Title: Focus on HER1
1Focus on HER1
Slide kit provided by ResearchHERpathways.com, an
online resource sponsored by Genentech
2HER1/EGFR may play an important role in the
development of cancer
...there is an important role for aberrant EGFR
signaling in the development and progression of
various human tumors. Herbst RS and Bunn PA
Jr, Clin Cancer Res, 20031
Reference 1. Herbst RS, Bunn PA Jr. Clin Cancer
Res. 200395813-5824.
3Focus on HER1 dysregulation
4HER1/EGFR dysregulation has multiple effects on
cancer cells
- The downstream signaling pathways initiated by
activation of HER1/EGFR dimers have numerous
effects on cancer cells, enabling them to grow
and spread1
Reference 1. Herbst RS, Bunn PA Jr. Clin Cancer
Res. 200395813-5824.
Adapted from Herbst et al, Clinical Cancer
Research, 2003. Reprinted with permission from
the American Association for Cancer Research.
5Focus on HER1/EGFR evaluation
6There are different ways of evaluating HER1/EGFR
- HER1/EGFR can be detected in a number of
different ways, including genomic and proteomic
Reference 1. Sonnweber B, Dlaska M, Skvortsov S,
et al. J Clin Pathol. 200659255-259.
Reprinted from Sonnweber et al, J Clin Pathol.
7Focus on HER1/EGFR and prognosis
8HER1/EGFR overexpression has been correlated with
shorter overall survival in early-stage NSCLC
Selvaggi G et al. Epidermal growth factor
receptor overexpression correlates with a poor
prognosis in completely resected non-small-cell
lung cancer. Annals of Oncology. 20041528-32.
By permission of the European Society for Medical
9Focus on HER1/EGFR in lung and pancreatic cancer
10Prevalence of HER1/EGFR overexpression in NSCLC
in various clinical studies
References 1. Onn A, Correa AM, Gilcrease M, et
al. Clin Cancer Res. 200410136-143. 2. Rusch V,
Baselga J, Cordon-Cardo C, et al. Cancer Res.
1993532379-2385. 3. Selvaggi G, Novello S,
Torri V, et al. Ann Oncol. 20041528-32. 4.
Ohtsuka K, Ohnishi H, Furuyashiki G, et al. J
Thorac Oncol. 20061787-795.
11Prevalence of HER1/EGFR overexpression/amplificati
on in pancreatic cancer in various clinical
- Clinical studies indicate that pancreatic cancers
overexpress HER1/EGFR and may carry
amplifications of the EGFR gene
References 1. Dancer J, Takei H, Ro JY,
Lowery-Nordberg M. Oncol Rep. 200718151-155. 2.
Bloomston M, Bhardwaj A, Ellison EC, Frankel WL.
Dig Surg. 20062374-79. 3. Thybusch-Bernhardt A,
Beckmann S, Juhl H. Int J Surg Investig.
12Focus on HER1/EGFR as a therapeutic target
13Strategies for targeting HER1/EGFR
- HER1/EGFR contains both an extracellular
ligand-binding domain and an intracellular
tyrosine kinase domain, which is activated to
initiate multiple downstream signaling
pathways.1-3 Therefore, HER1/EGFR can be targeted
in several ways
References 1. Ettinger DS. Oncologist.
200611358-373. 2. Prenzel N, Fischer OM,
Streit S, et al. Endocr Relat Cancer.
2001811-31. 3. Sliwkowski MX. In Harris JR,
Lippman ME, Morrow M, Osborne CK, eds. Diseases
of the Breast. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA
Lippincott Williams Wilkins 2004415-426.
14Focus on HER1/EGFR in cancer Summary
15HER1/EGFR represents a potential therapeutic
- HER1/EGFR signaling is frequently dysregulated in
cancer1-4 - HER1/EGFR is a negative prognostic factor5-8
- Methods of targeting could include
- Targeting HER1/EGFR-specific ligands
- Targeting the ligand-binding domain of HER1/EGFR
- Targeting the tyrosine kinase domain of the
receptor - Targeting downstream signaling pathways
- Additional clinical research is needed to better
clarify the role of HER1/EGFR in cancer
References 1. Prenzel N, Fischer OM, Streit S,
et al. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2001811-31. 2.
Fujino S, Enokibori T, Tezuka N, et al. Eur J
Cancer. 199632A2070-2074. 3. Rusch V, Baselga
J, Cordon-Cardo C, et al. Cancer Res.
1993532379-2385. 4. Herbst RS, Bunn PA Jr. Clin
Cancer Res. 200395813-5824. 5. Selvaggi G,
Novello S, Torri V, et al. Ann Oncol.
20041528-32. 6. Kanematsu T, Yano S, Uehara H,
et al. Oncol Res. 200313289-298. 7. Ueda S,
Ogata S, Tsuda H, et al. Pancreas. 200429e1-e8.
8. Yamanaka Y, Friess H, Kobrin MS, et al.
Anticancer Res. 199313565-570.