Title: How to Pitch
1Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship How to Pitch
2Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship Building,
Funding, Incubating Building companies from the
back of the napkin to the first 1M in financing
3Do you have a great idea?
I have a great idea!!! Now what? How can I get
money to fund my idea? What do investors need to
know about my idea to invest in it?
4 Investor Pitch
- Investors have a very short attention spanyour
pitch must be short and concise - Do not get caught in technical details
- Do not use too much jargon
- Focus on developing one or two aspects of your
business - Be passionate and show great enthusiasm for your
5How to cook a perfect pitch? Use these
must-have ingredients
6 The Problem
- XYZ University Magazine
- No place for students to read about upcoming
campus-wide events and reviews of past events - No place for students to read about dining and
shopping options on and around university campus - Students are not using all resources available to
them because they do not know about them.
- What is the problem you are trying to solve?
- What are the pain points you are trying to
address? - Is this an important problem or something people
can afford to ignore?
7The Market
- XYZ University Magazine
- Within 10 miles of the campus
- 75 Restaurants and Bars
- 2 Malls with total 95 retailers
- 48 independent retailers
- 43 specialty service providers
- 200 student clubs
- All looking to reach
- 3,000 full-time students living on campus
- 3,000 full-time students living off-campus
- 2,000 part-time students
- 1,000 faculty and staff
- If XYZ pilot program takes off and goes well, we
can expand to other universities campuses
- How many people have this problem?
- Is this a unique problem affecting only 10 people
in your town a bigger problem affecting millions
of people? - Who exactly will pay you money for your product
or service?
8Your Solution
- XYZ University Magazine
- Publish a monthly magazine covering all
campus-wide events - Magazine will write stories about the biggest
monthly/yearly events - Magazine will write reviews of stores, service
providers, and restaurants on and around the
campus - Magazine will accept letters to the editors where
students will be providing their reviews of
various events, stores, dining options
- How do you plan to solve this problem?
- Is your solution realistic?
- Is your solution easy-to-implement?
- Is your solution controversial?
9Why You?
- XYZ University Magazine
- Competition Analysis
- Each school on campus keeps their own schedule.
They publish it either online or in their
newsletter. - Local newspapers list some of the upcoming events
- Are there any competitors already on the market
trying to solve the same problem? - Why would people choose your product or service?
- What is unique about you?
- What is your unfair advantage that others will
have a hard time replicating?
10Is Your Idea Financially Viable?
- XYZ College Magazine
- We will target local restaurants, shops, and
service-providers to place ads in the magazine - 9,000 college students, faculty and staff are an
attractive target audience for local businesses - Magazine will be provided to readers free of
charge - Revenue will come in form of advertising
- We estimate to sell10 full-page ads at 500
5,00015 ½ page ads at 300 4,50025 ¼ page
ads at 200 5,000
- XYZ University Magazine Yearly Financial
- What are your revenue streams?
- What are your costs?
- How many customers do you need to
- become profitable?
- How will you attract customers?
- When do you plan to break even? Cash-flow
11Use of Funds
- Use of Funds
- We will use 2,500 investment to produce and
distribute the first trial issue of our
- How do you plan to use investment money?
- Be specific and only list items necessary for the
growth of your business, e.g. - Product Research Development
- Supplies
- Marketing Research
- Marketing Activities
- Who is on your team?
- What are your teams qualifications?
- Are you and your team passionate about your
business idea?
13To maximize your chances for success you should
- Be credible
- Be enthusiastic and passionate
- Be brief and use your words wisely
- Dress for success
- Practice! Practice! Practice!