Title: Successful Build-to-Suits in the Real World
1Successful Build-to-Suits in the Real World
2Introduction to Presenters
- Ted Anspacher, SIOR, Anspacher Commercial Real
Estate Services - Tim Gallagher, SIOR, Clayco Construction Company
- Tom Mercer, AMB Property Corporation
- Robert Whittelsey, SIOR, Colliers Bennett
Kahnweiler, Inc.
- Goal Enhance brokers ability to serve BTS
clients. - Methods for achieving this goal
- Reviewing all aspects of BTS process.
- Review real-life examples.
- Detailed take-home materials on a CD.
4Topics of Discussion
- Identify and determine the clients scope.
- Assemble the clients BTS team.
- Preliminary site selection and land control.
- Points to remember in preparing RFPs.
- Projecting and analyzing costs.
- How rents are calculated by developers.
- Preparing and reviewing schedules.
- Exit Strategy.
- Understand and anticipate risks.
5Identify and Determine the Clients Scope
- Qualify Build-to-Suit Prospect
- Understand the Clients business.
- Learn the Clients goals and activities.
- Understand Clients time constraints.
- Office Space program.
- Industrial Space program.
6MITRE A Clear Scope.
7US Postal Service Heavy TIs
8Compaq There Will Always Be Change Orders
9Choose to work with people you trust.
10Assemble the Clients BTS Team
- Single Point of Contact with Client
- Legal Counsel
- Architectural Services
- Engineer
- Municipality Liaison / Economic Development
- Title Officer
- Project Manager Representation
- Team Requirements
11Designing the RFP
- Understand the Clients business
- Details of location site parameters
- Define Tenants scope
- Project Business terms (for lease and for sale)
- Project time line
12Content of the RFP
- Turnkey Development Sale Price Lease Terms
- Estimated Operating Expenses
- Lease Extension Quote
- Hold Over Clause
- Legal Issues
- Answer Site Specific Questionnaire
- Respond to Clients Required Time Line
- Developer / Land Owner Credentials Track Record
- Architectural Firms Credentials Track Record
13Typical 3 Story Office Building PSF Costs
Item Low High
Land and Due Diligence 17.50 40.00
Land Improvement 5.00 12.00
Design 3.00 8.00
Shell 65.00 120.00
TIs 25.00 50.00
Soft Costs 10.00 15.00
Total 125.50 245.00
14Typical PSF Costs for a 200,000 Warehouse
Item Low High
Land and Due Diligence 3.00 10.00
Land Improvements 2.00 5.00
Design 0.65 2.00
Shell 17.00 25.00
TIs 3.00 10.00
Soft Costs 3.50 8.00
Total 29.15 60.00
15How Developers Calculate Rents
- There are three ways for developers to calculate
rents - Yield on Costs
- Profit Margin
- Return on Equity
16Yield on Costs
Total costs 40.00
Development Yield 10.50
Net Rent 4.20
Less Vacancy (0.26)
Less Reserves (0.10)
Net Operating Income 3.84
Investment Return 9.6
17Profit Margin
Profit Margin Sought 11
Net Rent 4.20
Net Operating Income 3.84
Cap Rate 8.50
Sales Price 45.18
Sales Costs (0.99) 2.0
Net Sales Proceeds 44.27
Less Total Costs (40.00)
Profit 4.27 11
18Return on Equity
Total Costs 40.00
Equity 8.00 20
Rate of Return on Equity 15
Rent Required to Cover ROE 1.20
Debt 32.00 80
Interest Rate on Mortgage 7
Years of Amortization 25
Debt Service (Rent Required for Mortgage) 2.75
Vacancy (0.25) 5
Structural Reserve (0.10)
Total Net Rent 4.30 11
19Comparing Costs
- Getting Apples to Apples Comparison
- Require the responses to follow your format
- RFP must be thorough and specific to obtain a GMP
and/or Guaranteed Rent - Make a side-by-side analysis
20Preparing and Reviewing Schedules
Warehouses Warehouses Offices Offices
Task Fast Slow Fast Slow
Start to RFP 4 8 4 12
RFP to Developer 3 6 4 8
Lease/Reimbursement Agreement 1 5 1 6
Design 4 8 9 20
Permits 4 8 6 12
Construction 21 32 36 52
Total Weeks 37 77 60 110
Fast Track (Overlap)
21Exit Strategies
- Generic Building
- Cancellation Options (arent free)
- Future Uses
- Purchase Options
- Divisibility
- Dont destroy the Landlords Exit Strategy
22Best and Final Offer
- Negotiating Tactics Talk to Everyone
- Bring-up Changes in Scope
- Get Apples to Apples Comparison
- Getting to the Lease
- Development/Indemnity Agreement
- Straight to Lease / Purchase Agreement
23The Major Areas of BTS Risk
- Clearly determine and identify your clients
scope. - There will be change orders
- Understand the risks to schedule
- Response time from client or other parties
- Site Entitlements
- Weather
- Construction
- Long lead time items.
- The cost risks should be borne by the developer
with the possible exception of site conditions. - Choose to work with people you trust.