Title: Preventing Mold
1Preventing Mold MildewIn GSA Buildings
- A Multi-disciplinary
- (Project Managers) Opportunity
- Lew Harriman
- Mason-Grant Consulting
2Building Mold - A Classic Example
3Everybody Participated
- Architect - Lousy exterior details. The wall
leaked - Interior designer - Fragile design. Interior
vinyl trapped water and promoted condensation - General Contractor - Lousy craftsmanship. AC Unit
penetrations leaked air water - HVAC designer - Unsealed exhaust ducts. Created
suction that pulled humid air into cool wall
4How mold grows
5Growth Rates Vary By Species, Food Source Water
6How Does Water Get Into Walls?
- 1. Water leaks in the exterior walls let in rain
sprinkler water - 2. High internal dew point cool surfaces cause
internal condensation - 3. High internal dew point allows sorption from
humid air (over 60 dew point)
7How much humid air does leaking ductwork REALLY
pull in?
About 50 of total flow, in this measured test
by Florida Solar Energy Center
8But then how much does the whole building leak?
9RH can seem OK but moisture can still condense
and drip
- Monitor control the dew point, and the rh will
take care of itself
10Lots of water comes in with ventilation air 96
11Lots of hours of high dew points in the 8760
hours of a year!
12...Which is why Project Managers in humid
climates should insist on
- Continuous D/H of ventilation air to a 55F dew
point (24hrs/365days - no resets) - Continuously positive air pressure more dry air
supplied than exhausted... all the time - Duct work and connections ALL sealed
13Dry the ventilation air deeply enough to remove
internal loads
14Drying ventilation air with a dedicated outdoor
air unit
15For large buildings two ventilation systems
- Saves energy operating cost (bigtime!)
- Provides constant pressure dehumidification
16Sealing duct workand connections
17Because without sealed return air connections
18How much positive air pressure?
- Easy to test... Just use smoke or tissue paper at
the door jamb. - Hardly any is needed! Just make sure that air
moves OUT through the doors rather than INward.
19Summary of suggestions
- Architects general contractor make sure the
exterior wall doesnt leak water - Interior designer dont put vinyl on exterior
walls - HVAC designer contractor
- Dry all ventilation air to 55F dew point, all
year long - Seal all ducts and all duct connections
- Supply 10 excess dry ventilation air
- Operators
- Change ventilation air filters once a month (at
least) - Make sure ventilation air is dried to 55F
dewpoint, all the time - Think positive! Keep the building air pressure
20Some Resources Experts
- General ASHRAE Humidity Control Design Guide
ISBN 1-883413-98-2 (404) 636-8400 - Mold in buildings ASHRAE Humidity Design Guide
- Duct leakage Florida Solar Energy Center - Jim
Cummings (321) 638-1403 - Building pressurization
- CH2M/Hill (Orlando) - J. David Odom (407)
423-0030 - AirExpert Systems - David Bearg (978) 369-5680
- Building Science Corp - Joe Lstiburek (978)