Title: Quarkquark double scattering in nuclei and modified antiquark FF
1Quark-quark double scattering in nuclei and
modified (anti-)quark FF
- Ben-Wei Zhang
- 1. Texas AM University, USA
- 2. Central China Normal University, China
Based on the work in collaboration with X.-N.
Wang and A. Schaefer
- Introduction
- Modified FF due to quark-quark
- double scattering in nuclei
- Multiplicity ratios of hadrons in nuclei
- Summary
3Jet Quenching
Jet quenching has been observed as a new
nuclear phenomenon at RHIC
X.N. Wang, Nucl.Phys. A750 (2005) 98
4Quark-Quark Double Scattering
- Two kinds of double scattering in eA DIS
quark-gluon double scattering
quark-quark double scattering
5Properties of q-q double scattering
- Quark-quark double scattering will mix the quark
and gluon fragmentation functions. - Quark-quark double scattering may give different
modifications to quark FF and anti-quark FF.
B.W.Zhang, X.N.Wang, A. Schaefer, in preparation
6Quark-quark double scattering
- Single Scattering leading twist contribution
- Double Scattering twist-4 contribution
7quark-quark correlation function
8Generalized Factorization
- Consider a typical quark-quark
- double scattering process in
- semi-inclusive eA DIS
J. Qiu, G. Sterman, NPB 353(1991)105 NPB
9LPM effect
LPM effect
10Other processes
- lowest order
- without radiation
11Modified Fragmenation Function
- Summing single and double scattering gives
- We define the modified quark FF as
12Quark-quark correlation function
M. Luo,J. Qiu and G. Sterman, PRD50(1994)1951, X.F
. Guo and X.N. Wang, PRL85(2000)3591.
13Quark and anti-quark FF(I)
- We get the modification to quark FF as
- Similarly the modification to anti-quark FF is
14Quark and anti-quark FF(II)
- The difference between modified quark FF and
modified anti-quark FF
15Multiplicity ratios of hadrons
- Multiplicity ratio measured at HERMES
HERMES hep-ex/0012049 hep-ex/0307023
16Theoretical explanation
- In the constituent quark model
- Quark-quark double scattering is eA
- DIS are studied.
- Modification to quark FF in nuclei is different
from the modification to anti-quark FF in nuclei. - This difference may explain the multiplicity
ratios of hadrons in nuclei observed at HERMES.
18Summary (II)
- Quark-quark double scattering can modify
fragmentation functions without radiation. - Quark-quark double scattering may change the
flavor of partons - quark energy loss VS gluon energy loss
- In heavy-ion collisions quark-quark double
scattering can not be neglected if quark density
is comparable to gluon density in hot nuclear
19Thank you!
20Hard partonic part
- Semi-inclusive hadronic tensor can be given