Teacher in Service Program
- Engineering in the classroom
- IEEE Section engineers develop and present
technology-oriented projects to local
pre-university educators - Started at the Florida West Coast Section in
2001 - Lesson plans in English and Spanish for teachers
and engineers - Lesson plans matched to educational standards
53Basics (2)
- IEEE Section engineers develop and present
technology-oriented projects to local
pre-university educators - Started at the Florida West Coast Section in
2001 - Lesson plans in English and Spanish for teachers
and engineers - Lesson plans matched to educational standards
54Rotational Equilibrium A Question of Balance
- Demonstrate the concept of rotational
equilibrium, by building and testing a Mobile
55Build working models with household items
56Design and Build a Better Candy Bag
- Lesson Focus
- Demonstrate how product design differences can
affect the success of a final product - in this case a bag for holding candy.
- Students work in pairs to evaluate, design, and
build a better candy bag
57What have we done in 2005?
- Pilot study in Region 3 (Southeastern US)
- 65 participants, from 23 Sections, in Atlanta, GA
- Whole day workshop on lessons, association with
educational standards and working with schools - Plus half a day of a simulated TISP session
- Feedback multiple groups organizing training
sessions in Southeastern US and Jamaica
58What are we doing in 2006?
- A Region 3 refresher
- Expand to
- Region 1 (Boston, MA)held in March
- Region 4 (Indianapolis, IN)held in June
- Region 8 (South Africa) held in August
- Region 10 (Malaysia)
59What will we do in 2007?
- Expand to
- Region 2 (Baltimore)
- Region 5 (Dallas)
- Region 9 (Peru and Argentina)
- Region 8 (Slovakia?)
60What do we want to achieve in Malaysia?
- Establish TISP as a permanent program run by the
IEEE Malaysia Section - Reach 400 pre-university teachers in one year
- From across the country
- 800 teachers in the next two years
- Investigate the incorporation of TISP in the
formal program of the Malaysias Ministry of
Education In Service Program - Make TryEngineering a popular resource among
teachers, school counselors and students in the
primary through university level communities in
Malaysia - Augment the TryEngineering University Search with
school information in Malaysia - Create a page on university accreditation in
Malaysia - Ask to add links on Ministry of Education website
links page www.moe.gov.my/tayang.php?lamanlinksb
hsen and on www.schoolmalaysia.com,
www.doctorjob.com.my/, www.studymalaysia.com
61Questions and comments
62TISP Background and Scope
63Workshop Goals
- Empower Section champions to develop or enhance
collaborations with their local pre-university
community to promote applied inquiry-based
learning. - Enhance the level of technological literacy of
pre-university educators. - Encourage pre-university students to pursue
technical careers, including engineering. - Increase the general level of technological
literacy of pre-university students for many
64Short-Term Benefits
- Participating teachers will acquire additional
knowledge and materials necessary to enhance
their science, math and technology curricula - Participating teachers will be able to add
practical, applicable content to their curricula - Engineers and educators will be able to meet and
learn about each other - Participating teachers will have a greater
understanding of technical careers such as
engineering, which they can impart to their
65Long-Term Benefits
- The overall level of technological literacy of
educators and their students will be positively
impacted for many years - There will be the potential for future
enhancements in school curricula - Engineers and educators will be given
opportunities to meet and develop future
collaborative relationships - Minority and female students will be exposed to
engineering and other technical professions
66Just What Is In-Service Training?
- Pre-service education - Training teachers
receive before beginning their teaching careers. - In-Service education - Training teachers
receive after entering the classroom. - In Florida, teachers must accumulate 120
in-service points every five years to renew
their teaching certificates. - An in-service point is similar to the
professional development hours (PDHs) many
states require for renewing PE licenses.
67Why Participate in a Teacher In-Service Program?
- Enhance the level of technological literacy of
- Teachers
- Students
- The local school community
68Why Participate in a Teacher In-Service Program?
- Enhance the standing of IEEE and the engineering
profession in the eyes of pre-university
educators and students. - Promote engineering as a career choice.
- Encourage IEEE member participation.
69Why Participate in a Teacher In-Service Program?
70TISP Presentations by Section
- Chattanooga, TN
- Miami, FL
- Florida West Coast
- Santa Clara, CA
- Philadelphia, PA
- North Jersey, NJ
- Republic of South Africa
- St. Louis, MO
- Central Indiana
- Jamaica
- Atlanta, GA
- Richmond, VA
- Central North Carolina
71Metrics To Date
- Forty presentations to date
- More than 890 pre-university educators have
participated - Science, technology and mathematics educators
- These educators represent 90,000 students
72Metrics To Date Contd
- Over 90 of the respondents agreed
- They would use the concepts presented in their
instruction - Doing so would enhance the level of technological
literacy of their students
73Counting the Cost
- Re-useable materials and hardware.
74Counting the CostExpendables
75Counting the Cost
- Reproduction costs
- Often donated in kind.
