Title: Presentation to the National Council of Provinces
1- Presentation to the National Council of Provinces
- 12 JUNE 2002
- Mandate and Mission
- NHFC Context (as Gazetted)
- NHFC Primary Responsibilities
- The External Environment
- The Housing Finance System - SA
- The Housing Institutional Environment
- Strategies and Action Plans
- Conclusion
- In partnerships with the broadest range of
organisations, to search for new and better ways
to mobilise finance for housing, from sources
outside the state... - The corporations endeavours should in time
ensure that every South African with a regular
source of income can gain access to finance for
buying or renting or incrementally building or
improving his/her own home
- The NHFC seeks to create housing opportunities
for the low and moderate income families by - Funding or Underwriting the funding of
intermediaries and institutions to promote
broader access to housing and housing finance - Facilitate the building of Adequate and
Sustainable capacity within the organisations and
institutions that it funds - Partnering organisations and institutions to
deliver innovative housing finance solution
5NHFC Primary Responsibilities
- Stimulate the Primary and the Secondary market
in the low and moderate income housing sector - Provide alternative need- based housing finance
products and financial packages- - mortgage and non- mortgage products (loan
discounting and purchasing from lenders, direct
intermediary funding) - rental product options (project financing for
rental or rent to buy and installment sale) - provide credit to lower income earners building
or developing properties incrementally
PHP, individual initiatives and through rapid
land release (generally micro-finance)
6NHFC Primary Responsibilities
- Undertake the funding as a wholesale
intermediary and act as a fund manager - Specialise in identifying, assessing, pricing,
monitoring and managing the risks associated with
the placement of funds - Research and Product development
7NHFC Primary Responsibilities
- Stimulate the Primary and the Secondary market
in the low and moderate income housing sector
(contd.) - On-going product development
- Support management capacity of niche lenders
- Promote and develop partnerships with financial
institutions and other stakeholders to improve
financing capacity to income groups
8Overview of the Operating Environment
- External Environment
- Shrinkage of the housing finance delivery
channels into the NHFCs target market - Demise of small banks Saambou, Unifer, FBC, etc.
- Market Consolidation e.g. Cashbank
- Inadequate capacity of niche lenders to
take-over the increased gap to finance - Negative impact of Unemployment and HIV/AIDS
- High-risk perceptions of the Low and Moderate
income financing sector Cost of funds high
9Overview of the Operating Environment
- External Environment(contd)
- Housing Policy HLMDA, CRA and evolving policy
on Social Housing - Zero Transfer duty on less R 100 000 house value
and - Stamp duty abolished for certain mortgage
transactions between institutions - Stability of some of the niche lenders in long
term funding emerging - Alternative tenure options for the end
10The SA Housing Finance System
Capital Markets (Banks, Investors, Life/Pension
Parastatals (other DFIs)
Loan secured by property, lower LTV ratios
Non Mortgage Security
Lending Institutions
Subsidy Beneficiaries
11The Housing Institutional Environment
Funding or Guarantee the Funding
Financial intermediary
Rural Micro-Finance
Capacity Building
Mobilisation of Construction Funding
Ensure Quality Housing
DEVELOPER (Bridging Finance)
End-user Guarantees
Stabilising the Housing Environment
Property in Possession
Right sizing
12Strategies and Action Plans
- Prudently, grow the lending business of the
Corporation and thus improve on its housing
delivery impact - Increase the number of housing institutions and
lenders across all Provinces - Facilitate the development of capacity of
Housing Institutions, Primary and Niche Lenders
(Standards and Guidelines) - Continuously enhance the Risk Management capacity
and competency of both the NHFC anud or clients - Accelerate the medium density housing
development thru the Job Summit Social Rental
Housing Project - Continue to pilot pragmatic PPP models that will
deliver - Affordability
- Value for Money, and
- Risk Sharing
- Proactively undertake Housing Finance Research
and Product Development
15Undertaking Wholesale Funding
NHFCs Performance
16NHFC Housing Impact TO-DATE
NHFCs Performance
Complete housing units financed 80, 397
Incremental housing loans granted 489 480
Number of people benefited 2,47 million
17Budget Highlights
- Priorities of the Corporation
- Prudently, grow the lending business of the
Corporation and thus improve on its housing
delivery impact - Continuously enhance the Corporations Risk
Management capacity and competency - Attain accelerated delivery on the Job Summit
Pilot Project - Effectively implement the Corporations processes
and systems Drive Speed, Flexibility and Impact - Focus on the need to challenge, develop and
retain the best people in the Corporation - Improve the Corporations Marketing and
Communication with all its Stakeholders
18Budget Overview 2002/5
- Deliver housing finance to a cumulative total of
334,000 households (of which 30,500 new and
7,500 existing houses) in most provinces - Facilitate the building of capacity in the
housing and housing finance sector by supporting
11 new and emerging housing finance
intermediaries and housing institutions - Change the housing finance environment through
promoting new loan products, relevant delivery
channels, supporting appropriate regulatory
policy frameworks and new housing options.