Title: Stress and CV disease' Evidence from animal models
1Lecture 6. Stress and CV disease. Evidence from
animal models
2Why study animal models?
When is a risk factor casual
Temporality Strength of relationship Consistenc
y Biological gradient Biological
Plausibility Coherence Outcome
Specificity Intervention evidence
3Illustrative animal studies on hypertension
4Cage designed to force social interaction in
mice. Used to compare Blood Pressure in mice
raised in groups or in isolation by Henry (Henry
Stephens 1977 Stress, Health and the Social
5Blood pressure rises the longer the mice reared
in isolation have to interact with others.
6If mice returned to isolation early enough then
blood pressure reverts to normal. If kept in
social group for several month then effects
cannot be reversed
7Forsyth RP (1971). Regional blood flow changes
during 72 hour avoidance schedules Science, 173,
546-548. In Steptoe AS (1981). Psychological
factors in cardiovascular disorders. (Old but
still a great book)
8Coronary artery disease. The studies of social
stress in cynomolgus monkeys by Manuck Kaplan
9Words you main not have come across Arterioscleros
is Atheroma, Atherosclerosis, Atherosclerotic
plaque Thrombus
10What causes a Myocardial infarction Plaque
rupture and blocked coronary artery
11Manuck Kaplans studies of stress in monkeys
hard to get in Aberdeen libraries. Original
study in Kaplan JR, Manuck SB et al, 1983
Social stress and atherosclerosis in
normocholesterolemic monkeys. Science, 220,
733-734. Much of the work on female monkeys
in Kaplan, JR et al (1995) Psychosocial factors,
sex differences and atherosclerosis lessons from
animal models. Psychosomatic Medicine, 58,
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15Manuck, monkeys treated with beta blockade
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17Manuck, Effects of dominance in female monkeys
(cf males)
18Reversal of dominace effect after ovaries
removed, cf CHD increase in postmenopausal women
19HR reactivity relates to Plaque in ovariectomised
female monkeys, Manuck et al., 1997
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular
Biology, 17, 1774-17779