Title: Albert Einstein
1Albert Einstein
2When you were growing up were you involved in any
- No, vut I played the violen vor thirteen vears.
3Were you always good at math?
- No, I vailed the entrance exam to Eidgenossische
Technische Hochschule in Zurich.
4Did you ever hold a political office?
- Vell I vas offered the presidency of the state of
Israel, vut I turned it down.
5Why did you turn down such a high honor?
- I felt that I vas not fitted for such a position.
6Were you ever married and if so did you have any?
- Yes I vas married tvice. My first wife vas
Mileva Maric then I vas married to my first
cousin Elsa that vas kind of embarrassing. I had
two sons and a daughter with Mileva.
7What exactly did you do to earn your Nobel Prize?
- I von it for my vork on the photoelectric effect.
8I have heard that you have done a lot of
traveling, where are some of the places you have
- I have veen to Oxford, Glasgow, Brussels,
Switzerland, Sweden, U.S., Jerusalem, and Rome.
9Who is your best friend in your profession?
- I vould probably have to say Marcel Grossmann, he
has veen a great companion.
10Did you and Marcel ever work on a project
- Yes, ve vorked on gravitational resaerch.
11If you could name one accomplishment that has
meant the most to you what would it be?
- Good question, I vould probably have to say my
vork on the theory of relativity.
- World Book Vol. 6 pp146-147
- www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/7Ehistory/Mathematici