Title: AQUATIC GAP ANALYSIS Current Projects October 2001
1AQUATIC GAP ANALYSISCurrent Projects October
2Primary objectives
- Provide a framework for mapping and analyzing
aquatic ecosystems in a terrestrial context.
- Develop base layers for categorizing aquatic
management and condition from in-stream and
terrestrial management influence.
- Identify at-risk systems and elements.
- Identify opportunities for cooperative
conservation and restoration.
- Build on existing cooperator activities and serve
as an integrating program
3General Methods
- Define range extents for biota by watersheds.
- Determine species richness by hydrologic unit.
- Define habitat affinities for each species from
- literature review and collection
sites. - Predict occurrence of each species by stream
segments. - Determine protection level by stream segment.
4- Activities
- A single-watershed pilot in New York developed
initial methods and protocols. - A statewide project in Missouri to extend the
methodology for large geographic regions. - A statewide project in South Dakota to build upon
the current methodology - Basin wide inventory and mapping of the Missouri
River Basin to facilitate regional planning - Projects to implement inventory and mapping of
aquatic resources in the southeast areas of the
great diversity and endemism and to inform
decision-making for municipal watershed
management - Initiation of a Great Lakes Aquatic GAP project
and preliminary investigation of GAP for coastal
5New York Aquatic GAP Pilot
6New York Aquatic GAP Pilot
7MoRAP Aquatic GAP
8MoRAP Aquatic GAP
Predicting the Biological Potential of each
Valley Segment
9MoRAP Aquatic GAP
Predicted Distribution for Smallmouth bass in
the Little Piney Watershed
10South Dakota Aquatic GAP
Habitat affinity database parameters
Temperature warm or cool Stream size
headwater, creek, small river, large
river Geology parent materials Ground water
potential percolation present
Relative gradient elevation change Size
discrepancy change in reach size Floodplain
reach majority of reach flows through a
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12Aquatic GAP - 2001
GAP initiated a biotic inventory and research
project in these watersheds which are hotspots
for aquatic uniqueness and the center of
negotiations for municipal water supply.
13Aquatic GAP - 2001
GAP is funding an inventory and mapping effort
of aquatic resources for the Upper Tennessee
14Aquatic GAP - 2001
Funded with FY2001 Funds - Title VIII
Potential Extension of the current Great Lakes
Aquatic GAP
15Aquatic GAP - 2001
Basin wide Inventory and Mapping for the Missouri
16Lower Missouri Aquatic GAP Goals for today
- Which data layers will be done?
- How to regionalizeamong the Lower Missouri
states and ultimately with Upper Missouri - Who will do what?
- Individual state activities
- Group activities
- First year tasks
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18Where to from here
Methods GIS layers (VST, HUC, NHD) Biological
data/parameters/species list Risk
layers Stakeholders Timeline In-depth for first
year Overview of duration Budget
20Regional Coordination
21Future Funding
abrannon_at_uidaho.edu (208) 885-3720