Title: Emerging Technologies and the CeLL Initiative
1Emerging Technologies and the CeLL Initiative
- Chris Benke, Rita Ellul, Jay Milne, Caleb
Peterson and Kerron Worsdell
2What is CeLL?
- Joint initiative between the Department of
Education and Training (DET) and Microsoft - Launched in December 2004
- Model to support ICT Professional Learning
- 28 CeLL schools across Victoria.
3Aims of CeLL include
- embed ICT best practice in teaching and learning
- facilitate the development of innovative and
creative ICT uses in educational settings - provide a structure by which ICT best practice
can be transferred to other schools
4Emerging Technologies
- For the purpose of this grant, the term emerging
technology is used to describe a type of
technology device, software or online service
which is not yet embedded into the teaching and
learning practices in Victorian schools.
5About the grant
- 3000
- Pilot to run for 6 12 weeks
- Schools to develop short case study to be made
available to all CeLL schools
6Emerging Technology could be used for
- teaching and learning
- assessment
- school management
- communication beyond the school
- improving cost effectiveness of school programs
7Most Popular Choices
- Interactive Whiteboards
- Portable Digital Assistants (PDAs)
- iPods
- Bluetooth wireless School Pads and InterWrite
software - GPS
- SMS communication technology
- Digital video editing, digital cameras
8- Caleb Peterson Kambrya College
- Interactive White Boards
9(No Transcript)
10Emerging Technology
- A Professional Development strategy
- Widespread implementation of the emerging
technology - Hardware or software. i.e. smart board
technology - We need to be creative with the how we implement
- Promoting a positively contagious environment
around the use of emerging technology - Enabling all staff to be competent users.
11(No Transcript)
12Willing Teacher, Expert Class
- A generation of students who readily adapt
- A clock it mentality
- Guidance of a willing teacher
- Who teaches who?
13(No Transcript)
14- Kerron Worsdell Essendon North Primary
- iPods and iSight Cameras
15Emerging Technology Grants - Essendon North P.S
16Apple iPod Dictaphone as Portable Audio
Recorders - Essendon North P.S
- To trial use of iPods as portable audio
recorder - to capture student learning anywhere or
anytime. - iPod technology enables teachers to capture
- audio reflections at the critical point of
learning - and in a range of mobile contexts.
- Aim of the project is to enhance teaching and
- learning practises, assessment and
- communications beyond the school environment.
17- Some possible applications
- Recording student comments and thinking during
small group tasks, discussions, literature groups
Student explaining their learning about their
integrated topic The X Factor during a open
afternoon to parents and other classes - Year 5/6
Reflecting on learning during Darwin student
exchange program - Year 5
18- Capturing learning in mobile and out of school
- situations, such as on excursions, camps,
- exchanges, concerts.
Little Big Shots Childrens Film Festival On
the Spot student film Critiques - Grade 5
19- Assessment tasks to inform teaching and learning
Oral recount of an Excursion to Melbourne.
Students then used criteria to self-assess their
recount and oral reading and set goals which were
recorded in their digital portfolios. - Grade 4
Recording of student oral reading from a text
for assessment purposes. Student then completed
a reading self assessment and reflected on their
fluency and expression. - Grade 4
20- Questioning Students to help them articulate
- their learning
Student explaining how she has organised her
Mindmap to show her learning about the different
roles and tasks involved in a class movie
project. - Grade 6
21- Capturing 3 way conferences between student,
teacher and parents.
Learning goals at mid year Three Way
Conference - Year 5
Parent Feedback At Three Way Conference - Year 5
22iPod recordings have also been used to support
other digital tasks.
Documentary created about Fiona Wood by student
using interview Recorded on iPod. - Grade 5
Fionas Documentary
23- Hardware
- 5 iPod kits were purchased.
- Each kit included a 40GB iPod, a dictaphone
attachment, firewire cables, protective pouch for
iPod, iPod padded storage bag. (Cost per kit
610) - Portable speakers (iStation Apple Shop - 149.00
Acts as both a docking station/recharger.) - Padded carry bags to house peripherals and
24Implementation Issues
- High demand for the iPod technology required
implementation of a booking and tracking system. - Need for whole staff professional development to
familiarise teachers with operation of the iPods
and their functions. - Provision of instructive trouble shooting notes
with operating and downloading instructions.
25Success Stories
- Embraced by all year levels. 50 of classes
- used the iPods during the 10 week pilot
study. - Popular with students and parents. Parents
- used them to give feedback during student led
- conferences.
- Enhanced student digital portfolios
- Provided flexibility to capture learning both in
- and out of the classroom setting.
- Portability of the iPod minimses disruption to
- classes while recording.
26iSight cameras
- Reflections to enhance
- student Digital Portfolios
- Animation photo
27Implementation Issues - Reflective tool?
- Positives
- Asset to enhancing Digital
- Portfolios and promoting
- student reflection.
- Negatives
- Camera freezes
- Access to computers
- Lighting
- Stagefright - barely audible
28- Implementation Issues - Animation
- Positives
- Substitute for digital
- cameras
- Excellent visual quality
- Cheap - around 250 ea
- Easy to use foolproof
- Durable
- Portable
Helping hand
- Negatives
- No zoom function
- Security
- Purchase 8 iSight cameras for classrooms
- (adding to 5 already in school) at around
210 ea - Lighting
- Mini Tripods
- Clips to secure camera to
- computer
- Microphones
- 2 licences of iStopMotion
- software
30Success Stories
- Used successfully for animation by classes
- from Grade 1 to 6 - some for first time.
