Title: Partnering with the Mountain West Digital Library
1Partnering with the Mountain West Digital Library
- Kenning Arlitsch Associate Director, J.
Willard Marriott Library - Sandra McIntyre Program Director, Mountain
West Digital Library
- Origins in the Utah Academic Library Consortium
- A network of interdependence
- Governance and partnership
- Standards and policies
- Partnering with us
- Presentations from partners and hubs
3Utah Academic Library Consortium
- Mission To cooperate in continually improving
the availability and delivery of library services
to the higher education community and the State
of Utah by maximizing financial, technological
and human resources of member libraries and
partner organizations.
4Utah Academic Library Consortium
- 14 higher education libraries in Utah Utah
State Library - Associate members Nevada libraries
- Both public and private institutions
- From community colleges to research universities
- Since 1971, possibly earlier
5First project
- State Historical Society project Shipler
Commercial Photographers - Grant to scan 200 glass plate negatives
- University of Utah scanned 400 negatives
- Eventual total of over 10,000 images
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7Lessons of USHS Experiment
- Low cost
- Doubled images in original grant
- Standardized imaging/metadata
- USHS retained identity/control of images
- Leveraged Universitys hardware/software
- Realized potential for distributed DL
8National/Regional Impact
- MWDL one of oldest collaborative efforts
- Utah unique in its level of cooperation
- Political as well as technical infrastructure
- Success with grants
- LSTA, IMLS, NEH, grassroots participation
- Infrastructure extended to WWDL
- Responsibility for the community
- Infrastructure that eases participation
- Cost effectiveness
- Standards-based
- Imaging, metadata, harvesting, etc.
- Collections most important
- Technologies are tools that get you there
10Proposal in 2001 for Mountain West Digital
- Provide a public portal to digital collections in
the Mountain West region - Include resources from cultural and educational
institutions in Utah - Make content accessible to everyone
- Offer local control
- Keep it low cost
- Standardize for interoperability
- Support the digital library development efforts
of Collections Partners
12Over 180,000 records in MWDL
- Photographs
- Maps
- Artworks
- Video clips
- Oral history audio clips
- Books
- Journals and pioneer diaries
- Coming soon finding aids in EAD format
- Coming soon theses and dissertations, other
institutional repository items - Sister repositories Utah Digital Newspapers
Project, Western Waters Digital Library, Utah
Digital Repository
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20Tiered Setup
- Distributed network
- Flexible and scalable
- Consolidates equipment and expertise
- Minimizes costs
- Reinforces standards
21Hosting Hub
MWDL Network
MWDL website http//mwdl.org
Hosting Hub
Hosting Hub
Central Server
Hosting Hub
22Tier 1Collections Partners
- Academic libraries
- Public libraries
- School libraries
- Museums
- Historical societies
- Municipalities
- Counties
- State agencies
23Tier 1Collections Partners
- Brigham Young University, Lee Library
- BYU Idaho, David O. McKay Library
- BYU Hawaii
- Delta City Library
- Dialogue Foundation
- Great Basin Association
- Great Basin Museum
- Green River (City), Utah
- Green River Public Library
- LDS Business College
- Mormon History Association
- Murray City Public Library
- Museum of Art, Brigham Young University
- North Bingham County District Library, Shelley ,
Idaho - Park City Historical Society and Museum
- Salt Lake Community College Library
- Snow College, Lucy A. Phillips Library
- Southern Utah University, Sherratt Library
- Topaz Museum
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- University of Nevada, Reno
- University of Utah Hinckley Institute of Politics
- University of Utah, Marriott Library
- University of Utah Press
- University of Utah, S.J. Quinney Law Library
- University of Utah, Spencer S. Eccles Health
Sciences Library - University of Utah Undergraduate Research
Opportunities Program - U.S. Forest Service, Dixie National Forest
- Utah Museum of Fine Arts, University of Utah
- Utah State Archives
- Utah State Historical Society
- Utah State Library
- Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
- Utah Valley State College Library
- Weber State University, Stewart Library
- Westminster College, Giovale Library
24Hosting Hub
MWDL Network
MWDL website http//mwdl.org
Hosting Hub
Hosting Hub
Central Server
Hosting Hub
25Tier 2Hosting Hubs
- Host the digital resources of the MWDL network on
an CONTENTdm hosting server (or other Open
Archives Initiative-compliant hosting server) - Three levels
- Hosting Hub
- Regional Hosting Hub
- Regional Full-Service Hosting Hub
26Tier 2Hosting Hubs
- Brigham Young University, Lee Library
- Southern Utah University, Sherratt Library
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- University of Nevada, Reno
