Title: Variable types
1Boosting Unsupervised Language Acquisition with
Eytan Ruppin Schools of Computer Science
Medicine Tel-Aviv University December
2006 http//www.tau.ac.il/ruppin
- An overview of ADIOS
- The ConText algorithm
- Monty Python something completely different Mex
in the service of mankind..
3Unsupervised Learning of Natural Languages - ADIOS
Zach Solan School of Physics and
Astronomy Tel-Aviv University http//www.tau.ac.il
Zach Solan, David Horn, Eytan Ruppin Tel Aviv
University Shimon Edelman Cornell
4Previous work
- Probabilistic Context Free Grammars
- Supervised induction methods
- Little work on raw data
- Mostly work on artificial CFGs
- ABL, EMILE, etc. Unsupervised parsing - do not
examine the generative capacity of the grammar
5Our goal
- Given a corpus of raw text separated into
sentences, we want to derive a specification of
the underlying grammar - This means we want to be able to
- Create new unseen grammatically correct sentences
(Precision) - Accept new unseen grammatically correct sentences
and reject ungrammatical ones (Recall)
6A broad scope..
- Natural language sentence
- A musical piece
- A biological sequence (DNA, proteins, . . .)
- Successive actions of a WEB user
- Chronological series
7ADIOS in outline
- Composed of three main elements
- A representational data structure
- A segmentation criterion (MEX)
- A generalization ability
- We will consider each of these in turn
8The Model Graph representation with words as
vertices and sentences as paths.
Is that a dog?
Is that a cat?
Where is the dog?
And is that a horse?
9ADIOS in outline
- Composed of three main elements
- A representational data structure
- A segmentation criterion (MEX)
- A generalization ability
10Detecting significant patterns
- Identifying patterns becomes easier on a graph
- Sub-paths are automatically aligned
11Motif EXtraction
12Rewiring the graph
Once a pattern is identified as significant, the
sub-paths it subsumes are merged into a new
vertex and the graph is rewired accordingly.
Repeating this process, leads to the formation of
complex, hierarchically structured patterns.
13ADIOS in outline
- Composed of three main elements
- A representational data structure
- A segmentation criterion (MEX)
- A generalization ability
14Generalization defining an equivalence class
show me flights from philadelphia to san
francisco on wednesdays
list all flights from boston to san
francisco with the maximum number of stops
may i see the flights from denver to san
francisco please
show flights from dallas to san
16Context-sensitive generalization
- Slide a context window of size L across current
search path - For each 1iL
- look at all paths that are identical with the
search path for 1kL, except for ki - Define an equivalence class containing the nodes
at index i for these paths - Replace ith node with equivalence class
- Find significant patterns using MEX criterion
Generalized search path II
boston philadelphia denver
denver philadelphia dallas
flightflightsairfare fare
What are the cheapest from
to that stop in
19The ADIOS algorithm
- Initialization load all data into a pseudograph
- Until no more patterns are found
- For each path P
- Create equivalence class candidates
- Detect significant patterns using MEX
- If found, add best new pattern and its associated
equivalence classes and rewire the graph
20The ATIS experiments
- ATIS-NL is a 13,043 sentence corpus of natural
language - Transcribed phone calls to an airline reservation
service - ADIOS was trained on 12,700 sentences of ATIS-NL
- The remaining 343 sentences were used to assess
recall - Precision was determined with the help of 8
graduate students from Cornell University
21The ATIS experiments
- ADIOS performance scores
- Single learner Recall 12, approaching 40
with multiple learners (70 with semantic
bootstrapping) - Precision 50
- For comparison, Human-crafted ATIS-CFG reached
- Recall 45
- Precision - lt1(!)
22English as Second Language test
- A single instance of ADIOS was trained on the
CHILDES corpus - 120,000 sentences of transcribed child-directed
speech - Subjected to the Goteborg multiple choice ESL
test - 100 sentences, each with open slot
- Pick correct word out of three
- ADIOS got 60 of answers correctly
- An average ninth-grader performance
23Language dendogram
24Language modeling Perplexity
The lower perplexity of ADIOS, compared with
results from the standard benchmarks (McCandless
Glass 1993, Chelba 2001, and Kermorvant 2004).
25So far so good..
