Title: An Health Informatics Training
1 your potential with the
electronic Personal Development Portfolio
Trevor Morris INFOcus Project Manager
An Health Informatics Training Programme for the
North West NHS
2INFOcus background
Began in 1998 to identify gaps in training
provision of the health informatics community in
the North West NHS.
Acts as a focus for health informatics staff in
sharing good practice through seminars and
forums Supports the training needs of health
informatics staff by working to locate and fill
training gaps
An Health Informatics Training Programme for the
North West NHS
3Providing Training for NHS Professionals
Making sure staff are supported to acquire new
skills and realise their potential to help change
things for the better. (Working Together,
Learning Together)
Has changed my attitude to how I will approach
dealing with others
Very good confidence builder and the best
course I have been on in a long while
4An excellent scheme for individuals to
gain a better understanding of IMT within the
Very worthwhile and helps to give an overall
understanding of the NHS
It is a valuable means to inform staff of
the role health informatics has in the structure
of the NHS
The scheme is a set of training events covering
the important aspects of IMT in the health
service. sessions run for one day every month
over six months at varying locations throughout
the region. The scheme was commended in the HR
strategy Making Information Count by the
Department of Health and has the professional
backing of ASSIST.
5INFOcus background
Began in 1998 to identify gaps in training
provision of the health informatics community in
the North West NHS. Acts as a focus for
health informatics staff in sharing good practice
through seminars and forums Supports the
training needs of health informatics staff by
working to locate and fill training gaps
- Produces research to inform health informatics
staff on ETD issues - Provides electronic and printed resources to
enable CPD.
An Health Informatics Training Programme for the
North West NHS
6Access to ICT Training Materials
- Access to over 130 computer training manuals
with a commercial training provider. - NHS organisations in the North West receive a 4
CD-ROM set containing the manuals, workbooks,
exercises and test papers. - Unlimited copies of these materials can be made
and they can also be placed on Trust Intranets as
documents. Manuals available include
Outlook 2000 - XP
Dreamweaver 4 - 6
ECDL version 4
Excel 5 - XP
Internet Explorer 4 - 6
Windows 2000 - XP
Access 2 - XP
Flash 5 - 6
PowerPoint 4 - XP
FrontPage 97 - 03
Word 6 - XP
Lotus 5 - 6
7INFOcus Web Directory
- Printed A5 booklet is as a reference point for
NHS professionals wanting to look for quality
health and NHS related information on the
Internet. - It hosts a collection of useful health related
web sites which have been categorised into key
subject areas and feature key facts about each
website to inform people about their content
before they visit it. - The resource also includes sections featuring
guidance on viewing and searching the Internet,
evidence based
- healthcare and critical appraisal which are aimed
at NHS Professionals. - Free copies of the directory are available
through INFOcus. - New edition due out in July 2004
- This resource has been co-funded by Aditus, the
North West Health and Social Care Knowledge
Centre located at www.aditus.nhs.uk
8Supporting the Development of NHS Professionals
9Electronic Personal Development Portfolio
Background Opportunity to develop themselves and
their careers in line with the requirements of
the changing environment. 2002 Working
Together, Learning Together 2002 INFOcus
produced a printed portfolio 2003 INFOcus
research into ePortfolios. 2003 Creation of
electronic CPD resource at Alder Hey 2004
Development of ePDP
Individual Learning will be set within a
personal development plan and should be valued,
recorded, recognised and where possible
(Working Together, Learning Together, 2002)
10Electronic Personal Development Portfolio
- 4 Key areas for successful ePDP
- Record your individual and professional skills
- Fits in with your career aspirations and skill
requirements to work in the NHS - Supports you to identify future learning and
development options - Allows you to record your personal and
professional objectives and review them. - Also
- Vital that the ePDP is simple and attractive
- Access to it from home or work
- 100 secure and confidential
- Fits in with job/role appraisal process
- Collated statistics from the resource are
available to Trusts and providers of - education and training
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24- Complete interest form for involvement in pilot
process - Pilot period for 6-8 weeks
- Will be asking for evaluation and feedback
relating to - content
- navigation
- usefulness
- comparison with printed PDP
- time factor
- reliability of technology
- Asking for suggestions and ideas on ways to
improve - Resource is planned to be available in
October/November 2004 via INFOcus website.
An Health Informatics Training Programme for the
North West NHS
25The INFOcus Programme is here for YOU and needs
your ideas and suggestions for future projects
for it to continue to support the development of
NHS Professionals. Visit our web site
at www.infocus-nw.nhs.uk