- Refreshments.
76How to Begin?
- Two pronged approach
- Build relationships with school districts.
- Build interest in members.
77Mobilising volunteers
78Recruiting Volunteers
- Articles placed in Section newsletters
- Announcements
- At chapter meetings
- At section executive committee meetings
- Informal contacts with members
- Members can choose to be presenters or coaches
- GOLD Life members are good candidates
79How do I get involved the mindset
- Be proud of what your profession does
- Be aware of the importance of engineering for the
development of our country and make it known - Get involved in educational issues
- your childrens school
- the IEEE - your professional society
- your HR department
- Convince your employer and others of the
importance to help education departments
80My experience - promoting my profession
- Employer
- we need engineering students
- IEEE, conferences etc
- met similar minded people
- Gateway Discovery Centre
- having a vision
- fundraising
- practical implementation
- Industry
- Energy efficiency - CFLs
81Contact with educationalists
- Join forces with your education department
- listen to them and heed their advice
- Keep in contact with fellow engineers who share
your vision - Always evaluate what you are doing and ask for
82Qualities Needed
- Tactful communicator. Willing to play the role of
classroom assistant. - New methods of teaching - with less telling and
more doing. - Enjoy immediate gratification.
83Choose Topics
- Tie to national education expectations.
- Choose topics of interest to section members.
- Emphasize hands-on activities.
- Think low cost
- While working with school departments simply ask
teachers, curriculum supervisors, curriculum
specialists, etc., what topics are needed.
84Sample Teacher In-service Presentation Topics
- Rocket Cars and Newtons Laws
- Build Working Models With Household Items
- The Orbit of Planet Gamma
- Learn to Program and Test Robots For Classroom
Use - Everything You Wanted To Know About Electric
Motors But Were Afraid To Ask,
85Sample Teacher In-service Presentation Topics
- How Do We Communicate Using Radio Waves
- Get Connected With Ohms Law
- Effective Lighting
- Build Your Own Robot Arm
- Simple Machines
- Light Waves and Spectroscopes
86Plan Times and Places
- Special Events
- USF Engineering EXPO, all day, February, prelude
to Engineers Week - Teacher Conferences, e.g. technology, mathematics
and science teacher conventions by province or
nationally - National teacher organizations that happen to
meet nearby - Places
- College Campuses, school lab
87Follow-up Activities/Metrics
- Count the number of educators who participated in
your teacher in-service program - Be sure that teachers complete the 12 item
questionnaire - EAD will tabulate the results
- Follow-up with teachers to determine the level of
implementation of the concepts and activities - Consider a sign in sheet to include an email
address - Consider sending a follow-up postcard to
88Lessons Learned
- Have telephone or cell phone numbers for at least
two contacts at the school. - If possible, visit the presentation location
several days before the session. - Use a cart for moving materials from volunteers
cars to meeting rooms.
- If your presentation requires electric power,
bring several extension cords and multi-outlet
power strips. - Exchange cellular telephone or pager numbers
among all the section member volunteers. - Provide each section member volunteer with good
directions to the meeting location.
89Teacher In-service Presentations
90Design and Build Your Own Robot Arm
- Putrajaya, Malaysia
- Nico Beute, South Africa Section
- Douglas Gorham, Educational Activities
- Yvonne Pelham, Educational Activities
- September 2006
91Principles Standards for School Mathematics
- Geometry
- Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and
geometric modeling to solve problems - Analyze characteristics and properties of two-
and three-dimensional geometric shapes and
develop mathematical arguments about geometric
relationships - Problem Solving
- Recognize and apply geometric ideas in areas
outside of the mathematics classroom - Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate
strategies - Communication
- Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and
clearly to peers, teachers, and others
92National Science Education Standards
- Standard E Science and Technology
- Abilities to distinguish between natural objects
and objects made by humans - Abilities of technological design
- Understandings about science and technology
- Communicate the process of technological design
- Interactions of energy and matter
- Motion and force
93Standards for Technological Literacy
- Students will develop an understanding of
- Standard 7. the influence of technology on
history. - Standard 8. the attributes of design.
- Standard 9. engineering design.
- Standard 10. the role of troubleshooting,
research and development, invention and
innovation, and experimentation in problem
solving. - Students will develop
- Standard 11. the abilities to apply the design
process. - Standard 19. an understanding of and be able to
select and use manufacturing technologies.
94Outline and Procedures
- Divide into teams of 2
- Brainstorm and create a sketch of your design
- Build a model of your design with given materials
- Test your model
- Discuss and agree upon a redesign, if needed
- Rebuild your robot arm
- Retest your model
- Answer reflection questions as a team
- What was one thing you liked about your design?
- Did you use all of the materials provided? Why,
or why not? - Are there algebraic principles that can be
applied to this activity? - What is one thing you would change about your
design based on your experience? - How might you incorporate this activity into your
classroom instruction?