26Shortcomings of ADIOS
- Problem I Equivalence classes may be declared
without sufficient evidence - That two words are contained in an identical
5-word window is often enough for them to be
declared interchangeable - Negatively impacts the learned grammars
precision Brian likes to go
fishingJohn and Brian like to go fishing
27Shortcomings of ADIOS
- Problem II Segmentation criterion is decoupled
from search for equivalence classes, and from the
potential contribution of patterns to
generalization. - from baltimore
- from baltimore
san francisco to
atlanta to
28The ConText Algorithm
Ben Sandbank School of Computer Science Tel-Aviv
University http//www.cs.tau.ac.il/sandban
Eytan Ruppin Tel Aviv University Shimon
Edelman Cornell
29The ConText Algorithm
- Main concepts
- Maintain the ADIOS principle of context-dependent
generalization, but - Utilize distributional clustering concepts to
safely detect interchangeability (Problem I) - Declare constituents only when necessary for
generalization (Problem II)
30Algorithm outline
- Calculate the context distribution of all
word-sequences that occur more than K times - the context of a sequence is the l-word
neighborhood on both its sides - Cluster sequences according to distance in
context-space - Find optimal alignment within each cluster
- Yielding interchangeable words and expressions
(note that this process obviates ADIOS
segmentation process) - Merge sequences within each cluster to yield a
single generalized sequence - Load resulting equivalence classes back to the
corpus in a context-sensitive way, using the
remaining terminal words. - The collection of sentences and equivalence
classes hierarchy obtained forms a context-free
31Clustering procedure
- Each word sequence is represented as a
high-dimensional vector constructed in the
following way - For each sequence, create a context vector on its
left and on its right - The ith entry in the left (right) context vector
contains the number of times the corresponding
l-word-sequence appeared to the immediate left
(right) of the represented sequence - The two vectors are linked to form one long
vector - The distance metric used between two sequences is
the angle between their corresponding vectors - No smoothing, TF/IDF or the like is performed
- A parameter determines the minimum distance
between two sequences that allows for their
clustering in the same cluster
32Alignment procedure
- Aims at finding interchangeable words and word
sequences between every pair of alignable
sequnces - A straightforward extension of dynamic
programming, where in each step we look for the
best alignment of the i,j1 prefixes, given the
best alignments up to the i,j prefixes (yielding
an O(n4) complexity). - Input clusters of word sequences
- Output
- A substitution cost matrix between subsequences
- Which may each contain more than one word
- Insertions and deletions currently not supported
- The optimal pairwise alignments within each
33Alignment procedure
- Initialize substitution cost matrix
- The cost of substituting subsequence of length i
words with subsequence of length j words is
min(i, j) - Unless theyre identical and the cost is zero
- Iterate until convergence in alignment
- Find the optimal pairwise alignment between each
pair of sequences contained in the same cluster - For each substitution used in the optimal
alignment, multiply its cost in the substitution
matrix by alphalt1 - Allows sharing information between clusters
34Toy Sample - Resulting Sentence
Id like to order a flight
- Tested on ATIS-2
- A natural language corpus of transcribed
spontaneous speech - Contains 11,670 sentences
- 11,370 were used for training, 300 for recall
testing - Two main parameters affect quality of results
- D - The minimum distance for two sequences to
become clustered - K - The minimum number of times a sequence must
appear in the corpus to be considered for
36Results K25
ADIOS results Recall 0.12 Precision 0.5
37Results D0.7
- Surprisingly no clear connection between K and
recall/precision rates - Although a general precision trend is discernable
- On ATIS-2, ConText is superior in performance to
ADIOS - Use of distributional clustering method provides
significantly higher precision - Recall is marginally improved,
- Additional iterations (after rewiring) are
expected to improve recall further, but when
naively implemented hamper precision - Introducing asynchronous dynamics in the
alignment procedure may enable higher recall
through multiple learners. - Quality of results seems to depend more on D than
on K
39Functional representation of enzymes by specific
- David Horn
- Tel Aviv University
- http//horn.tau.ac.il
in collaboration with Vered Kunik, Yasmine Meroz,
Zach Solan, Ben Sandbank, Eytan Ruppin
40Application to Biology
- Vertices of the graph 4 or 20 letters
- Paths gene-sequences, protein-sequences.
- Transition probabilities on the graph are
proportional to the number of paths - Trial-path testing transition probabilities to
extract motifs
41Enzyme Function
- The functionality of an enzyme is determined
- according to its EC number
- Classification Hierarchy Webb, 1992
- EC number n1.n2.n3.n4 (a unique identifier)
n1.n2 sub-class / 2nd level
n1.n2.n3 sub-subclass / 3rd level
n1.n2.n3.n4 precise enzymatic activity
- Mex motifs are extracted from the enzymes data
- A linear SVM is applied to evaluate the
predictive - power of MEX motifs
- Enzyme sequences are randomly partitioned
- into a training-set and a test-set (75-25)
- 16 2nd level classification tasks
- 32 3rd level classification tasks
- Performance measurement Jaccard Score
- The train-test procedure was repeated 40 times
- to gather sufficient statistics
43Assessing Classification Results
- Classifications performance are compared to
- those of two other methods
- Smith-Waterman algorithm
- Identification of Common Molecular
Subsequences. JMB, 1981 - p-value of pairwise similarity score
- SVMProt
- Cai et al. Nucleic Acids Research, 2003
- physicochemical properties of AA
- Both methods require additional information
- apart from the raw sequential data
442nd Level Classification
Jaccard Score
a lt 0.01
EC Subclass
453rd Level Classification
Jaccard Score
a lt 0.01
EC Sub-subclass
46EC hierarchy and specific peptides
- Do SPs have biological relevance?
- Are they accounted for in the literature?
- Generalization of the classification
- The question of bias
- Remote homology
48Examples of two level 4 classes protobacteria bacteria and
1,2,3 are active sites S,Y,K 4 RYFNV
50(No Transcript)
51(No Transcript)
52Generalization double annotation
- Doubly annotated enzymes were not included in the
training set (the data) - 260 such enzymes exist.
- SPs have 421 hits on 69 of them. Most agree with
annotations. 30 disagree, leading to new
53Remote homology
Examples taken from Rost 2002, pointing out
disparity between identity and function. Here
function verified by SPs.
- Specific peptides (average length 8.4), extracted
by MEX, are useful for functional representation
of most enzymes (average length 380). - SPs are deterministic motifs conserved by
evolution, hence expected to have biological
significance. - SP4s are observed to cover active and binding
sites. - Some other SPs seem to be important, judging by
their spatial locations. - SPs are important for remote homologies