Title: Silver Springs, Florida
1Silver Springs, Florida
- A five compartment model of energy flow in an
2Structure and energy flow patterns of Silver
Odum, H. T. 1957. Trophic structure and
productivity of Silver Springs. Ecological
Monographs 2755-112.
3Diagram showing interactions and empirical steady
state quantities
Cox, G. W. 1996. Laboratory Manual of General
Ecology, 7th ed. Wm. C. Brown Publ.
4Equation Coefficients and State Variables pij and
Xi where for p, i source of energy and j
receiver of energy and for X, i trophic level
- 0 external environment
- 1 primary producer
- 2 herbivore
- 3 carnivore
- 4 top carnivore
- 5 decomposer
- 6 down-stream export
- 7 bread
5Model differential equations
Cox, G. W. 1996. Laboratory Manual of General
Ecology, 7th ed. Wm. C. Brown Publ.
6Equation Coefficients and State Variables pij and
Xi where for p, i source of energy and j
receiver of energy and for X, i trophic level
- 0 external environment
- 1 primary producer
- 2 herbivore
- 3 carnivore
- 4 top carnivore
- 5 decomposer
- 6 down-stream export
- 7 bread
7Empirically derived coefficients
Cox, G. W. 1996. Laboratory Manual of General
Ecology, 7th ed. Wm. C. Brown Publ
8Programming with Stella II
- Dynamic simulation software for systems modeling
9Stella II flow diagram
10Results of the simulation
- Predicting the behavior of Silver Springs under
altered conditions - numerical integration method Runge Kutta
11Model output - standard run
12Model run - primary production reduced
13Model output - primary production increased
14Model run - bread input eliminated
15Model run - bread input increased
16Model run - Herbivore consumption rate reduced
17Model run - Herbivore consumption rate increased
18Model run - top carnivore mortality increased
19Conclusions from Silver Springs
- Change in complex systems may not always be
intuitive. The way we treat our environment may
have unexpected outcomes.
20Thank You !