Title: DC Motors and Generators
1DC Motors and Generators
2A Cutaway DC Motor Generator
3Typical DC M-G Diagram
4Some general definitions for m-g
- Stator Non moving (think stationary) part of an
electric rotating machine. In a motor it
generally contains the primary winding of wires. - Rotor the rotating part of an electric machine
connected to and turns the drive shaft.
5Some general definitions for m-g
- armature sometimes referred to as just the
rotor, but also infers the reaction of the
magnetic field produced by the current on the
magnetic lines of force produced by a field coil
of an electric - motor/generator (m-g).
6Some general definitions for m-g
- Shunt field a particular type of field coil for
a DC motor that is connected with the armature in
parallel. - Series field a field coil that is wired in
series with the armature. - Compound- a combination of the
- above 2
7Some general definitions for m-g
- Commutator bars of metal grouped around the
shaft of a motor to provide an electrical
connection between the armature coils and
brushes. They maintain current flow in one
direction by reversing the magnetic polarity of
the rotor each revolution cycle.
8The typical circuit
9Saturation or Magnetization Curves
10Saturation or Magnetization Curves
11Saturation or Magnetization Curves
12Saturation or Magnetization Curves
13DAC Specifications
- Accuracy -
- A comparison of the actual output with the
expected output. Generally specified as a
percentage of the full scale output.
10 Vfs , 0.2 accuracy 20 mV
14DAC Specifications
Vref The full scale (or maximum) output
voltage Vref- The minimum output voltage
15DAC Specifications
- Speed -
- Output settling time. Time required for
output to settle after an input word change.
16DAC Example
- Given a 2-bit DAC with an 8 V full scale_at_ 0.2
accuracy, find resolution andaccuracy in terms
of voltage.
17DAC Example
8 V
6 V
4 V
2 V
18Analog-to-Digital Conversion
- Analog-to-Digital Converter -
- Circuit that converts an analog voltage into a
digital value.
20Analog to Digital Conversion Basics
21(No Transcript)
22Digital Ramp ADC
23(No Transcript)
24Successive Approximation ADC (SAC)
25(No Transcript)
26(No Transcript)
27Flash ADC
8 V
5 V
28ADC Specifications
- Resolution -
- Also referred to as quantizing error. Error
between actual analog value and its digital
29ADC Specifications
- Accuracy -
- A comparison of the actual output with the
expected output. Same as for DAC.
30ADC Specifications
- Conversion Time -
- Time required to digitize each sample.
Function of conversion method and number of bits.
31ADC Techniques
- Parallel Comparator (Flash) - Very
high-speed conversion - Dual Slope - Slow Speed, High Resolution
- Successive Approximation - High Speed, Medium
32Sample and Hold
- Used when input signal is quicklyChanging
(high frequency applications).
33Sampling Rate
- Frequency of samples.(e.g. 44 kHz or every
22.7 ms)
Each sample is quantizedinto a digital
number.(e.g. 12 bits)
34ADC and DAC Conversion