Title: Thorie Financire Relation risque rentabilit attendue 1
1Théorie FinancièreRelation risque rentabilité
attendue (1)
2Introduction to risk
- Objectives for this session
- 1. Review the problem of the opportunity cost of
capital - 2. Analyze return statistics
- 3. Introduce the variance or standard deviation
as a measure of risk for a portfolio - 4. See how to calculate the discount rate for a
project with risk equal to that of the market - 5. Give a preview of the implications of
3Setting the discount rate for a risky project
- Stockholders have a choice
- either they invest in real investment projects of
companies - or they invest in financial assets (securities)
traded on the capital market - The cost of capital is the opportunity cost of
investing in real assets - It is defined as the forgone expected return on
the capital market with the same risk as the
investment in a real asset
4Three key ideas
- 1. Returns are normally distributed random
variables - Markowitz 1952 portfolio theory, diversification
- 2. Stock prices are unpredictable (Efficient
market hypothesis) - Kendall 1953 Movements of stock prices are
random - 3. Capital Asset Pricing Model
- Sharpe 1964 Lintner 1965
- Expected returns are function of systematic risk
5Preview of what follow
- First, we will analyze past markets returns to
obtain an estimate of the historical market risk
premium (the excess return earned by investing in
a risky asset as opposed to a risk-free asset) - The next step will be to understand the
implications of diversification. - We will show that
- diversification enables an investor to eliminate
part of the risk of a stock held individually
(the unsystematic - or idiosyncratic risk). - only the remaining risk (the systematic risk) has
to be compensated by a higher expected return - the systematic risk of a security is measured by
its beta (?), a measure of the sensitivity of the
actual return of a stock or a portfolio to the
unanticipated return in the market portfolio - the expected return on a security should be
positively related to the security's beta -
6Capital Asset Pricing Model
Expected return
Risk free interest rate
7Normal distribution
- The primitive objects that we will manipulate are
percentage returns over a period of time - The rate of return is a return per dollar (or ,
DEM,...) invested in the asset, composed of - a dividend yield
- a capital gain
- The period could be of any length one day, one
month, one quarter, one year.
9Belgium - Monthly returns 1951 - 1999
10Standard Poor 500
12Normal distribution illustrated
13Risk premium on a risky asset
- The excess return earned by investing in a risky
asset as opposed to a risk-free asset -
- U.S.Treasury bills, which are a short-term,
default-free asset, will be used a the proxy for
a risk-free asset. - The ex post (after the fact) or realized risk
premium is calculated by substracting the average
risk-free return from the average risk return. - Risk-free return return on 1-year Treasury
bills - Risk premium Average excess return on a risky
14Total returns US 1926-2002
Source Ross, Westerfield, Jaffee (2005) Table 9.2
15Market Risk Premium The Very Long Run
The equity premium puzzle
Source Ross, Westerfield, Jaffee (2005) Table
Was the 20th century an anomaly?
16Portfolio selection
17Risk and expected returns for porfolios
- In order to better understand the driving force
explaining the benefits from diversification, let
us consider a portfolio of two stocks (A,B) - Characteristics
- Expected returns
- Standard deviations
- Covariance
- Portfolio defined by fractions invested in each
stock XA , XB XA XB 1 - Expected return on portfolio
- Variance of the portfolio's return
- Invest 100 m in two stocks
- A 60 m XA 0.6
- B 40 m XB 0.4
- Characteristics ( per year) A B
- Expected return 20 15
- Standard deviation 30 20
- Correlation 0.5
- Expected return 0.6 20 0.4 15 18
- Variance (0.6)²(.30)² (0.4)²(.20)²2(0.6)(0.4)
(0.30)(0.20)(0.5) - s²p 0.0532 ? Standard deviation 23.07
- Less than the average of individual standard
deviations - 0.6 x0.30 0.4 x 0.20 26
19Diversification effect
- Let us vary the correlation coefficient
- Correlationcoefficient Expected return
Standard deviation - -1 18 10.00
- -0.5 18 15.62
- 0 18 19.7
- 0.5 18 23.07
- 1 18 26.00
- Conclusion
- As long as the correlation coefficient is less
than one, the standard deviation of a portfolio
of two securities is less than the weighted
average of the standard deviations of the
individual securities
20The efficient set for two assets
21Combining the Riskless Asset and a single Risky
- Consider the following portfolio P
- Fraction invested
- in the riskless asset 1-x (40)
- in the risky asset x (60)
- Expected return on portfolio P
- Standard deviation of portfolio
22Relationship between expected return and risk
- Combining the expressions obtained for
- the expected return
- the standard deviation
- leads to
23Choosing between 2 risky assets Sharpe ratio
- Choose the asset with the highest ratio of excess
expected return to risk - Example RF 6
- Exp.Return Risk
- A 9 10
- B 15 20
- Asset Sharpe ratio
- A (9-6)/10 0.30
- B (15-6)/20 0.45
Expected return
24Risk aversion
- Risk aversion
- For a given risk, investor prefers more expected
return - For a given expected return, investor prefers
less risk
Expected return
Indifference curve
25Utility function
- Mathematical representation of preferences
- a risk aversion coefficient
- u certainty equivalent risk-free rate
- Example a 2
- A 6 0 0.06
- B 10 10 0.08 0.10 - 2(0.10)²
- C 15 20 0.07 0.15 - 2(0.20)²
- B is preferred
26Optimal choice with a single risky asset
- Risk-free asset RF Proportion 1-x
- Risky portfolio S Proportion x
- Utility
- Optimum
- Solution
- Example a 2
27The efficient set for two assets