- Infants reported that the camera made
- animation a less daunting and complicated
task. - Used for reflection by several classes from
- Grade 4 - 6
- Extending iSight program in 2006 with
- one camera per classroom and extras in design
- and development room
31 - Other Advantages - iPods and iSight cameras
- The iPods and iSight cameras support all strands
and domains of the Victorian Essential Learning
Standards. - Reflections can be used to enhance student
digital portfolios and support other digital
32- Christine Benke Jay Milne Barwon Valley
School - iPods and PDAs in a Special School Setting
33BVS Emerging Technology Trial
Student profile and their learning needs
What ICT equipment we already had
What was available?
34BVS Emerging Technology Trial
35BVS PDA Trial
Staff and Students PDAs were provides to 3
Middle Years groups
Equipment Hp iPAQ Pocket PC 2003 pro w/Outlook
2002. Hp iPAQ Pocket PC 2003 Prem Phone GSM
W/Outlook 2002. (2) Phone cards Additional
memory Programs from internet
PDA Outcomes
extension of literacy program
communication device
using in community settings as a communication
37PDA Outcome1 using as communication device
- loaded with symbols and photos
featuring Mayer-Johnson
Picture Communication Symbols (PCS)
- used in a variety of programs
- as Start up images, as talking images in
PhotoAlbum,and in Talking Book PowerPoint
- focusing on individual student goals
- tailored to meet the communication needs of
individual students
38PDA Outcome 2 supporting literacy goals
- for Writing
- Hand writing with stylus
- On-screen keyboard
- ICT for Communicating
- Sending sms
- Using mobile phone
- Taking photos when out on
- community access
- Speaking and listening
- Voice recorded note taking
39PDA Outcome 3using in the wider community
- using symbols to request items at shops
- using PowerPoint presentation slides to request
items at library
40Other Identified Outcomes for PDAs
- Staff
- Administration email, calander, contacts
- Data transfer laptop/PDA
- Roll taking
- Voice memos, recordings
- Student assessment and reporting
- Store Photo albums
- Internet searches
- Presentations
- eBooks
- Students
- Data programs note taking, writing
- Desktop publishing
- Sms, mms
- Photos using camera
- global positioning systems
- Data bases excel in science, maths
- Internet and intranet access
- eBooks
41 BVS iPod Trial
Staff and Students
3 teachers in Middle Years classes Middle Years
students with intellectual disabilities
iPods picture, video Docks Headphones
Microphones Leads, cords Speakers Fm
42BVS iPod Trial
iPod Outcomes
extension of literacy program
communication device
using with The Arts programs
43iPod Outcome 1personal communication devices
- using picture communication symbols to retell
activities, for choice making - scripts to rehearse routines and behaviour
44iPod Outcome 2 supporting literacy goals
- writing rap songs with the lyrics incorporating
concepts, language patterns and vocabulary
related to learning outcomes for each student. - set to music in programs such as Audicity or
Acid Music, converted to MP3 files and uploaded
to the ipods. - students recorded speaking about themselves,
their music - create mini radio shows doing modified
Good Morning Rap
45iPod Outcome 3supporting outcomes in The Arts
- exploring genres of music, creating profiles of
music types, favourites lists -
- recording students performance of singing and
playing instruments -
- creating video clips for viewing on the ipods
- Acting as a dj and playing a selection of songs
from the iPod onto fm radio
46Further BVS iPod Outcomes
- Doing voice recordings of students reading
stories, talking about their day at school, doing
drama scripts for plays - Developing student leisure skills
- Using as motivational tool
- Viewing ipod on a TV, via data projector
- Making demo clips for staff pd
47Other Identified Outcomes for iPods
Students Reading activities Reflection on
learning Adding to digital portfolios Podcasting V
ideocasting Radio shows
Staff Voice memos, recordings Student assessment
and reporting Store Photo albums Presentations
Reporting to parents eBooks
48Emerging Tech -Staff Perspective
Issues Time Problems Succession
Benefits Increased knowledge Team
work Engagement Embedding ICT Exploring VELS
Emerging Tech
What did we learn ? Importance of playtime for
teachers as well as students Leadership
permission and support Moving from playing to
supporting student learning in real ways
49Where to from there ?
2006 Emerg Tech Project
2006 ET grant Application process Action Learning
Identifying next
direction Reviewing 2005 outcomes Moving forward
50What Did We Find?
- Teachers and students were engaged with the
technology - Access to the technology, time to experiment and
investigate highly valued - More time needed for teachers to research
- Deeper questions to support research needed to be
51Key Findings
- Professional learning opportunities focusing on
skills needed to use the technology are essential
in the beginning - Need to include opportunities to reflect on
pedagogical changes to maximise the potential of
the new technology. - Mentoring between staff in sharing knowledge of
how to integrate into classroom practice important
52Emerging Technologies Grants 2006
- Grants again offered
- Same definition of emerging technologies
- Research will run from February October
- Action Learning model used to drive research
53Action Learning Research Process
Figure 1 Action Research Protocol after Kemmis
rsch.html Downloaded 12/5/06
54Guiding Questions
- What is powerful learning?
- Vision for ICT and its role in teaching and
learning - How do powerful learning and the vision link with
the emerging technology being investigated?
55Emerging Technologies for 2006
- iPods (iPods Video, podcasting)
- Interwrite School Pad
- Digital probes and dataloggers
- Interactive White Boards
- Animation
56Contact Details
- Chris Benke Barwon Valley School
- Benke.christine.a_at_edumail.vic.gov.au
- Rita Ellul eLearning Unit, Innovations Branch
- Ellul.rita.t_at_edumail.vic.gov.au
- Jay Milne Barwon Valley School
- Milne.jay.w_at_edumail.vic.gov.au
- Caleb Peterson Kambrya College
- Peterson.caleb.m_at_edumail.vic.gov.au
- Kerron Worsdell Essendon North Primary
- kerronw_at_enps.vic.edu.au