Title: First steps towards transformation
1First steps towards transformation? Keith Smyth,
Napier University
2About TESEP
Sharing ideas
Joint FE-HE initiative
Collaborative learning
Using technology appropriately
Beyond the VLE
Transforming and enhancing the student experience
through pedagogy
Working with the sector
Increasing learner autonomy
Learner centred staff development
Working within the partner institutions
Web 2.0
Building upon existing good practice
SFC e-learning transformation programme
3Why is change needed?
Widening access
Using technology more effectively
Helping our institutions become pro-active not
reactive towards change
Employability skills
Recognising the impact of emerging technologies
on informal learning
FE-HE articulation
Meeting diverse student needs
Increased demands for flexible provision
Engagement, achievement, retention
Deep learning
Government directives
4TESEP in practice
SCQF levels 3 to 11
Pathfinder projects
Brick working
Getting the blend right
Preparing students
Accounting and economics
Subtle changes to practice
Local and global connections
Major changes
5Staff development
Tutors immersed in learner experience
Choice and control
Support team
Critical friends
First wave of practitioners seconded
Cross institutional mentor groups
Recognising expertise
Support at every stage
Face-to-face workshops
Sensitivity to individual and collective needs
Cutting through the jargon
Capturing the practitioner journey
Online events and activities
Modelling TESEP principles
6(No Transcript)
7Seeing the transition happen
Alan Hanratty, Lauder College on improving
collaborative working by building upon how
students already use technology informally
Fraser Walker, Lauder College on providing
colour and inspiration for trades students
8But staff dev is not enough
Commitment at every level
Align with institutional initiatives
Learning and teaching advisers
Create new roles
Rethinking induction for staff and students
Festival of learning
Online Learning Advocates
Module redesign guidance
Provide illustrative exemplars
Revisit LTA strategies
Reward good practice
Encourage sharing and collaboration
9Sharing our experiences
10Closing thoughts
Ken Dale-Risk, Napier University
Dennis Savage, Lauder College
11Points for discussion...
Are institutional initiatives for embedding
technology into teaching a good thing, or should
the integration of blended and online approaches
be allowed to occur naturally? What approaches
to promoting technology-supported teaching and
learning work most effectively in your
institution, and why? Other key comments or