Title: XP720: EBW BXO mode coupling in Hmode discharges
1XP-720 EBW B-X-O mode coupling in H-mode
- Investigate collisional effects on B-X-O mode
coupling - LPI conditioning has shown increase in EBE
- Gas valve near antennas available will be used
for remaining run time - Bootstrap current from pressure gradient at
H-mode pedestal may change field pitch at UHR - Wide acceptance angle antenna to detect EBE
outside steered antenna field of view - Investigate effects of plasma
parameters on B-X-O coupling - Initial outer gap scan has shown
increase in emission - Vertical position scan started
- Only -2.8 cm scan achieved
- Proposed at least 3 cm
2Preliminary H-mode results show increase in
B-X-O coupling with Li conditioning
- Reference shot (123148) Te(0)1 keV,
ne(0)4-6x1013 cm-3, Ip1MA - 3.4 mg Li pellet injection (LPI) into ohmic He
L-mode plasma for conditioning - 1st shot after LPI, 123153,
exhibited 2x increase
in EBE - 2nd shot after LPI,
EBE reverted
to pre-Li conditions
Reference shot 1st after 3.4 mg LPI 2nd after 3.4
mg LPI
Li conditioning reduces ELM's and increases edge
Te - possibly reducing effects of EBW
collisional damping. EBE modeling ongoing.
3Preliminary H-mode results show good fce and 2fce
B-X-O coupling in high ?, fBS plasmas
- Target plasma (with LITER) Ip0.8 MA, k2.5,
Te1 keV, ne(0)2-4x1013 cm-3 - Preliminary experimental
- B-X-O coupling efficiency
- 30-50 for fce18 GHz, 2fce28 GHz
- EBE simulation work is ongoing
t0.3 s
shot 123544
2fce28 GHz
L-H transition
More near-term experiments to focus on studying
this target plasma. Antenna location will be
scanned to optimize emission.
4Remaining run time focused on optimizing
B-X-O coupling in H-mode plasmas
- Excellent H-mode target identified scans
required to optimize emission and understand
coupling physics - Target - 123544 Ip0.8 MA, Te(0)1keV,
ne(0)2-4x1013 cm3, k2.5 with LITER
conditioning - Shot Description
- 1-2 Shot development
- 3-12 Antenna scan
- 13-15 Vertical position scan - at least 3 cm
- 16-17 Outer gap scan - 1 cm and - 3 cm
- Required diagnostics
- EBW radiometers
- Thomson scattering
- Reflectometer