User Experience - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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User Experience


... on a network drive which is scanned regularly for new work by a cron job. ... The cron job picks up the results and places them in a different network folder ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: User Experience

  • Grid Access using GROWL for Accelerator
  • Jonathan Smith (Lancaster University/Cockcroft
    Institute), John Kewley (e-Science, STFC
    Daresbury Laboratory), Julian McKenzie (ASTeC,
    STFC Daresbury Laboratory)?

Abstract The Grid is widely used by Particle
Physicists for performing calculations on the
huge datasets generated in particle colliders,
and performing large scale simulations to
estimate what may happen in future colliders. The
Grid is somewhat less used by those engaged in
the design of such machines. This presentation
describes work undertaken at the Cockcroft
Institute of Accelerator Science and Technology,
in collaboration with the e-science group at
Daresbury Laboratory, to harness the substantial
resources available in the Grid for particle
accelerator design problems.
Introduction Currently many of computational
particle accelerator design tasks require small
clusters or very powerful workstations, and are
typically Monte-Carlo integrations for which
further computational power improves the
statistical relevance of the results, or sweeps
over sets of parameters, for which further
simulations would improve the granularity with
which the configuration space of the problem is
explored. In either of these cases the tasks are
inherently parallel and are very amenable to grid
computation. There are also computations which
are simply very large, however in these cases
shared memory computers and large clusters
represent better solutions. Typically the Grid
is not used simply because of the complexity of
getting started. Training provided by the
e-Science centre staff, and the use of GROWL
scripts to provide lightweight access to the Grid
middleware. This allows this complexity to be
reduced and the otherwise steep learning curve
flattened to the point where the Grid becomes
another computational resource available. This
poster addresses a few examples of the benefits
of using the Grid for computations of
electromagnetic fields in accelerator structures,
allowing sweeps over wider parameter sets that
would be possible with local computation, and of
particle tracking (particle optics), where the
computation size would otherwise provide a limit
and make the calculations implausible without the
use of large clusters to perform integrations
over possible particle distributions. Use of
GROWL with VOMS servers will be discussed, as
will using GROWL from within another application,
Wolfram MATHEMATICA. General setup issues
relating to NW-GRID will be summarised.
Particle Accelerator Injector Optimisation using
the Grid The injector for a particle accelerator
creates the particles and subsequently
accelerates them for injection into the rest of
the machine. Optimisation of an injector line is
difficult due to a relatively large number of
variables and the interdependence of these
variables. In this test case, there are 13
variables to be set, comprising magnet settings
and field strengths and phases of accelerating
cavities. A simulation of this setup takes
approximately 20 minutes to run. To perform a
simulation for each possible setup would require
far too much computation time so a genetic
algorithm has been employed. A subset of all the
possible solutions, in our case 60, are created
and the simulations are carried out using
distributed computing. The genetic algorithm is
implemented in MATHEMATICA. It creates a new set
of jobs based upon the best of the previous
solutions and this process repeats until a set of
solutions with the desired characteristics are
found. The jobs are placed on a network drive
which is scanned regularly for new work by a cron
job. This in turn calls a perl job which manages
the submission and monitoring of the tasks on the
Grid, returning when all are complete. The cron
job picks up the results and places them in a
different network folder where MATHEMATICA can
analyse them and create a new set. This is shown
in figure 1. In this test case, an optimisation
was carried out to minimise two parameters.
Figure 2 shows the trade-off between them after
different numbers of iterations. As can be seen
subsequent iterations first minimise the two
parameters and then fill in the gaps along the
curves of the optimisation front. From this, a
solution can be picked out with the desired
parameters such as that shown in figure 3, which
shows the evolution of the two parameters along
the accelerators injection line.

User Experience We started with a collection of
5-10 users who routinely use computationally
intensive software. For the new user, finding the
correct location to obtain a certificate is
difficult. A variety of issues were experienced
by users in obtaining certificates, some of which
were not fully diagnosed browsers being upgraded
and root certificates being replaced both
contributed. Having someone with experience of
the process locally was highly beneficial. Once
the certificates had been downloaded, the
installation of GROWL was straight forward.
Custom scripts are required to keep track of more
than one job simultaneously, and to aid
debugging, the growl-log command has been
introduced, returning the appropriate
gram_job_mgr output for the Grid job ID. While
there are a number of particle accelerator
calculation tools which fully exploit large
clusters using MPI, many come in the form of
prebuilt binaries, and hope the user can build
the appropriate MPI libraries on their system. In
these cases, the only way to get the applications
running on the Grid is by obtaining the source
from the authors.
Figure 2
Figure 3
  • Optimisation of the Short Range Tranverse Kick of
    the Collimator Jaw Profile
  • A collimator is a device which scrapes away
    particles which are liable to cause unnecessary
    background noise signals in the detectors owing
    to their large excursion from the trajectory the
    majority of the particles are designed to take.
    One of the challenges in the electromagnetic
    design of a collimator is to ensure that it does
    not degrade the quality of the beam of charged
    particles which are closer to the design
    trajectory, as a result of their interaction with
    intense fields created as the particles travel
    through the device. Such fields are called
    wakefields, and must be minimised. These are
    heavily dependent on the shape of the collimator.
    Collimators should be as short as possible, but
    this adversely affects the wakefields.
  • Simple collimators are apertures with straight
    tapers to the beam pipe on each side. Adding a
    vertex to the taper allows a reduction in
    wakefield effects without increasing the length.
    We employed ABCI, available as a pre-built
    binary, to calculate the wakefield for a range of
    locations of this vertex. A more sophisticated
    simplex scheme may have ultimately provided a
    better optimum, however given the computational
    power available to us, acceptable results could
    be obtained in the quickest time using a brute
    force approach.

Figure 1
Other tasks, however, can readily be split up
into inherently parallel tasks that can be split
between nodes. In these cases it is useful to
have a framework that easily integrates with
external optimisation algorithms. If we assume
that a user is only going to be optimising on one
set of data at all then it is possible to run a
periodic task to look in a directory, if there
are simulations ready to be run, then run these,
keep note of what they are doing and return them
once they are done. This is summarised in the
flow chart.
Figure 4 is a contour plot where the colour
represents the wakefield, and the axes are
longitudinal position and radial position of this
vertex. The relatively straight pale blue band
running from bottom left to top right represents
a profile which is almost identical to the
straight taper, the black line represents the
analytically predicted 'optimal' design. We can
see there is a location close to this optimal
design where the effect of the wakefield is
  • Summary
  • GROWL scripts are adaptable to the needs of the
    accelerator scientist, and provide an example of
    how this technology may be applied to a new
    field, enabling researchers to better achieve
    their objectives.
  • In the near future it is anticipated additional
    applications will be setup on NW-Grid, including
    some MPI tasks. Improved VOMS support contained
    in Growl will allow users to make use of the
    resources of NorthGrid too.

Figure 4
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