- University of Utah, Marriott Library
- Utah State Archives
- Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
- Weber State University, Stewart Library
27Hosting Hub
MWDL Network
MWDL website http//mwdl.org
Hosting Hub
Hosting Hub
Central Server
Hosting Hub
28Tier 3Central Portal
- Harvest of metadata records Harvesting program
at University of Utah Marriott Library - Web portalBrowse and search at http//mwdl.org
Links point back to original location
- UALC Council ongoing development of vision and
goals approval of new partners policy approval
and committee oversight - UALC Digitization Committee strategies,
standards, policies, and collection development - MWDL Program Director day-to-day management
30Partnering with the MWDL
- Partnership Agreement -- Collection Partners
- Retain control and establish usage rights
- Set collection priorities
- Ensure privacy and other legal considerations
- Do the cataloging (usually)
- Decide on your organizations branding
31Partnering with the MWDL
- Review the MWDL Partnership Agreement and
standards documents - Ask for UALC formal approval
- Either
- Select a hub to work with, or
- Manage your own hosting hub
32Work flow using Hosting Hub
Partner identifies collection and secures
Hosting Hub digitizes
Hub provides software and training
Collection websiteon MWDL
Partner enters metadata, sets up logo for header
- Interoperability -- Its all about resource
discovery - Share access with wide range of indexes like MWDL
- Enhance online search and retrieval accuracy
34Standards and Policies
- Content Development Policy
- Digital Imaging Best Practices
- Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices
- Digital Services Price List (in final review)
- Image scanning guidelines
- "Western States Digital Imaging Best Practices
- Goals
- Interoperability and accessibility
- High level of image quality
- Long-term preservation (no rescanning!)
36StandardsDigital Imaging
- Principles
- Scan at highest resolution appropriate
- Scan once
- Create and store a master file
- Use system components that are non-proprietary
- Create backup copies on a stable medium
- Store media in appropriate environment
- Document a migration strategy across generations
of technology
37StandardsDigital Imaging
- Project Planning
- Documentation
- Staffing
- Training
- In-house or outsource?
- Costs
38StandardsDigital Imaging
- Three versions of each image
- Master Image - save as TIFF
- Access Image - save as JPEG
- Thumbnail Image - save as JPEG or GIF
Note CONTENTdm creates the last two versions
automatically using your settings.
39StandardsDigital Imaging
- Modes of Capture
- Bitonal - black and white, line art
- Grayscale
- Color
- Spatial Resolution and Dimension
- Depends on size and quality of the original
- See the Best Practices
- Metadata guidelines
- "Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices" by
Collaborative Digitization Project - "Metadata Guidelines for the Mountain West
Digital Library"
41StandardsMetadata Guidelines
- Descriptive metadatae.g., Subject
- Administrative metadatae.g., Rights Management
- Structural metadatae.g., Compound object
subdivision - Technical metadatae.g., Digitization
42StandardsMetadata Guidelines
- Dublin Core (simplified)
- Simple
- Commonly understood terminology
- International in scope
- Extensible
- Standard for interoperability
43Standards Dublin Core fields 3
- Title
- Creator
- Subject
- Description
- Date Original
- Date Digital
- Format
- Digitization Specifications
- Resource Identifier
- Rights Management
- Publisher
- Contributor
- Type
- Source
- Language
- Relation
- Coverage
- Contributing Institution
44StandardsExamples from MWDL Guidelines
- Postcard
- Journal Article
- Diary
- Dissertation
- Compound Object - Book
- Compound Object - Newspaper Issue
- Audio
- Film/Video
- Artwork
- Map
- Architectural and Technical Drawing
- Letter
- MWDL training sessions http//mwdl.org/
- BCRs Collaborative Digitization
Programhttp//www.bcr.org/training/schedule/ - OCLC http//www.oclc.org/us/en/contentdm/support/
- CONTENTdm Western Users Group Meeting, June 4-6,
Claremont, CA - New School for Scanning, June 10-12,
Jacksonville http//www.nedcc.org/about/news.ddfl
.php - AMIGOS Library Services http//www.amigos.org/
- Others listed on D-Lib http//www.dlib.org/
- Pre-conference workshops American Library
Association, Library and Information Technology
Association, and Society of American Archivists
46Digitization Price List
- In final review
- Used for MWDL-related projects
- To be revised annually
- Based on photograph scan at 2.00-3.00
47Funding for digitization
- Popular Utah sources
- Library Services Technology Act
- Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board
- Conference program tomorrow (Friday)Funding
Digital Collections Perspectives from Seekers
and Providers1100-1150, Salon 2
48Let us know how we can help you!
- Sandra McIntyreProgram DirectorMountain West
Digital Library801.585.0969sandra.mcintyre_at_utah.
edu - Or contact any Hosting Hub directly(see handout)