Title: Riittakerttu KaltialaHeino
1Mental disorders as a challenge for the
well-being of children and adolescents in the
Western world
- Riittakerttu Kaltiala-Heino, MD, DrMedSci
- Chief psychiatrist, Director
- Tampere University Hospital
- Department of Adolescent Psychiatry
2Mental health
- Cognitive, social and emotional ability to
fulfil ones roles, set adequate goals, and enjoy
this. - To be able to work and love.
3Mental disorders are characterised by symptoms
in the area of
- Emotional balance, affects (depression, anxiety
disorders) - Behaviour (conduct disorders, impulse control
problems) - Social interaction (autism)
- Sense of reality (psychoses)
4Onset in childhood and adolescence
- Autism spectrum (lt1)
- ADHD (lt1)
- Anxiety disorders (5-10)
- Depression (5-10)
- Eating disorders (1-2)
- Conduct disorder (2-5)
- Substance use disorders (varies)
5Cornerstones of CA mental health
- Biological inherited characteristics such as
temperament, cognitive abilities - Psychological resilience, self-esteem, emotion
regulation, internal behavioural control, reality
testing - Social parenting, peer group integration,
school, role models - Societal environment, services, attitudes
6Mental disorders are influenced by early stages
of life
- Antenatal period
- (Early) parenting
- Maltreatmet and abuse
- Peer group experiences
- School experiences, school environment
- Safety
7Mental disorders in CA have a negative impact on
- Social skills, social interaction, peer
relationships, sexuality, intimate parntership - Learning, educational carreer, work life
- Self-esteem, identity
- Behavioural control, juvenile delinquency,
substance use - Mortality (suicide, violent death, somatic
8Arenas of mental health promotion and prevention
of CA mental disorders
- Family antenatal care, age-appropriate parenting
- School learning, social skills, self-esteem,
anti-bullying work, interventions with risk
groups - Leisure time street life, safety,
self-protecting skills, role models, peer
influences - Health care early identification early
intervention, access, evidence based
interventions - Child welfare identification, trauma management,
positive alternatives - Society anti-stigma
9WHOs priority areas for action in the European
Region (relationship to mental health)
- Maternal and newborn health (attachment,
development, maltreatment) - Nutrition
- Communicable diseases (capacity to protect
oneself) - Injuries and violence (see below)
- Physical environment (alienation, violence)
- Adolescent health (incl. mental health health
behaviours, risk-taking) - Psychosocial development and mental health
10Violence and mental disorders in CA
- Wittnessing of and victimisation to violence as
risk factors for mental disorders - -post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety
disorders, depression, conduct disorder,
personality disorders, course of psychosis - Mental disorders as risk factors for violence
- Autism spectrum, ADHD, substance use disorders,
conduct disorder, psychosis - Suicide depression, psychosis
11Where could voluntary sector make a contribution?
- Violence. Family violence, intimate parnteship
violence, safe neighbourhoods, safe cities - Parenting. Will and skill to age-appropriate
parenting. Support to parenting. Networks. - Schools. Anti-bullying programmes.
- Stigma. Fighting stigma related to mental