Title: Survey of Credit Card Use by ESOs
1Survey of Credit Card Use by ESOs
Response Rate 72.7 1 -- Does your ESO accept
Master Card for payments at all? Yes 33.3
No 66.6 a - If so, does your ESO accept
Master Card for payments for vocational
services? Yes 8 No 92 b - If so,
will your ESO accept Master Card for payments
from DRS? Yes 15 No 50 No
Response 35
3Results continued
2 -- If required to use Master Card for
vocational services from DRS, please comment
on a. -- What are the advantages to your
Organization? Faster pay 18 Left blank
14 No advantage 9 other 7 b. --
What are the disadvantages to your
Organization? Fees 30 Blank 7 Other 11
(Examples - Discount fees, additional
transaction fees, etc.)
4Results continued
3. -- Do you presently use the Financial
Electronic Data Interchange (FEDI) that allows
for Electronic Fund Transfer payments from the
State? Yes 47.9 No 52.1